
IMDb member since May 2009
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    15 years


Wonder Woman 1984

Wow... Dull
Wow. That was such a dull movie. So slow, no action, bad acting, bad writing, not funny. I can't think of anything that was good about this movie. If you asked a writer to deliberately write a boring movie, it would probably still be better than this movie. How can they get this so wrong. Even the stars of the show were terrible. Gal Gadot couldn't act and Kirsten wasn't her usually funny self (probably down to the writing on that front).

The plot was terrible and nothing really happens for about an hour or more. I couldn't work out if the movie was a parody at times but if it was just trying to be funny mixed with a serious plot then it didn't even get close to the mark on either point.

The Shack

Religious preaching
This movie started off relatively well with a feeling of potential. However, the movie quickly turned into a religious preaching session and pumped out cliché quote after cliché quote.

On a side note, if God is in fact that smug and annoying I'll stay in limbo when the time comes thanks.

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