
IMDb member since March 2009
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    15 years


When Trumpets Fade

exceptionally done
this movie accurately portrays what is was like for green recruits to be on the front lines of battle. this movie is about a private Manning who is part of a squad that is entirely wiped out. having been the only one to survive he is promoted to sergeant and put in change of his own squad. After exemplifying himself is an act of heroism he is recommended to be given his own platoon. The movie accurately displays on how friends you have been fighting with and assume so naively would live actually end up dying in your arms. i enjoyed this movie because i enjoy movies about war with violence and gore. however i have to say that there was drama in the script that came up just out of the blue and it didn't really add anything to the story. on a side not Private Sanderson is the man! He should be made next company commander. to conclude i would recommend this movie to anyone who likes band of brothers or any of the call of duty games.

Band of Brothers

the band of brothers is an extremely moving tale of heroism and bravery. This mini series is an accurate representation of how brutal and horrible warfare is. the graphic scenes and screams of agony put a person right there in the action. i enjoyed watching these movies more than midway. partly because i think the acting in these are better, and partly because i think that these were done better. i feel that this show was targeted to more males than the females. there is a considerable amount of blood and gore, along with violence and quite a few choice swears. but, that is what makes this shows good. anyone who likes to see war movies and enjoys these gruesome spectacles will like this show. we have to keep in mind while watching this that war is hell, and many fine American men gave their lives for the continuing freedom of this country and so that other could live free of tyranny.


all things that are good
an interesting movie to be sure. the acting you can tell is dated, i think it would be easier to appreciate it if the acting wasn't as bad. the battle of midway was surely one of the most important naval operation of world war two. if the Japanese had been able to take midway they would have easily been able to launch attacks against hawaii, and Aleutian islands, even the American west coast. i liked the movie because it showed real war clips of how flying was. the real crashing of the planes was amazing to look at. when this movie was made they didn't have the ability to special effect the airplanes flying or to show them bursting into flame as the careened out of control, and obliterate themselves into the blue ocean. as it goes though i have nothing more to say on the matter. but i have to write ten lines. so i will talk about man bear pig , and just keep repeating it man bear pig man bear pig man bear pig.

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