
IMDb member since May 2009
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Does this film really need any more reviews? hmmm OK 1 more~

I thought it was a great film and thoroughly enjoyed it~

I do watch the odd UFC/MMA fight and i don't think this film will do any harm to the popularity and exposure of this growing sport~

Acting and plot were superb ~ the type of film you become fully engrossed in~

When viewing I would recommend wearing a "do not disturb" sign around your neck~

If you want to watch a gritty drama with emotion and substance and a few hammer fists and elbows thrown in ~ then this is the film for you~

A Lonely Place to Die

Quite a slow start but it is worth the wait as the middle section has plenty of suspense and a few thrills and twists~

The ending was OK but i felt it could have been improved on ~ it went a bit silly and unbelievable~

Fortunately not just another dull rock~climbing film ~ I'll admit i thought 127 Hours (2010) (albeit an interesting true story) was just pretty boring to watch~

A fairly solid thriller ~ no more ~ no less~

If you like this and Melissa George in general i would definitely recommend 30 Days of Night (2007), Triangle (2009) was pretty good and The Betrayed (2008) wasn't too bad either~


I am always a bit dubious about an action film with a female lead (think Catwoman) but i gave this a shot and am very glad i did~

Great action and thrills ~ with a good story of revenge and retribution~

Zoe Saldana was excellent in her lead role although she could do with losing a few pounds ~ yes i am clearly joking~

It reminded me of (and i would therefore also recommend seeing) Taken (2008) Man on Fire (2004) Bourne Trilogy and maybe even Salt (2010) also there was a tiny hint of Lara Croft but God no i won't recommend that~

You could pick holes in a couple of scenes but i don't really want to as on the whole it was thoroughly entertaining and quite a gritty and emotive film with excellent camera work and direction~

30 Minutes or Less

This is a stinker ~ if you find this hilarious i pity you~

I watched it a few weeks ago and can hardly remember a thing about it ~ my mind has obviously chosen to remove it ~ thank god~

No redeeming qualities ~ poor humour ~ weak plot~

Do yourself a favour and watch the trailer instead ~ at least that way it will only be 30 seconds or less of your life you will never get back~

About as bad as that awful Scott Pilgrim flick ~ and yes if you found that film funny i have pity for you too ~ in fact i will pray for your comedy soul~

Do i really have to give stars ~ OK OK i'll go for 1 if i really have to~

Babysitter Wanted

What a pleasant surprise ~ a really good horror with suspense and scares~

First 20 minutes was a little slow but it picks up big~time~

As long as you go with the flow and accept the plot developments for what they are then you will have a great time~

It will have you squirming in your seat a few times ~ the gory moments are not gratuitous and i thought the balance was perfect~

100 times better than the woeful Session 9 film i recently reviewed~

If you like this film i would recommend Dread (2009) and if you want me to babysit please call 0666 666 666 666~

Session 9

Had high hopes after reading a few reviews but they were dashed~

Nothing happens for the first hour and then nothing much happens after that~

I would have preferred the plot to have been based on painters rather than asbestos removers because i think watching paint dry would have been more interesting~

At least i had a large bottle of cider to help me through as i doubt that i would have managed otherwise~

I hated the musical bits too~

Acting was fine as well as the production but just soOoOOoOo dull~


I wondered at the low rating but by the end of the film i understood why~

The lead actor was poor ~ he could only manage about 2 expressions ~ shame because the rest of the cast did a pretty good job in a basic but not terrible action thriller~

Aimed primarily at teeny~boppers on their first date ~ with many probably giving it an OMG! ~ 10/10 ~ but for a 36 year old it has all been seen before only much better~

Much of the film was mediocre but watchable (with some pretty good action scenes) but the ending was just trite ~ painful to watch and mawkish dropping it from a 5 to 4~


A little comedy~horror gem~

All very silly but very entertaining and the type of horror that would appeal to a wider audience than the standard slasher horror flick~

Interesting story with witty dialogue and pretty solid acting~

Some very novel and amusing deaths indeed and you are never sure when and how they will occur~

I enjoyed all of the characters that the writers had created and thought the actors were ideally cast~

7 or 8 ~ 7 or 8 hmmm lets go for 8 to match the review number if nothing else~

Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel

Hands up who likes an intelligent witty original comedy sci~fi ~ me! me! me!~

Loved it~

Low budget but this doesn't affect the film at all ~ in fact it probably adds some cult status to it~

Chris O'Dowd is at his comedy best ~ the female lead (forgotten her name but she's in everything) is a bit wooden but i'll let that slide~

This is definitely one of my favourite sci~fi's~

I'll push the boat out and give it a 10 seeing as i've just sold an item on ebay putting me in a good mood~

Let Me In

I love a good horror and this did not disappoint ~ moody creepy and scary~

The female lead "kicked ass" in the film Kickass and she did the same in this one too ~ she "bit ass" i suppose~

I liked the character development and the bond between the two main characters~

I watched this before the original Swedish version and can't see why people knock this so much ~ probably foreign film snobs ~ i thought it was quite faithful to the original ~ except they didn't put in the hilarious cat scene~~~awwwww~

I won't be lame and say the film was fan~g~tastic ~ but it was~

Tucker and Dale vs Evil

Well i do like to be entertained when watching a film and this hits the spot~

Very funny ~ never dull and lots of silly deaths etc and the two main actors are great~

You should have already decided by the poster if this is your sort of movie and if it is then i doubt you will be disappointed because the script and plot are perfect~

Shame there wasn't a bit more flesh on show in my humble opinion~

I thought it brought a new lease of life to the rather overcrowded and often disappointing horror/comedy genre~

The Inbetweeners Movie

I really wanted to like this as i loved the TV series but i thought it was a bit lacking~

Don't get me wrong there are funny moments but i think watching 2 TV episodes back to back would be funnier than this~

Some of the jokes didn't really work especially at the start and some were either old or obvious or seen before in the TV series~

I just felt that maybe the whole inbetweeners franchise has had its day~

While the TV show will probably be shown over and over on Gold i suspect the film will float off into the ether ~ shame~


Oh dear me what a stinker~

I don't have much to say about this other than the directing ~ acting ~ plot ~ most of the action and CGI were just bad~

I love good brainless action flicks but this film was just brainless and boring~

If you thought the acting in Harry Potter was wooden you ain't seen nothing yet~

And where on earth do the golden power rangers fit in to all this (they pop up at the end (sort of) ~ awful just awful~

Struggling to give stars ~ 1 for the action and 1 because it ended~

Perfect Creature

Well that was a surprise what a great film~

If you are looking for a moody atmospheric vampire flick you can't get much better than this~

Good mix between action suspense and thrills~

I liked the style of the film reminded me a little of silence of the lambs for some reason~

Slightly dodgy acting in places but this doesn't spoil a fan~g~tastic plot~ oops i've said it twice now

I thought some of the camera work was superb and there are a few funny moments and jumpy moments that are exactly that~


A star-studded cast really couldn't save this one from the mediocre pile~

I found myself fairly bored all the way through~

If you saw this on a Sunday afternoon (without the amazing cast) while flicking through the TV channels you would probably skip right past it~

No real suspense, no real thrills, fairly dry and prosaic~

Please don't watch this just because you liked the film Outbreak with Dustin Hoffman ~ i really would recommend just re~watching Outbreak~

I bumped up my star rating to 5 because of the cast but really that was generous~

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