
IMDb member since January 2003
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    21 years


Xi gan xian

what's goin on?
that is the question that you will b asking urself. this movie does not make any sense. the back of the movie box is misleading, it talks about a hitman and a witness which doesnt happen in the movie. the movie is all over the place and the last scene is looped over so badly that u can tell it was looped because the music restartes. but the final and the only action scene is kinda funny. so please stay away!!!!

Day of the Dead

If u liked NIGHT and DAWN you'll like DAY
If u liked NIGHT and DAWN you'll like DAY. Even though i think that DAWN was the best in the series you will still appriciate DAY. It starts off with a girl sitting in a room then she approaches a wall then when she goes in to touch it hands come out of the wall and grab her. Then it goes out and shows a helicopter flying over quiet miami,florida. People r searching 4 surviviors. A women steps out of the helicopter and calls 4 survivors over a megaphone, nobody responds then we see a newspaper flip over it reads "THE DEAD WALK"(something that resident evil-the movie stole.).Then we see a ticket booth we see a man that looks normal but then turns his face and we c a disfigured side. Then we see more and more zombies come out, and then the camera pans out and we see blocks full of zombies,no one normal person.Then we see a a zombie walking then we see its face of a disfigured zombie drooling and the title appears "DAY OF THE DEAD"(the best opening ever!) This movie may have some problems like a'lot of talking,parts with no action, the constant use of racist remarks. The good things about the movie is the creepy atmosphere(the dark empty underground military base,the screams and moans of zombies that can be heard,the second exit were zombies roam in the darkness.) The death scenes are the best of the series and dont look fake like italian zombie movies. This movie is a must see for zombie movie fans and GEORGE A. ROMERO fans alike. some say it is the worst of the series, it is not it is the weakest film but that doesnt stop it from being better than zombie 3&4. Put it this way dont mistake weakness 4 a bad movie its a MUST SEE.

Final Destination 2

If you liked the first one you'll definetly love this one. The death scenes definatley surpass the first. sum points it maybe a little predictable but it does not ruin the movie. the only downer of this movie is that devon sawa should have been in this one. but besides that its still a good movie so GO WATCH IT !

Yi ben wu yan

see it
triad savage is a good movie besides the fact that chow yun-fat is only present 4 a few minutes. the version i saw (code of honor)was pretty crappy even though it was on dvd. there was more fighting than gun shooting. but still its a good movie so c it.

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