
IMDb member since June 2009
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Absolutely Wonderful
I absolutely loved and enjoyed this movie. The film is technically sound, the direction is superb, and it's beautifully shot. Every frame is wonderful to look at. The actors are so believable as their character/s that you almost forget you're not watching a documentary (almost). They're incredibly realistic and communicative with more-than-words - their language, facial expression; the story just lingers in their eyes.

You can't not-watch every second, you want to keep going. Quite honestly, I wanted more at the end - I wanted to explore more, I wanted to know 'what next'. However, I was immensely satisfied and happy with how the film left off - it was a perfect ending without being that 'too perfect' of an ending in the unrealistic sense - it's perfectly satisfying, to where a 'sequel' might ruin the way you feel about the characters and their situation/s.

The story and the characters are easily related to without being stereotypical or cliché. You feel for them, you know them. They're so.. tangible.. by the end of the movie, that you feel like you've known them for ages. The story is wonderfully told, from all sides, and unbiasedly so. The visuals flow so nicely, the soundtrack is a great flow as well - they pair up so naturally you almost feel like it they were built around/for each other.

I had not one complaint about this movie. After the screening and Q&A at the Florida Film Festival, I was able to speak to others in attendance, and I wasn't able to gather one complaint from any of them, either. This is an excellent film, certainly worth the watch, if only to see that there will be more from this cast and crew.

Dog Years

Realistic, Relatable, and Relative
I kind of wanted to hate this movie. The promotional material was too perfect and pretty. The names attached to the film were relatively unknown. My hometown/homestate, I saw people my age doing what most people only dream of. I wanted to criticize, and I wanted to leave the theater with a list of ways the movie could have been better.

However, I really couldn't do that. I left feeling this weird connection, this weird relation to the characters. I felt thankful and grateful for the things I have, for some reason. I felt nostalgic and looked forward to my future relationships/friendships, at the same time. The silent moments in this movie are almost deafening - they force you to think and consider and immerse yourself in the facial expressions, the emotions, and 'what ifs'.

The chemistry, characteristics, and relationships are so very realistic and relative. You feel like you know them, or even like you are them.

I was incredibly happy and honoured to attend the premier at the Florida Film Festival - I was even more stoked to attend the Q&A as press/photographer. During the Q&A, we got to see the thought-process, the real people behind the film - they're a captivating bunch.

I love that this movie just throws you into the situation. It doesn't waste precious time explaining things or stating/overstating the obvious. I love that it just flows and takes you along for the ride. That being said - it speaks wonders to the fact that you bond so nicely/well with the characters, and feel so much through the movie - that you feel all this without a backstory, without a history, without an explanation.

This is definitely not the last you will see from the cast/crew.

Dead Dad

So Excellent, Not Even Sure Where to Begin
I can't even begin to explain my love for this movie. I'm not even sure how to articulate it. Honestly, I didn't want to like this movie - before seeing it, I saw my hometown/homestate fully attached to it, I saw people my age doing what most people only dream of. I wanted to fault them, and I wanted to leave the theater with a list of ways the movie could have been better.

However, I couldn't do that. I couldn't come up with one thing I would change, one thing I would like better. This movie is incredibly beautiful, realistic, hard-hitting, and almost tangible. After the movie, you feel like you've met these people, these characters, before. You feel like you've known them for years.

The acting is amazing - the chemistry, the body language, the facial expressions, the quick wit (when appropriate), the believable emotional displays. I cannot come up with one negative thing. The picture quality is superb - the angles, the clarity, the focus (or lack), the panning - it's all completely complimentary; showing all the good things about the actors/characters, the locations, and the moods.

I was incredibly happy and honoured to attend the premier at the Florida Film Festival - I was even more stoked to attend the Q&A as press/photographer. During the Q&A, I found myself in momentary lapses, forgetting to take pictures - I was captivated by the cast/crew, and the stories/facts behind the movie and the processes.

Without spoiling the movie, all I can say is that, in one way or another, we can all relate to at least one of the characters. We've all experienced loss, family/siblings, and the tribulations of the latter. You can't help but feel by the end of the movie - just feel something; whether empathy for the characters, nostalgia for your past, or determination to do something about your current familial situation. This movie takes you through all the emotions, and yet, at the end; you're not upset that it took the scenic route to get you there.

This is a great movie (in my list of "movies to see before you die", now), and I truly look forward to more from the cast and crew.

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