
IMDb member since January 2003
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a great role for Frank Morgan
This is a nice little musical that's just a lot of fun. Frank Morgan is outstanding as usual. The supporting cast, including Billie Burke, Sara Haydin,and Virginia Gray are all fine. Compared to today's movies with all the violence and cynicism, movies like Hullabaloo are wonderful escape mechanisms.

One More Tomorrow

This is a surprisingly good film.
This was a surprisingly good film. I expected a tear jerker but instead found a pleasent, entertaining story. Although, I must confess what makes the movie so entertaining for me is the role of Jack Carson. Jack Carson and Dennis Morgan made several movies together, and they were never better. I am a big Jack Carson fan. He can play a villain or a buffoon and make the character believable. He usually played, as in this film, second banana to the star of the movie, and like all great second bananas, he steals every scene he's in.

In This Our Life

an interesting story of two sisters, one very spoiled and immature; the other, very protective and forgiving.
I thought this was a compelling story with an all-star cast. Bette Davis's selfishness and callousness leads to her doom. When she kills a little girl in a hit and run accident, she tries to blame it on the black man who works for her family. when the truth comes out, she tries to escape and is killed when her car goes off the road and over an embankment.

One of the most dramatic scenes of the movie occurs when she runs to her grandfather, Charles Coburn, for help. He is distraught, having just learned that he has but six months to live. When she realizes that he cannot help her, she becomes outraged and tells him he shouldn't be upset because he is old and has already lived his life; whereas, she is young and could spend the rest of her life in jail. The fact that she falsely accuses a black man makes the story even more dramatic. I think this is a great movie.

The Doughgirls

A wild and wacky romp
This is about as wild and wacky as it gets. Eve Arden, who made a career of playing second banana, is wonderful as a Russian soldier. Jame Wyman, though not a blonde, delivers one "dumb blonde" line after another. Jack Carson is his usual blustery, pompous self. Charley Ruggles is a lecherous old man. Alan Mowbray is a Rush Limbaugh-type broadcaster, who "just got back from the front-the home front." The setting is a hotel room, and all these characters, and many more, create the most hectic, confusing and daffy atmosphere since the Marx Brothers. In fact, "The Doughgirls" is really a female Marx Brothers circus. If you like the characters mentioned above, you'll love this movie.

Washington Melodrama

Another enjoyable Frank Morgan movie
This is a "nice" movie, typical of the times. If you are a Frank Morgan fan, as I am, you will like this film. Ann Rutherford is great with a Spanish accent. Dan Dailey plays the bad guy, and, as usual, is very convincing. All ends well, as it always does in these "old" movies.

Play It Again, Sam

Woody is a genius
Woody takes a classic film, "Casablanca," and writes a very clever story that allows him to use the airport scene, adapted to make sense in his own movie. This movie, as well as several other Allen classics, reveals the comedy genius of Woody Allen.

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