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Vice Versa

Vice Versa is outstanding and so funny.
Vice Versa is an 80's timeless classic flick that I've seen so many times. It's one of Fred Savage's earlier films as well as Judge Reinhold. They both played their roles very great of father/son and body reversal. The plot is funny & silly where father and son accidentally switch places due to touching an ancient artifact that the father received by mistake. So Judge Reinhold's character, the father Marshal, is in his 11 year old son's body Fred Savage's character Charlie. Marshal is a bit uptight and is constantly busy with his corporate work and doesn't always have time for his relationship or even for his son. He soon learns to be a kid again and for Charlie that he grows up right away. Charlie in his Father's body and not quite understanding grown-up responsibilities as well the trouble they get in trying to figure out they could return to their bodies. Both of them go on a wild and hilarious ride. This movie has a really good freaky Friday twist.

Vice Versa is definitely worth watching. The performances, story, & period were fabulous and nostalgic. Since I am an 80's baby, a lot of the styles, music and trends of that decade literally takes me back to my youth. I believe others will get the same feeling too once you watch this film. Now it is on Youtube for anyone to see. I have to admit that this movie isn't often shown on television anymore. Years ago I bought the DVD because I hardly saw it on TV anymore. So I rate it with 10 stars and give it two thumbs up.

Big Mood

An Outstanding Show that everyone needs to watch.
I saw the whole show yesterday at Tubi. Big Mood was a terrific show that centered around these pair of friends Maggie & Eddie. These girls have known each other for many years and start off being there for each other through thick or thin. Unfortunately Maggie suffers from her mental illness of bipolar and possibly schizophrenia. Since Maggie is a playwright and felt that she couldn't create while on her medication, she decided to stop taking them in the beginning of the show. Her mood starts off great, free & happy, but later days she gets down to be really sad and depressed. As for Eddie she has her own financial troubles and is trying to maintain her bar that's losing money then making money. These girls love each other so much and their bond is so sweet. They have plenty of fun & troubles where they may not relate to often like in any relationship in that case. By the end they seem to drift apart when Maggie is having difficulty with coping with her mental illness and getting back on her treatments.

I really hope we get a second season of Big Mood. Tubi can't just leave it like that. I need to know what will happen to these girls and Maggie to finally settle her thoughts & feelings. Big Mood was funny, entertaining & awesome. This show left me wanting more. I rated this series with top ten stars. The story and performances were great and I would recommend anyone to watch this show.

Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Party Line
Episode 33, Season 5

Pretty good tale about the sad fate of a nosy busybody.
A few weeks ago I saw this Hitchcock episode. This center around an old lady named Mrs. Helen Parch that has a party line she shares with other people from her rural town. Mrs. Parch hardly had any friends accept for one older lady that would speak to her on the phone, but she passed away. Mrs. Parch fills her day by listening to other people's conversation in her party line. So one morning a sheriff of police from another county came to warn her that a man she once crossed years back that she used to share a party line with. His name was Haywood Miller. He wasn't a terrible man to begin with but sort of stern one time with Mrs. Parch who was speaking with her only friend over the phone. Mind you the ladies were only speaking random stuff and Haywood needed the phone briefly, but patiently waited until that afternoon he lost his patience and asked in a little harsh tone to let him use the phone. Old lady Parch did but didn't like his attitude. I am always the people that can't stand people with mean attitudes, but in this case Haywood Miller had a point to complain. Since that line isn't a private one and those that share it must be considerate about giving other folks a chance to use it. Well one time he bumps into Mrs. Parch in their local market and got in a little fit. He told her off and she took it to heart when that following night he needed to use the phone to call the doctor to help his pregnant wife. Mrs. Parch was speaking to her friend over share line & Mrs. Parch would fold for Mr. Miller even when he apologized and begged to use the phone for his emergency call, but Mrs. Parch didn't want to be fair or kind.

Years passed and Haywood Miller fall into hard times ever since he lost his beloved wife and blames the nosy old lady that didn't allow him to use the phone. So he escaped prison to seek his revenge. That's why the sheriff warns Mrs. Parch to leave town for awhile, but she get's afraid and request for police help to secure her home. Sadly the sheriff couldn't lend any of very few men he has. Mrs Parch admits that she doesn't have any friends to stay with and the only relative that she could go visit is her sister that lives in another state, but they don't get along. Mrs. Parch only lives with her dog and the rest of the neighborhood doesn't like her for being so nosy & obnoxious. While that night came and Mrs. Parch alone at her house and she hears noises and tries to call the cops but the ladies that she shares the party line with wont allow her to use her the phone. What she did to Mr. Haywood years back is now being done to her in her desperate time of need. So karma comes to bite her back.

Butterflies Are Free

Wonderful Romantic & Unforgettable Play.
This play is definitely worth watching and reading. I loved the story, plot & setting. When I first saw the movie recently on TCM I thought it was a sweet heart-touching movie. Afterwards I found out it was based on a play and decided to read it. I loved it as I loved the movie.

The story is based on Don Baker whose a blind young man who is a confident, and intellect young man that is trying out his independence by living on his own for the first time without his over protective mother. They try this experiment out for two months. I admit that I couldn't blame Mrs. Baker for worrying about her only son. Well he meets his new neighbor Jill that moved next door to him. Jill is a 19 year old free spirited hippy is trying to be an actress. Jill is a sweet girl, but still every young & naive in heart and mind. Also she feel that she isn't ready for serious commitments. Don & Jill start speaking, getting friendly and more.

Goldie Hawn, Eileen Heckart & Edward Albert brought to life these characters so beautifully and so much passion and heart. Eileen Heckart won the Oscar for best supporting role of Mrs. Baker(Don's Mom). In which it was well deserved. I would recommend anyone to watch this movie or read the play.

Beverly Hills Cop

This movie is definitely one of Eddie Murphy's best!
I so love this movie and never get tired of watching Beverly Hills Cops. I love them all, but the first one is an ultimate 80's comedy classic and one of Eddie Murphy's best. This film had me & my family rolling whenever we watch it. Heck still get that same feeling now.

The plot and performances were awesome from everyone that worked in it. Hands down from the story,action, to the comedy and the music all terrific. I could honestly say that I've never met anyone knocked down Beverly Hills Cop whatsoever. So I was pretty shock to see the IMDB ratings of this movie in 7 stars. When it obviously deserves top 10 stars.


Terrific Italian Comedy and Crime Solving Show.
My family and I enjoyed both seasons of Incastrati. Heck...I still re-watch all of the episodes of the show. The Italian comic duo of, Ficarra e Picone definitely had me rolling in every scene and their wacky situations. The series was so funny and very entertaining. I wouldn't mind a third season, but they have solved the case of Padre Santorini & his racket. I still can't get enough of this show. Mind you I am not Italian, also never been to Sicily, and I am trying to learn the Italian language. I understood the jokes very well since their language is similar to Spanish. Even though Netflix's has the language option to select in English, but I always keep it in its original language Italian.

I would recommend anyone to watch this show. It will definitely have you rolling in laughter. Loved the performances, plot, setting,thrills, and humor of it. So this why Incastrati deserves the 10 stars I gave it. The only thing that surprises me is that I don't see that many great reviews of this show, or even higher amount of ratings.


The Shows Comeback was Pretty Good, but Next Season Gotta Be Great.
I was so glad that the show returned after the hiatus and the premise seemed promising. I remember thinking that some of the new characters didn't engage too well and lacked luster. Glad to see some of the older characters, but it sad that some of them have died. Still battles in Rome for money, property & power within gypsies, church officials & politician. I have to admit though that wasn't too much memorable moments with the older characters like Spadino aka Alberto & Angelica. Even though there really wasn't way too much love between them in the previous seasons, but they didn't have that mutual respect for eachother. Unfortunately, Angelica ruined that respect forever in this season. Now Spadino returns from Germany but with his Zagaro flares, lacks his witty spark, but he sound more comfortable & free about himself and is mature mentally, but hasn't forget his family. Even though he tried, but still values and does his best for the Anacleti family.

As Angelica new husband Damiano Lucian and his siblings are a disgusting family. They are just greedy, deviant, scummy and don't care who they hurt or kill in order to get what they want. Angelica made a dumb ass move to betray the Anacleti clan for the Lucian family. She obvious doesn't love her spouse Damiano and his character development really wasn't great to be a top lead of this series. I just hope in the next season he and the rest of the Lucian family dies. All & all the series wasn't too disappointing, but it in the following season must return with a huge bang, Still worth watching,.

Dance 'Til Dawn

Wonderful 80's Teen Flick.
This movie was such a terrific teen movie of the late 80's. The film plot had teen antics and sort of a coming of age movie, but not too much and still worth watching. I really enjoyed watching the movie back then when they would give on channel #11. It was definitely great seeing the child stars of the 80's and other well know ones. Such as, Christina Applegate, Tracey Gold, Tempestt Bledsoe,Alyssa Milano, the late Matthew Perry,Brian Bloom, Kelsey Grammer, Edie McClurg, Mary Frann, Cliff De Young and the late Alan Thicke. It was great to see these stars working together in this cool & sweet teen movie.

The typical tale of the geeky girl that Tracey Gold plays getting asked out to the dance by the popular guy Brian Bloom plays, but the popular fella intention isn't really good. Also the girl's Father Kelsey Grammer plays knows that the guy's intentions is far from good and freaks out & worries that he & wife will do their best to no allow anything bad to happen to their little girl. You will also see the the cool kids and no so popular teens getting together. I'll stop if from here before I spoil it for anyone that wants to watch Dance Til Dawn. They hardly ever give it on television anymore, but you could watch it in Youtube. Which I highly recommend anyone to do.

I Am Michael

This was just a terrible Anti-Gay film.
I didn't really want to rate this movie with any stars, but it wouldn't allow me to write a review w/out the rating. So I only rated two stars with the performances wasn't bad. I just found this plot so ridiculous and horrible on the fact that its based of a real life ex Gay Activist Michael Glatze. He was out of the closet & freely with his boyfriend. Then he turned Christian and began to turn against his previous lifestyle and bashing it saying it was sinful. The really stupid part for me was that Michael through out the how movie he seems confused & remained more confused. Especially after he leaves Bennett-his boyfriend to discover his new life as a straight christian, but in the same time going back to being gay when he goes to his Buddhist gay friend Nico. I felt really bad for him & Bennett whenever Michael kept saying their lifestyle is abnormal. Michael Glatze believed that God was communicating through him and preaching his nonsense. Michael continued on like that even after dating,marrying a woman and becoming a pastor for Christian Angelical church. The ending scene literally demonstrated his true issue with identity & his confusion.

I still stick to my two star ratings and give this movie two thumbs down. I wouldn't really recommend anyone to watch this movie again after you seen it once.

Splendor in the Grass

Wonderful Adaptation Indeed.
This was definitely a great movie and worth watching. Usually I'm never too crazy about remake, but this adaptation stood beautifully almost as close to the original one. Loved the performances from all the actors and the setting was pretty good. Especially from Melissa Gilbert as Deanie & Cyril O'Reilly as Bud. Melissa Gilbert performance blew me away, but its nothing new b/c she's great in any role.

Luckily I got to watch this movie online. Since they haven't played this movie in years. I first heard it through my Mother who told me that she once saw it on the Romance Channel & loved it. Too bad they never repeated it. This movie is worth watching and doesn't let you down. I do admit that I still prefer the original 1961 version with Natalie Wood & Warren Beatty, but the remake doesn't let you down.


Peew!...Terrible Remake. Not worth watching.
I definitely give two thumbs does to this remake of a great, unforgettable classic Picnic. If William Inge would've most likely been mad to see this horrible version. The performances didn't deliver the story well whatsoever. Also I really didn't like the setting either. I prefer the original version and the 1986 version. Both beautifully done & heart-touching. The 2nd version I've saw it on youtube and loved it. You could also watch the 1955 film in youtube too. Any of those two versions are way better than the 3rd version.

My late-Mother & I hated it. She never approved bad remakes of classics.


A Great Remake..
This Picnic adaptation was very well done. I enjoyed watching the tv-play version of it. Even though the play's setting is pretty limited and in that meaning there wasn't no more than two different scenery set. Oh well the performances was excellently delivered from Jennifer Jason Leigh as Madge, Dana Hill as Millie, Rue McClanahan as Flo-Madge & Millie Mother. Those ladies wonderful performances carried the play very well. I admit that this adaptation doesn't isn't the same as the original classic with Kim Novak/William Holden, but this one delivered Inge's play in a beautiful & touching way.

Too bad that it not really well know to others. I never remembered seeing this made for tv play wasn't made into a DVD. Possibly made into a VHS tape, but I doubt it made a huge impact in sales. Luckily you could watch it in Youtube. That's how I recently seen it. You could also watch the original film version in Youtube too. I would recommend anyone to watch it.

Thank God It's Friday

Excellent Disco Flick.
Thank God It's Friday is a movie that always dear to my heart b/c it was my Mother's favorite movie. Since the 70's Disco era was her favorite. I remember watching this movie as crazy with my Mother and loving the music, the stars in it, the plot was witty & cute. Also the performances and dancing was great. This movie is very enjoyable and awesome too. Loved seeing the legendary, disco queen Donna Summer singing that unforgettable classic ''Last Dance''.

This is a film worth watching at anytime or day. Heck even for the music & dancing. I rate the movie with 10 stars that it definitely deserved.

The Critic

This show was such a treat.
I've enjoyed every episode of The Critic. I never seen a bad one and it definitely broke my heart when the show ended. Jon Lovitz was hilarious as Jay Sherman and all the other voices were great too. There were some famous people that lend their voices for The Critic and other great voice overs too. The plots of each episodes were funny as hell and some even toughing. I really miss The Critic and I sure wish that it come back. I would definitely watch it. Luckily I could still watch the re-runs online. I swear this was the show that inspired Family Guy. I rate this show with 10 stars & would give it more.

Hit and Run

Great show that shouldn't have ended.
I definitely found Hit and Run very thrilling and interesting, but sadly Netflix cancelled it with a huge cliff hanger. It was just crazy to end it without know what will happen. I would've loved to see a second season. The only flaw that I have to mention is too many dark scenes. Didn't know why they made it like that, but I also admit that the action, fights scenes, story, the mind boggling mystery, & performances were great too.

I would definitely recommend anyone to watch it, but would have to say that it ended way too soon. As for the 10 stars that I gave it to this show. I believe well deserved.

Kærlighed for voksne

This Danish Thriller Was Excellent & Beautfully Done.
I've already seen Loving Adults twice in Spanish & English dubbed. I really loved this movie and the plot was so thriling and had me intuned. Especially when the plot thickens throughout the movie. The tale centers around this married couple Lenora & Christian. In this marriage Lenora finds out that her spouse is having an affair and isn't going to tolerate any humilation or abuse from Christian whatsoever.

This film had captivated me so well and had great performances. Including the actors facial expression matched the tone in each seen perfectly. Also, with his very common subject of affairs. I would recommend anyone to watch this movie.


An Excellent Documentry of a Disney Legendary Lyricist Howard Ashman.
This documentry entails of the life of Howard Ashman. From his youth. Upbringing, creativity, working for Disney & love life. Lastly the illness Aids that ened his life. I ended up seeing this documentry at Disney Plus. This documentary honor his life and legacy. Also including interviews from Howard Ashman's loved ones, friends & co-workers. They all shined a great light on his musical genius. As well see other genius such as Alen Menken. He beautifully discussed their great & unforgetable achievements Little Shop of Horrors, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin. It was so sad that Howard's life was cut shortly too soon. Luckily his work still lives on now. God only knows what other terrific works Howard Ashmen would have created.

I would recommend anyone to see this documentry that makes an oustanding tribute to Howard Ashman. You wont regret it.


Patrick Rocks!.. Fabulous comedy for all ages & family.
Patrick the Pug was a terrific movie that I watched in Netflix months ago. I just decided to watch after watching the cover & trailer. I am so glad that I did since I enjoyed it to much. The plot was, witty through out and the performances were. As for that adorable pooch that steals our hearts.

The film is definitely worth watching. You and your family will love it.

The Good Cop

A Funny & Wonderful Show
This was a terrific show on Netflix that ended to soon. What a shame because my family & really enjoyed it. Tony Danza & Josh Groban made an awesome duo. As for the other actors in were great too. I'd recommend anyone to watch this series, but too bad it remained short lived. I rate with the top 10 stars it deserved.

Death on the Nile

This movie was truly disappointing.
I was really let down by this film. Terrible adaptation and Agatha Christe must be rolling in her grave with this awful film. The novel is excellent and the original adaptation of the 1978 was great more closer to the book. As for this version took so many liberties including dumb & crazy changes. Kenneth Branagh is a great actor, but in this film he didn't capture Hercule Poirot essence or characteristic traits.

I wouldn't recommend anyone to watch this movie. So I give it 2 thumbs down.

Carnival Row

Terrific Fantasy Series Indeed.
This was a great and the elements & potential was excellent. From the story line, the action and performances. The show was very entertaining and I thought this series was going to have another season or more. It's a real damn shame that Carnival Row was only left with the 1 season.

My Cousin Rachel

The novel was way better than this film.
The movie really didn't due its justice to the book. The film was okay and the performances of two legends of Olivia de Havilland & Richard Burton was great, but I admit that this adaptation wasn't the best.

Pretty Hard Cases

Terrific Crime Solving Show.
I started watching this show two days ago on the IMDB-TV. I loved the premise, humor, actions, dialog and the performances from all in it. The show is definitely worth watching and I can't wait for the second season.

Theater Talk

Theater Talk was a lovely & brilliant show.
This was one of my favorite shows to watch late on Fridays. Each episode center about play/musicals of Broadway or off Broadway shows. NY based shows/musicals majority. Interesting co-hosts/ panels of playwrights,directors,lyricists,actors & theater critics discussing the latest shows. Too bad that they don't give it anymore.

El Reino

Outstanding & Thrilling Series
This series blew me & my family away. Showing us how the corruption is real and how high official only care about the money only. No the well being of anyone. The tale was super thrilling, for of intrigues & scandals involving an Angelical church that a false Christian family runs. These people & corrupted others would do anything to cover up their shame and to keep having money flowing in their pockets.

There must be a second season of this series. There are so many unanswered questions in this ending. So, it gets it well deserved top ten stars.

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