
IMDb member since August 2009
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    14 years


Lake Mungo

Don't believe the hype!
I've heard and read many good things about this movie. After finally watching it, I think those people need to be smacked across the face. This is just a boring, plodding, and awful film. I'm the type who won't quit a movie once I've started it, no matter how bad it is. This one put me to the test. I kept waiting for something, anything, to happen. Some reviews on here are saying it's the greatest horror film of all time. Seriously?! It's not the least bit frightening, disturbing, or creepy. I think those people are masochists who are laughing at your pain after you sit through this dumpster fire, because they know it's one of the most boring films ever made.


Easiest money John Cusack ever made
Awful is an understatement for this movie. Cusack literally stands or sits in one spot the entire movie. He looks strung out, too. The whole thing just doesn't make any sense. He's monitoring the two main characters (the most generic, boring male protagonist in recent memory and a blatant Catniss Everdeen ripoff. Seriously, it's not even subtle) the entire movie. He looking at images of them from directly in front of them, eye level, and all around. One shot is a close up. I mean, how is he getting these images without a camera? Or are the two main characters completely oblivious? The whole thing is laughable. The funniest thing to me is the ending is an absolute set up for a sequel. There's no way in seven hells that this should have a sequel greenlit.

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