
IMDb member since February 2009
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Stranger Things: Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister
Episode 7, Season 2

This episode has parallels to The Empire Strikes Back. Chicago is Dagobah and 008, Kali, is Yoda. She teaches El how to use her powers, how to channel her emotions. Ok, Kali is a vengeful Yoda, maybe she's from the darkside or maybe she's just damaged.

El, just like Luke Skywalker, has a vision of her friends and sees that they are in trouble. Just like a Luke, she leaves before her training is complete.

The Great Gatsby

The Modern Music Ruined it
OK, when I read this book, I hated the Gatsby Story. But I loved that Fitzgerald made me feel like I was in New York in the summer of 1922- the heat, the droning of fans, the smells, the ashes...

Knowing that I didn't care for the story, THAT was what I wanted, to feel like I was there. I wanted to see 1922 New York, to be a part of a party in the Roaring 20's, to sweat with the characters, to feel the wind in my face during a ride in an open 20's era car...

It almost did it for me... except the music. The pounding bass and the rap just ruined it for me. I wanted some amazing jazz. I wanted a real Roaring 20's party. The Rhapsody in Blue was cool, but I was already disappointed.

The cast was great and the acting superb.

Leonardo was impressive, maybe one of his best roles. Mulligan, breath-taking, she looked like an angel. Toby McGuire was a great choice for Carraway- who else could pull off an awkward mixture of likable guy, wallflower, and main character? They did a great job of sticking to the plot and emphasizing famous lines of the book.

Overall, everything was done really well... but why couldn't we get era-appropriate music?

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