
IMDb member since May 2009
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Tromeo and Juliet

James Gunn'a best work
This is still my favorite Troma film. The screenplay is by James Gunn and he was assistant director on the film. It was his first and likely his most unique film. The amazing thing is how many actors from this film made it to other bigger films, especially the MCU by way of Gunn.

It's a beautifully awesome WTF of a movie and perfectly narrated by the one and only Lemmy.

Troma is known for being crazy, and started the careers of many famius actors and directors.

There are some truly beautiful films from the studio, but this definitely stands as their best. If you've never seen it, out the kids to bed, put it on, and just let it happen. You will never forget it.

K-19: The Widowmaker

Just a great film
This is the 90% true story of the K-19. There were only 2 major modifications from the actual story, one being that it was called the Widowmaker from day one, which it did not get that name until after the events of the story. The other being that there was no actual attempt of mutiny aboard the submarine, though the Captain did fear one. The only other thing is the movie uses a Juliet class submarine as a stand in for K-19, which was actually a Hotel class submarine. But since K-19 currently is, or is being, disassembled for scrap, that makes sense.

That said, the movie is shot in true Kathryn Bigelow fashion, establishing your care of the characters, understanding of the situation, and tempered with the intense moments.

She always has an eye for the way things should be filmed and that brings you deeply into the story, and the pacing is generally well balanced. Much like in her other under appreciated works, like Strange Days. Which also was not well received by the critics, but stands out as one of the best films of its decade.

That said, the movie is one that I will highly recommend for its accuracy, story, and the performances within it.

The entire cast is phenomenal, and even the 56 survivibg crewmen who attended its first showing in Russia complimented the overall accuracy and particularly Harrison Ford's performance.

If you enjoy drama, military, distaste, and suspense films, this one checks all of the boxes.

It is scary how close we really came to this disaster, and possible world war over this incident.

It's heartbreaking, intense, and keeps you engaged for it's entire runtime. Which is what any great film should do.

Bonus fact, the same man who Liam N plays in this film, went on to be the man who also avoided nuclear war during the Cuban missile crisis by refusing to fire a missile they had been ordered to, which happened on his next submarine assignment.

Bonus Fact 2: The K-19 was repaired and turned to service for the next 3 decades. With many other incidents happening on board, following this one.

Fact 3: The crew was all sworn to secrecy, and non of those that died's families were informed of their deaths, nor was the replacement crew informed of the radiation leak on the ship.

Fact 4: The reactor that failed was removed during the repair in 1962, with its mishandling during the removal resulting in more loss of life and irradiating 2000km of the area around the ship. It was then dumped in the sea. Recently, it's radiation was detected by a research vessel, still leaching into the area around it. .

Violent Night

The best Christmas movie in years. Basically, it's Die Hard with Santa.. and the humor of Home Alone
I went into this blind, not having read anything about it or even watched the trailer.

What a pleasant surprise of humor, action, and even some sentimental moments.

It's so much fun. This will become a Christmas essential viewing in my home. Everyone loved it, snd I just can't say endo ugh. The family is horrible, the bad guys had no clue what they were up against, and the lore is really enjoyable.

I would have just said "Die Hard with Santa Claus, but with the humor of Home Alone. Enough said." But IMDB requires a long review, but honestly the best I can say is you really should do yourself a favor and see it yourself.


Incredible, original and visually stunning 80s horror
This is unlike any other of the horror genre. A beautifully filmed feature directed by the master of practical effects, Stan Winston.

The movie is near perfect and a Completely original concept. But it's most impressive feat are the effects.

Pumpkin head is more than worth the 89 minutes and will stick with you for far longer after seeing it.

It's the story about a good man, who after a tragic accident turns to a local legend, brought back to life by an old witch and who reaps revenge on those that caused the tragedy.

It's brutal, effective and a enjoyable watch overall.

It will keep your attention until the very last scene.

Top Gun: Maverick

Probably the only modern film I will ever truly give a 10/10 to
This was amazing. Especially in IMAX.

Everything about this movie is perfection.

It lives up to the original and even surpasses it in many ways.

I have been a near lifelong fan of the original, and has high hopes but had kept me expectations reasonable.

Then I strapped in for the thesaterical experience of s lifetime.

The air combat and flight sequences are engaging, edge of your seat and intense. The story is moving and well planned. The execution is perfect.

I cannot recall another movie that made an audience, in the very large and packed theater, reacts in the ways this one does. There were people laughing, clapping, cheering and at the end, many stood and clapped.

Everyone outside in the lobby was raving about what they had just seen, and I felt it too.

It was like many of us had been teleported back to a normal pace in our collective childhoods that we might have forgotten. Seeing our heroes of the first film, back on screen, doing what made us love the original, and doing it bigger than before. I was 8 years old again, suddenly. I felt like I did when I was sitting in that musky old theater with my dad on a Saturday afternoon in rural S Carolina, back in the late 80s and that is what is really special about this movie.

Then there is the scene with Val Kilmer, which just stops the show. In a good way.. his presence on the screen with Cruise, just captures you and lends weight to all that is said.

This may or may not be the best thing I see all year, but either way, it's one of the best theatrical experiences that I have ever had.

If you are considering going to see it, do it now. And, if you have the option, pay the few bucks extra to experience it in IMAX. It's worth every penny.


The biggest problem with this film is the recycled content
Morbius is a really awesome character in the comics. Complex, powerful and on of the best Spider-Man villains. Meaning there is a massive amount of source material they could have derived from to make an incredible movie.

But. I have issue with the fact that the whole film felt too familiar I kept saying to the people I was there with that it felt like a rip off of Dracula Untold. Some of the scenes were almost direct copies of stuff in that film, but in a film that wasn't quite as good or original. Once we left the theater. I looked up the movie, wondering if I could find similarity.. only to realize it's the same writers.

Which made me wonder did they just chose to use the cliff notes from their superior vampire film, instead of taking the time to create something new.

Now, if you've not seen Dracula Untold, or at least not as many times as I have, maybe this isn't a real issue.. but even without that, it still is a weak use of a really cool character and would have been better in another group of writers hands.


One of my favorite films, ever.
This film always brings a smile to my faces simple, delightful, funny and charming.

Jerry Lewis is always amazing. Ed Wynn is perfect as the fairy godfather.

Fun for the whole family.


The best movie you've never seen
I have always loved this movie. I discovered it in my teens, in the early 90s and it has been a favorite ever since. Everyone should see this film, at least once Great soundtrack, very cool styling and a excellent, different, little story.

Almost Famous

One of the greatest rock n roll coming of age stories, ever filmed
This is such a personal story from Cameron Crowe. It really captures the feeling of the road, working bands, and it's a movie with real heart at its core.

I spent 14 years in the industry, working from the bottom up. Taking every booking that I could, up to working for Live Nation as a promoter, snd the memories are what I cherish most from the experience.

I share this, because watching this movie, is like explaining the experiences of touring, better than I could ever in my own stories. There is a feeling amongst the bands who are struggling and trying to reach the top. Those were the bands I most loved promoting and just watching the people I loved, making the music I loved, and touching those in the crowds. The vigor and sometimes violence behind the scenes, all culminating in that 30-45 minutes where they were on stage and everything came together.

I never achieved what Cameron did, but the feeling and magic is there in his story, he may have changed some names and homogulated many people into his characters, but he still capture everything that needed to be.

This movie failed in the box office, and later so many have realized exactly what they missed out on. Making it the deserving classic film that it was always meant to be.

If you haven't seen this film. I highly recommend it. I watch it regularly, snd always see something new.

The Bootleg extended cut is the best version, as it is 40 minutes longer than the theatrical and really tells the story as it should be seen.

This may be the best coming of age film, in a rock n roll world.

Watch it, enjoy it, feel the magic, and love the experience.


I do not think I have ever rated a movie a true 10, until now.
This is by far the best adaption of the first part of the book.

It is phenomenal, from the design, effects and delivery of the story, to the world building that is beyond any attempt made before.

I regret that my first experience was not in IMAX, but, my next will be. I could watch this 20 times and still enjoy it.

I cannot wait for the second film.

This I probably the best movie of 2021.


There are 2 types of people in the world, ones who get Gilliam, and ones who do not..
This is among his most brilliant and unique fever dreams of symbolism. It's spectacular.

Uncle Peckerhead

This movie is so much fun
Fun, brutal, great original tunes and a clever storyline.

If you like light hearted horror, this film is highly recommended.

Cool as Ice

This may actually be the greatest film of the 90s
Here me out.

When you look past the unintentionally comical elements of the film, and flat intentional comedy.. there is something truly magical about this film.

It is like a fever dream of weird direction, plot lines that really go all over the place and don't ever sync up.. and you are left with this sample of everything that really was 1991z the only year this could exist.

This film is entertaining because it is so bad and broken. It's a better "bad movie" than The Room and it's just a real weird ride, that has the power of a pallet cleanser at a good dinner, allowing you a benchmark that makes every movie you watch after it, that much better.

It's watchable, it's terrible, you feel a bit embarrassed for everyone involved, and it's oddly enjoyable.. it's basically, 1991, as a movie.

Mixed Nuts

The largest waste of talent ever put to film
My issue with this film is, everything. Starting with that having a cast like this, it had so much potential. But, each joke fell flat. This was at the beginning of Steve Martin's downturn. Coinciding with his sobriety.. go figure. It was like each joke was so forced and telegraphed that they didn't land. Kind of like each actor was phoning in their parts and just really wanted to get it over with and be somewhere else.

I actually didn't even make it all the way back through the film, stopping just before the ending. Continuously giving it a chance to take a great turn, but with each 10 minute interval, it seemed to veer more and more into that direction of "what can we do to try and get a laugh" Maybe, had the movie not focused so heavily on layering the stars and instead tried having just a couple of big names and let them really drive, what little story it had, this could have been much more of a film. I mean, imagine if Nora had of said, at some point "This really doesn't feel right, you guys take the script home and when you come to film this scene, as lib a bit". You might have had a comedic masterpiece.. or at least something worth watching all the way through.

It did get one or 2 chuckles from me, but it really feels like someone who didn't understand how to write comedy was trying to do so from a book on writing.

Which is a shame, since the director is solid. Nora really does best when writing the sacrin laced romantic comedy films and not so much your "comedy of errors" movies. This is also apparent in her attempt at reimagining "Bewitched", which is a superior film to this one, and even "My Blue Heaven", which I love despite its flaws.

"Michael" was another film that she handled well, but fell a bit short of greatness.

She's really one of those artist who is excellent, when she stays in her lane, but has trouble when she veers away from it.

This movie, despite all of its efforts, fails to deliver the charm that carries many of her other films and when it tries to, it just feels forced, like "look at me, it's a comedy with a ton of people you enjoy and about a suicide prevention hotline going out of business during the holidays. I mean it's fun, right?"

Just too many cliches and not enough originality, tied to hollow performances and the worst part, for me, is that it's a movie you want to love. You see the concept and the cast and think "Wow this will be fun" but the equivalent of what is delivered is a high school play performed by a freshman class and written by the Jr High's most popular class clown.

I would say that I want whatever the people who enjoyed it are smoking... but, I don't even think that would be enough to get me through this movie a 3rd time

Speed Zone

I never understood the hate for this film
Yes, it isn't Cannonball Run. No, they couldn't get the cast from Cannonball run to return or the production budget. Otherwise, this would have likely been the 3rd in the series. It's not perfect.. not by any stretch. But, neither was Smokey & the Bandit 3. Go into This film with no expectations as. You may be surprised at how enjoyable some of it is. Any fan of this kind of film, should.

The VelociPastor

Forget all that you know about filmmaking.
What do Casablanca, Citizen Kane, Sunset Blvd allhave one common? All are films that pale in comparison to this cinematic masterpiece. The special effects surpass the greatest as Sci-Fi and horror. The costume department is on another level. This movie is full of acting performances from great icons like Aurelio Voltaire, and all are worthy of an academy award. This movie is a must see. The script is moving and will change the way you think about faith and dinosaurs, forever. A beautiful motion picture that everyone should see.

Robin Hood

It's not as bad as the reviews would lead you to believe
I waited a long time before I finally watched this film. Yeah, it's not really that special and it's a odd take on the story, but it is a fun way to waste 2 hrs. It kind of sucks that it lost money, seeing that the budget was way too high for what you got and therefor there won't be a sequel, because it could be cool to see what they could have done with the series. That said, the sherries and robin were both very mis-cast and the story has some issues, even the editing is bad in places. You would think for $100M, they could have delivered a bit more. But as I said, it's not horrible and it's not a bad way to spend a couple of hours. Even if only once.

Falling Down

One of the best films of the 90s
Everyone should see this film at least once. It is well crafted and well acted but, above all, really makes you think about the human condition.

You cannot help but to relate to the protagonist and even feel bad for him. It really is one of the best and most overlooked films to come out of the 1990s.

The Beach Bum

A challenge at times but worth the journey
This movie is beautifully broken. It is strange, disjointed and like trying to recollect the events after a 10 day binged on the beach. It's wild, weird and very pretty in its own way. A complete mess that somehow makes sense. I definitely recommend sticking through it at least once.

Miami Connection

Easily the best and worst movie you've ever seem
It's a beautiful mistake of a movie. Horrible acting, as over the top 80s, Miami Vice ripoff flash as you can load on film and yet, I love every moment.

It was so funny bad that I actually thought it was a new movie pretending to be a over the top 80s film, like Kung Fury. Nope. It's legit and that much better for it.

The Crow: Wicked Prayer

Better than the reviews tell you it is
It's not perfect by any means. It isn't even close to the original. But, it's a cool, stylized, film that is just a time killer. The idea behind it was better than the execution of the film. If nothing else, It's still better than City of Angels by a mile.

The Crow: City of Angels

It has aged very well
I decided to revisit this film tonight. I remember the excitement for it and how my friends and I showed up at the theater opening night to just find disappointment. It is a pretty film, very dark and with a decent story and characters, but we judged it very hard, because it wasn't what we felt we were promised. Over the years, I have come back to this movie a few times and each time, I liked it s bit more.

Being so removed from the time it was released, it has aged in some strange way, or maybe I have, to distinguish itself from the first and as its own film.

With that, I really, kind of, like it.

If you can drop the whole "crow" tie to the original, yo may find a underrated film that is far better than memory let's you believe.

Death of a Nation

People who do not know the definition of Fascism, cannot understand this film
Don't believe the reviews. Dinesh is a very smart man who has a unquestionable background. He presents ideas based in fact and traditional definition of Fascism, Liberalism and history. People cannot seem to see past their own views to look at the comparisons in history and therefor, immediately give this 1 star or less.

If you are intelligent, open minded and wish to explore the views of others, many I don't personally agree with, then this is a film for you. If not, then walk away and leave it for everyone else.

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

Having "looper" as your only decent film does not qualify you to write or direct Star Wars films
The biggest issue with this movie is that Disney took this beautiful seed planted by JJ Abrams with Episode VII, Nurtured it with Rogue One and then pee'd all over it when they hired this unqualified, low-rent, wanna-be Rian Johnson to direct it. He had no understanding of the universe, fans or even the vision he was entrusted with, The only good of this film is that Abrams will return for Episode IX but even then, it may be too late to save the series. Disney has worked to destroy the characters and even the planets of the original trilogy to allow a blank slate for a new universe but even with that objective, at least they originally was doing it in a way the fans could appreciate and that was respectful to the universe we all love and the characters we have looked up to since childhood. Hiring this jackass and letting him destroy all of it for the sake of being different and unpredictable is the biggest insult so far. Even worse than those 3 jokes Lucas dropped on us as the original prequel trilogy,

If this is a sign of things to come from Disney, then they are not the caretakers of our childhood icons that they claimed they were going to be as they purchased Marvel and Lucas..

Blair Witch

Someone dared to ask "How can I make a worse movie than the original Blair Witch Project"
This may be the worst cash grab in the history of movies

Trying to scrape every last dime of the fading fame of the original and wasting 90 minutes of the viewers life they will never get back, along the way.

This movie could be completely avoided and you would miss nothing as it adds NOTHING to the series

Actually, the summary on IMDb is really the bulk of the film.

The original was not amazing by today's standards and both began, and should be held accountable for, the found footage craze of the past years. But it should be respected as being a new concept, clever and completely original in most ways. This movie is none of that. Actually, this movie was a insult to the original

The Second film was better.. by 1000% than this heaping hunk of garbage

Save yourself a hour and a half of your life and go use it for something better than watching this.. I mean anything is better.. a colonoscopy would be more enjoyable use of your time than suffering through this

Just avoid it.. at all cost..

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