
IMDb member since January 2003
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Resident Evil: Degeneration

A movie done its job
I saw the movie in NY premiere. In the beginning, I didn't dare to expect much because the live action version is too disappointing, but fortunately the CG version regains its feelings and reputation. It's a fan movie though, if you're the fan you will enjoy it, definitely; if you're not, you probably can't find much fun with it.

It's not a corny zombie movie, which is where it's good. The movie doesn't waste much time to describe how they beat or shoot or kill zombies. It focuses on story itself. This time biohazard is not just a biohazard, it's a war about opportunists, terrorists and market opportunity. The movie successfully combine T & G virus storyline into it. This is the best part. The story somewhat connects the RE5 in the end. It's like a tie-in between RE4 and RE5, also like RE2 sequel. Characters like Angela, Rani and Curtis are corresponding to Ada, Sherry and William. I think RE2's supporting characters are better. Too bad this time Ada doesn't get chance to show up.

CG part has its pros and cons. The environment and the clothes are excellent. However, the key element such as characters' "acting" is way too bad. Their facial expression is horrible, especially their "staring". Usually you'll find they're looking at the wrong way. If comparing men and women, women did the worse job. Claire is the worst. She the main character who should lead the performance, but her acting is just failed. Leon only has one expression: No expression. Since his face has been done another plastic surgery by CAPCOM, he's not cool anymore. His personality gets thinner, too. You can hardly feel something for this guy. Angela is a plastic doll. I don't just mean her face. She's like a B-movie mark: A woman with courage but always needs somebody to save. A character for decoration.

Degeneration is an out-and-out Resident Evil movie. It's done what it should do on screen, which I appreciate, but sadly, it doesn't develop more things about characters than they do in the game. Characters are still like they're "playable". Even if it's not a game, you can imagine when it becomes a game, what it is going to be like. If there's a sequel, I hope they can spend more time on delineating characters, making them more individual, giving them more emotional degrees. The way they present characters in this movie is just too flat. The voice-over needs to improve too. They still sounds like they're in the games, which is another reason those characters can't depart from "gaming" feeling.

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