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Madame Web

I dig the premise...
The actors in this movie have credits galore but the question I have is why did they accept this job? It needs a better director and better writer. With a cast this accomplished, it's a darn shame that it comes off as amateurish as it does. Ouch! I blame the director and writer for allowing such banal dialogue and boring delivery. I just wish it could have been up to par with all of the other Marvel movies. It just is not. What a shame. Dakota is a good actress. She is no child nor is she new to acting. Maybe she will leave this movie credit off of her resume. It is a job and will support her pension for a good retirement.

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

A pleasant surprise.
I have never heard of this movie and being a fan of Whoopi's and Ving's I was surprised that it existed. Its premise was the usual premise about a dysfunctional family. And there was more than enough dysfunction to go around. I'm so tired of the husband cheating on the wife scenario, the out-of-wedlock babies situation as being acceptable. Daddy in jail for this or that reason and hoping to turn his life around. There is one more scenario that I will not mention, but it was a surprise. Yet, I was sucked in as if I was a fly on their walls. I did not expect the ending that the director chose. It was hokey! The scene before that, if it ended there, would have been enough. Oh well.


It Broke Me!
First off, Aunjanue Ellis Taylor deserves an Oscar as does the movie's director, Ava DuVernay. I don't use this sentiment lightly. The pacing of Isabel Wilkerson, her work, the research and her findings are all laid out. Books are different from films. I'll admit, I had not read it before seeing the movie so I do not have any prejudices about the story. I wrote that "It Broke Me" because I not only learned about Ms. Wilkerson but also more about myself. She is alive folks! Not an imagined character or a dead one either. Relatively young. I hope she continues her work. Opening people's eyes is worth the entire trip of emotions this adventure took me on. Wake up folks! I sure have.

A Thousand and One

A Surprise Gem
Most of my past reviews call out very bad acting, very bad directing, very bad ideas! Not this time! This film took me back to the old New York I was familiar with AND Teyana Taylor gets a shout out as a young woman who comes from a career as a Rapper to play a lead role in this detailed portrayal of a Black woman trying to live and survive in her environment. She is the New Find!

Director A. V. Rockwell knocked this, her directorial debut, film out of the box! I await her future works. Props also go to the young three actors who portrayed her son at different ages, Aaron Kingsley, Aven Courtney and Josiah Cross. I had no desire to view it because it's hard for me to witness the pain of others. I could not walk away from this film. A few days after viewing, it's still on my mind.

A Miracle Before Christmas

Been Done Before
True, it's not the usual holiday showing of "Its A Wonderful Life" but it copped the same storyline except primarily with Black actors. Whereas Jimmy Stewart's character ends up poor and a drunk, this main character ends up wealthy. Okay. But give us something new. A few familiar faces such as Romeo Miller and Keith David. A few. The lesser known talent are okay. There were a few things that were probably overlooked like proper spelling. Newspaper clipping about someone was left at the altEr, rather than was left at the altAr. There is a difference between the two. This was not a Tyler Perry Production thank goodness.

I Woke Up a Vampire

My Teeth Hurt!
Not a new storyline but nothing is! Nothing like the Teen Wolf starring Michael J. Fox's release of 1985. A remake? Not quite. The actors in this piece are directed so poorly and everything is so sacchariney, not a real word but I'll use it here, that my teeth hurt! The artificial smiles are over the top! Investors most likely put their money in this for a tax loss. It does not really deserve air time. The poor kids of today, even adults so deserve better than this. Oh my! The minimum word count required here, I find ridiculous because this piece is so bad that one word would have said it all! Crap!

A Rainy Day in New York

Woody! Woody! It's all about Woody?
What young twenty-something man today would know about the Carlisle Hotel? It's not a hip stay for the young. It's more boujee downtown in the TriBeCa neighborhood. Trying to make sense of listening to the young and talented actor, Timothy Chalamet, speak the words of an old man whose claim to fame is talking about himself. A lot! What twenty year old man, would say the phrase, "Hagar in the desert"? As long as Woody writes his own scripts and directs his films, maybe he should consider hiring older and more mature actors who possess the wisdom of Woody's personal psychosis. He has a lot of them.

The Mick

Not For The Kids!
I did not like Showtime's "Shameless" because of one particularly delinquent character. The father. I was triggered by his addictive/drunken adventures even though he was surrounded by his family who had their own serious issues just for being his children. Codependency, anger, lacking in life skills but trying to survive. Even if they use dishonesty. They were his family.

"The Mick" on the other hand, and in my estimation gives me the dark impression that for the family/kids in "Shameless", there would eventually be some kind of redemption. The kids have to grow up fast without any sound parental guidance.

I don't like this kind of dark comedy especially when most times, Mickey, their aunt, sister to their mother who's in jail (white collar crime?), has blood on her face. She has no one to oversee her wayward attributes and perhaps a "someone will clean up my mess!" life style. All I can say is, I hope these kids survive her.


Surprised and Pleased
I don't usually watch films with Arnold in it but I was fighting the heat, turned on the AC and stayed home. I searched through Netflix and chose it. Then I took a break after the first episode for about two weeks, wondering if it was worth my time. I came back and found a situation that I was not really familiar with. Meaning, a plot that was not stuffed down my throat like in most of the films that had been released in recent past. As the story progressed, I was open to learning about the other characters and their roles. Arnold's role reminded me of his spy role in "True Lies", a story I could get into. Now I just hope it gets renewed. The story is not complete!

Love to Love You, Donna Summer

I was hoping for more of a dynamic presentation and found it rather piecemeal instead. I cannot compare it to a professionally directed and produced product. Some of the personal film clips came across as damaged but they were going to use it anyway. I thought at some points in the production that Brooklyn was just too close to the documentary's subject, her mother to make some clearer decisions. It felt more like we were visiting her at home and she retrieved family photos that were not in order but just for the sake of sharing. We did get to see her vulnerability, so it was intimate in that way. Why was there was no mention of Paul Jabara whatsoever who wrote "Thank God It's Friday" and "Enough Is Enough". And though I haven't seen her sister, Linda Gaines since the 70's but more recently on Facebook, I don't think she was included in this documentary. Donna was diagnosed, then she was gone. Lots of voice over. The ending and her ending felt abrupt.

Spoiler Alert

When a movie stays with me, it's usually because it was good and this one struck me deep in my heart. I've never thought of Jim Parsons as a romantic lead opposite man or woman. I had to see it for myself. And not just the fact the Big Bang Theory only brought out one of his talents, Jim is a serious actor who can project sadness, love and loss through his eyes. He could play Shakespeare if he wanted and I would pay to see his interpretation, though I'm not a fan.

All in all, his role in this movie was relatable. His pain was relatable. His joy and since of loss was relatable. I was not the only person in the room groping for the tissues.

The Ultimatum: Queer Love

Lesbians Couples. So?
Five lesbian couples who were not certain about the relationships they were already in, agree to be on camera. Drama. They come across as immature in their own expectations of what relationships are. Butch, fem and nonbinary whatever. Boring as heck! Whatever the premise, this setup is embarrassing! Were they paid well enough to subject each other to this kind of torture in front of the show's viewers? Lesbian relationships in private are not perfect by any means and pretty much like straight relationships but there's something about this display of 'what can go wrong when you don't know your partner, much less yourself before getting into a relationship of any kind' that though not limited to straights really looks bad on lesbians who imitate straight partnering. It's just embarrassing to reveal it to the world or whoever has time to waste watching this.


Monk in 2023
Watching this series on and off but after it's run, is still interesting. While phobias are real, it does not mean that one can not do their job and live in this world because of discrimination. Monk's characteristics supported by an enjoyable cast makes it palpable for me to watch. After Monk's shrink died in real life, Stanley Kamel, his replacement, Hector Elizondo fits visually perfect and is also an excellent actor. Thank goodness.

Again, this 600 word requirement sux prunes! It was not a requirement in the past. So I suppose that I can use long words without apostrophes to get to the point... I did it.

From Scratch

I Don't Watch Movies Twice!
I don't watch movies that make me cry. Let alone, twice. Ha ha! Bravo to everyone who was involved in its creation. Zoe speaks Italian? OMG!!! Lovely and believable couple. I fell in love with pretty much everyone, their stories, complexities and the manner in which they pulled it off. Do I give the director and creators special kudos here? Ok! You got it! I look forward to their next endeavors.

202 characters more required? 170 characters more required? I said what I had to say. 114 characters more required? 84 characters more required? Now 55. I'm getting tired and sleepy.

I made it to 2. Bye!

Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul.

What Did I See?
This movie wasn't driven by music so those silent moments felt deadly to me. Why did Regina and Sterling take on these roles? I hope it doesn't hurt them in the long run. I was hoping that the preacher could redeem his character and respect his devoted (apparently blind to what's going on) wife but only because he's desperate. I saw it weeks ago and I'm still depressed. The premise has and still remains strong when men need power particularly in our Black churches. I ached to the bone. Maybe some Lawrence Welk music would have added comedy from which this comedy sorely lacked.

With 29 required characters needed. There!

Violent Night

Lead Actors Great...Only.
I liked the storyline and I dug David as Santa and John L. As the thief. However, I think the casting or direction was weak. The daughter, mom and dad could have been directed better. Daughter doesn't really seem bothered that there's lots of people with assault weapons in the mansion. Dad was too soft for my taste and his ex-wife could have been...more. Beverly D's appearance was delightful though I didn't recognize her at first. Lots of face work done. Disappointing.

David's Santa reminded me of Dan Akroyd's Santa in "Trading Places" when he got drunk and his filthy Santa suit, just not all the time.

Gilmore Girls

A Troubled Family Triggers Folks
While recovering from surgery, weeks in bed, I thought I'd finally see what the fuss is all about. First, why does American TV have to be 21 episodes times 7 years? Too long! It covers most aspects of relationships stuck between the real people and the rich narcissists they live amongst. Interesting. There's good moments where characters were well-formed. I wanted to slap a few of them as well but that's life right? At times I felt that Alexis Bledel was too young for the role. The strained relationships made me want to throw tomatoes at the TV. That was triggering and I suspect triggered many folks who didn't like the show. Seeing Melissa McCarthy, Milo Ventimiglia and Matt. Czuchry in their earlier roles was cool. Most of all, I miss my friend, Ed Herrmann.

Unthinkably Good Things

It's okay...
I think they couldn't get Simone Missick of All Rise! A powerful figure of a female judge would be a powerful woman anywhere.

When that happens, casting is told to find someone like' that person. Then voilà! The viewer thinks of Miss Missick through-out the entire movie though she is not hired in it, psychologically she's in it. It can stunt the capabilities of the other actresses to perform their jobs well...they pull it off anywhere!

Good try but could be better. Rom Coms have a common sweet, often sticky sweet templates like shoe sizes that are so predictable though it's nice to be in Italy.

Then Came You

A Saturday Surprise
I've never been a fan of Kathie Lee's and perhaps the media was at fault. Then there was her always way too cheerful face with Regis then with Hoda. She sang on a jingle. As a New Yorker, I've known talent. Credit to her, she can sing on key and has risen above her husband's scandal. Her love remained. Then this movie showed up on my Hulu.

It just dawned on me. This movie stars two former talk show hosts! They've taken a long trek to get here and I'm glad that they survived. A bit light fare yet I felt that due to timing, the end rushed a tad. I wish them the best.

For a change, no sex scene, no drugs, no cussing, no killing. How special.

Manhãs de Setembro

I want more!
I turned on the subtitles because I knew that I would want to see all 5 episodes. I loved the actors, the locations, the depth of the subject matter and more. Brava to "Cassandra"!

Never Have I Ever

Thank you Mindy Kaling!
I'm really enjoying the diversity. This is based on real POC's experiences, however what I will say, as a casting director is that Common needs acting lessons or be replaced! Seriously! I don't know why he gets bookings other than by his name. He's stiff, there's no emotion in anything he's been in. There's many other brothers out there who got it going on whose names you may not yet know but I do. And you don't really need a name to sell this project. It has its own legs.

The Upshaws

Season 3?
I was hopeful and kind in my first review but how the heck did this show get a renewal for season 3? And still Khali is either not directed right or she is still a bad actor. Almost chitlin circuit, early Tyler Perry stuff eye rolls and such. Actually, maybe they need a better director. AND that tired laugh track is just sad.


Girlfriends in 2020 on Netflix
It's now twenty years since this series first aired, it still holds up. The comparison to SITC is fair on some level and maybe even a bit of Mom which first aired in 2013 however some of the humor is dated which illustrates how far we as Black women have come. Not every thing related to sex and race are funny today as we thought it was back in the day. Whatever, Girlfriends lasted eight seasons! That's good work and enough time for industry growth. Today, Tracee (Black-ish) is starring in and singing in High Note and Producer Mara Brock Ajil (The Game, Mary Jane) is about to take on more well-earned projects big time. That laugh track...

Teenage Bounty Hunters

A Pleasant Surprise!
I chose this movie to play in the background while I cleaned house, like I do with Hallmark TV predictable movies, but I found myself paying more attention as it moved along. It's great to see Kadeem and Shirley back on screen and in their roles. But I never saw the ending coming. It begs for a season 2. And no. I didn't get my House cleaning done.

Sleeping with the Fishes

Budget Low and It Shows
Casting a few good actors with a truck load of awful Or awfully directed extras does not make for a good movie. Not often are writers good directors. Possibly a good script but was distracted by over acting. Too bad.

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