
IMDb member since August 2009
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A Late Quartet

Hmmm...what was that all about?
Right...non musicians who like a few sex scenes and melodrama will like this.

Musicians, classical music lovers, Beethoven fans, String Quartet lovers and those who like movies with intelligent prepared to be disappointed.

As one in the latter class, I have no idea what the point of this was about.

What was the point of all the infidelity? They missed a trick here. They could have used the back story of opus 131 as a theme. They could have used music, relationships, the sacrifices musicians make etc as a theme. Sure, they hinted at it, but then do something with it!

Thus movie left me wanting more. There was not enough music but I suppose they had actors not musicians in the quartet. But still...a wasted opportunity.

Acting was good, and some scenes beautifully shot. Hence the 5 star rating. But this could have been so much more.

An Audience with Ronnie Corbett

A reminder when comedy was funny.
Remember when comedy didn't care about "pushing the envelope"? Remember when comedy was funny for simply the sake of being funny? Remember when comedians were clever? Remember when comedians considered comedy a craft to be honed? Remember when comedy had people with a high level of talent? This will take you back to that time and remind you of what has been lost.

Trouble No More

Great concert, fake preaching.
Dylan...the music, the lyrics, the persona. It's all here. The band is raw and full of oomph. In tune yet out of tune...sorta...the way it should be. This is a moment in time. Brilliant rocking' bluesy Christian music at its finest. The lyrics have a touch of the social gospel about them before it was cool. But that doesn't detract...these songs are gems.

The only disappointment is the silly fake/staged preacher who is sending up the American Southern Pentecostal preacher stereotype. Whoever wrote that script doesn't have much insight. He or she hasn't had their life changed from the heart like Bob had at the time. If he or she did, they would have written the script that was about grace, salvation by faith etc. Why not film a real preacher? I'm sure Bob would have liked the authenticity.

If you ignore the fake preacher, and enjoy the concert, you will be rewarded well. Come back home Bob.

Mary Queen of Scots

Here we go again...left wing revisionist nonesence. Bisexual Darnley (huh?), African Ambassadors (in 1500's...huh?), Asian court ladies (yeah right)...oh yeah, regarding the latest push that we all need to "talk about menstruation"...Queen Mary gets her period, and is washed down by a lady of the court. Really? So, this soft sell left wing Nirvana movie will set you straight! Did I mention that historical inaccuracies? lots of them too. On the positive side, the acting is good, and the Glencoe Scottish highland backdrop is world class. It's a shame the plot is so biased and inaccurate.


Liberal left wing sledgehammer drivel
Surely not! A lesbian priest sleeps with an illegal immigrant while a liberal politician argues against fortress Britain. Oh yeah, the males are the idiots and the women are stronger, cleverer and seem to have the testosterone while the blokes have the oestrogen..,blah blah blah. It's poured on too thick. (Did I mention the lesbian priest's bishop is gay?). Need I say more?

Man Dancin'

Lots in it if ya looking'
Good flick...

This is much more than a Glasgow gangster movie.

It's much more.

This is about redemption, the cost of redemption, integrity, honesty, integrity of a message, what happens when you water down a message, you have to keep lying to cover up lies, what price are you prepard to pay for integrity ?, and that you can't kill off truth because it will rise again.

It is well acted. The music is Scottish without being poxy. (You know what I mean...corny bagpipes). The music works well.

I have no idea the lead actor was in Eastenders, so I had no preconceived ideas. He did well in taking his character away from being one dimensional.

It obviously was not a high budget movie, but don't let that put you off. It actually gave it a down to earth feel.

A very good movie. Look below the surface and be very rewarded.

Great Expectations

Fulfilled expectations
From a happy customer...

The best version so far. Despite other reviews, the acting is very good. The sets were good too.

The other reviews seem to forget that is a time piece. They seem to forget what this is about. Havisham (having-a-sham of a life) is a bit of a cartooned character. Do they forget that ?.

Some good lines too if your listen for them...

"...he died. He kicked his horse, but the horse kicked back". Nice touch in its setting.

It's not supposed be a close to life drama; it's a Dicken's novel. Watch it with that in mind, and you will enjoy it for what it is.

A History of Scotland

A convoluted history simplified well
Scottish history is extremely rich. You cannot break it down into simple black & white events. Many issues, personalities and dynamics require it for someone to make sense of it all.

That's what this series is all about. It does an excellent job at giving you a broad brush view of not just what happened, but why it happened.

Criticism of this show, does not understand what it is about.

Oliver is a very good story teller with a warm Scottish accent. The acting, the maps, the photography add interest very well.

A well done production on some difficult subjects that makes you hungry for more. This is not a criticism, but a credit to the producers.

Bitter Springs

An English western ?. Maybe; but there is much more.
The previous reviews document well about how this has been influenced by American westerns.

However, don't let this put you off in any way.

This movie is not a western movie with an Australian wrapping. It is not an English attempt at "Cowboys & Indians".

This movie documents well how the conflict between white settlers & Aboriginals started. White man wants land & water. White man cannot comprehend the Aboriginal culture of land & water ownership, and how it works. (Communally owned) Two opposing worlds collide. Two misunderstandings. Two cultures meet at a "fault line".

Remember that this is 1950. Australia has a "white Australia Policy". Aboriginals can't even vote !. This is a very brave film that tackled white Austalia's prejudices at the time.

The acting from Chips Rafferty is at its best. The Aboriginal actors did a great job too.

This movie should be shown to anyone interested in Australian history, and how "we got here" today.

The Glenrowan Affair

A movie for its time
Ahh...the gum trees, the wide open (blue or is that gray) skies, the log cabins, the Aussie accents, the colonial hats, the...

This is Australian cinematography; 1950 style.

It was well done. This one needed to be digitized. (So many of the original Aussie movies have been destroyed.) Of course the acting is one dimensional, of course the guns sound like cap guns, of course the horses running sound like chop sticks on a table. But this is priceless !. There is something unique that makes you think "I'm glad Hollywood didn't do this". Seriously though, every red blooded Aussie will thoroughly enjoy this for what it is; a 1950 movie about "our" Ned. Sure; Heath Ledger's movie is slicker & more polished. But this is from a different Australia.

Its worth a look again because this is part of us. It is what has partly made us.

The Wager

A good Christian movie
This is a low budget movie that looks a bit high budget. (if you can have such a thing). Its well produced & directed.

The acting is good. Randy Travis is not a great actor, but he did well for this part. At first, you think "Randy is a bit one dimensional", but then you realize the part he is playing. In fact, the more the movie progresses, the more depth he brings to it.

The stunts are of the highest quality, the message is timeless and it is well scripted.

One criticism is the length - its a bit too short. But then again, they say a good movie is made on the cutting room floor.

Well done to the producers.

More please !

Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace

A story that needed to be told.
This is one of those true stories that make your stomach churn.

A Pastor gets hung by Nazis's. Bad things happen to good people; even one's with the best of intentions.

If you expect a Hollywood blockbuster, you will be disappointed. If you expect a movie done on a low budget, but still looks OK, then you will enjoy this one.

This is a good movie. Sure, they could have done more. But they have done enough to get the point across.

People die for the right causes. They choose to die with a good conscience than live with a "yellow" one. This man deserves our attention and admiration.

See the film with this attitude, and you will be rewarded; if not, you'll be disappointed.

The Last King of Scotland

Why spoil a great film ?
Lets get this straight; this is a great film !.

The effort in making the setting authentic is commendable. Well done.

Surprisingly, no one mentions the green/brown tone of the film; Brilliant !.

However, there are 2 things I believe depleted the film.

1. The graphic sex scenes - There is no need for that. You can make your point without them being so graphic. Minus half a point.

2. The stringing up of the doctor. I know they were trying to show Amin's brutality, but this was not necessary given the prosthetic body of the dismembered Kay Amin, and various shootings etc. Minus half a point.

Without the above, the movie would be recommended to more people.

However, a great film of a story that needs to be told. 9/10 !

Hansie: A True Story

You've missed the point
It seems many reviewers have missed the point of the Hansie movie.

This movie is not just about cricket and a sullied era of match fixing.

As an Australian, this movie gives us insight into the South African psyche at the time. It shows us how South Africa needed "a Hansie" to rise up into a new post-apartheid era. If Hansie was not born, they would have invented "another Hansie"; just like Australia needed "a Bradman" during the depression era to help define itself & lift its spirits.

This movie is also about how a man can be tempted despite good intentions and character. A "little leaven, leavens the whole lump".

It shows that all our heroes are flawed in some way, and that we should take them off their pedestal.

Its also about how Christians struggle with life like anyone else.

Reviews of "pious" and 'dribble" have missed the point.

As an Aussie, one thing I like about this movie is that it is not from Hollywood. Its good to get another perspective on the human condition.

A well done movie which shows us many things if we take off our blinkers and see.

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