
IMDb member since October 2009
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Blue Beetle

Blue Beetle did what
From the minds of mortal men, who create super hero characters then don't have a damn clue as to what to do with them. It's sad when the animation version outshines live action. The movie itself was mildly entertaining, and hey, who keeps giving Susan Sarandon jobs???? She should be out trolling for Trump. See where she was dropped by her Management Agency for things she recently said, pitiful. If this is the best Hollywood can come up with, maybe they should have stayed out on strike. If you are reading this for guidance, don't waste your time on this movie it's a another FUBAR from Warner Media and DC Comics. Where's Zach Snyder when you need a good movie.


Moonfall Rocks (pun Intended)
I gave this movie ten(10) stars for its absolute entertainment value, it's clearly from the mind of Man (Men), it's improbable, and absolutely impossible. Movies are made for entertainment, yet most of the Nerds reviewing this movie seem to have forgotten to premise of the movie, to sit back and enjoy a couple hours fun, and let your enter self go.

All the scientific minds who have done nothing more than fly drones, seem to think know all there is about the subject, space is not the final frontier, each day you live and breathe that is your final frontier. The movie has no social redeeming values, it's not trying to teach anything, it's saying watch me, the special effects are great, and that matters in making a movie of this type. There is nothing in our lifetime that says something like this can't happen or will happen, but should fate (KARMA) slap you in your idiotic face to wake you up to the possibilities, then you should keep your opinions to yourself and just enjoy an entertaining movie.

The Flash

The Flash - a Saturday afternoon movie
The Flash is one of those movies that's ideal for Saturday afternoon, when a mother drop her kids off at the theater for an hour or two, so she can have some ME TIME! This movie is action packed, doesn't make a lot of sense, but kids don't care about sense. There's no sloppy love scenes, just corny lines, and a few seconds of butt scenes, not enough to worry about. I enjoyed the movie on the pure entertainment of the movie. This is another of those movies where script writers and storytellers shouldn't get anywhere near pencil, pen, paper or a laptop. I gave it a rating of ten for it's entertainment factor, the action scenes and being a fan of Ezra Miller and Michael Keaton. Michael Keaton in my estimation was and is the best Batman to ever wear the suit, cape and cowl. If you wanna sit and waste a couple hours, I suggest you watch this movie for the pure entertainment factor without trying to dissect each scene, you'll find, it's not a bad movie.

The Mother

This mother for me started out as a ten star, then it dropped down to seven stars, the more you get into the movie, it's a solid six for me, it's entertaining right up to the point where they introduce the young girl, it seems Hollywood Writers use the same old tired script for little girls in movies they are annoying, pigheaded, a pain in the butt and won't listen, I guess the figure it's a tried tired a d true scenario for little annoying girls, if it were me, I would have left that little monster on the freeway someplace, gawd was she annoying, anyway, the movie is entertaining, it has good action sequences, but it was still predictable, maybe the Hollywood need to stay on strike if this is the best they can do. I, was never a Jennifer Lopez fan, and this movie didn't do much to change that opinion, I always say she's all hype, still living off her hype in "In Living Color" she was bad then and still bad today, But I guess anything for a dollar, not that she needs it. This movie STINKS!


CHUPA - Someone's Imagination Running Wild
First off, this has to go without being said ... What in Hell is Christian Slater doing in this movie, the guy used to be an "A" list actor, now he's dropped all the way down to the "N" list, makes you wonder who in Hollywood did he tick off. This is just pathetic. The movie itself uses the same old tired plot as every other movie being made in Hollywood where kids have leading roles. These mythical creatures are from the minds of Morons, they look like a cross between between pug-dog and the griffin. Maybe they should have talked to the people in old Mexico about the Chupacabra, and not the old people in New Mexico.

This movie has no fresh ideas and they hoped having Christian Slater in it would give it credibility, it goes show how desperate Christian is to make a movie and put money in his bank account, he's about as believable as a game hunter, as he would be walking naked on the sun.

I wouldn't say it's a bad movie, it's one of those where the kids watching it, would get up and turn the TV to the news channel. Good Luck with this one.

You People

This is a movie that never should have been made, now that it is, even Eddie Murphy couldn't save this bomb from exploding. Don't know what message or lesson Jonah Hill was trying to convey, I can only hope he never, ever does that again. It's like a hugely bad take on "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner" and never leaves. It's a pathetic movie, I waited, and waited for the funny parts, there was only one in the entire movie near the end, not worth watching the entire movie to see. They must have promised Eddie Murphy some huge coins to put his name behind this trash can dump. Save you time and do a load of laundry instead, your have more excitement.

Teen Wolf: The Movie

After reading several reviews, there's really nothing left to say. Except this movie would have been a movie with Dylan O'Brien as is, it's just screen fodder, a waste of 2hrs 30Mins, all that time for a movie that does nothing but disappoint. I did want to see how they covered up Tyler Posey's hideous tattoos, they made him wear a jacket for 2hrs, and 20mins of the movie, I keep calling this a movie, it's more like a nightmare waiting on a scary moment that never came. There was one redeeming spot, the character Eli, indicates that there could be another one in the pipeline, it'll involve a boy and a jeep that belonged to stiles. If you have time to kill and don't want to watch rust form on your car bumper, then stream this turkey. Good Luck with that.

There's Something Wrong with the Children

There's Something Wrong with this train wreck
There's Something Wrong with the people who paid money to make this wreck, it should be renamed, "Annoying Children" and the parents who pawn them off on their friends. Set aside the bad acting, the script, and the storyline, it was neither horrifying or a mystery, it bring me back to annoying children who are in desperate need of acting classes. The adults could use a few themselves.

The movie is horrible, that was the most horrifying thing about the movie, and it's a mystery they found a script that bad, and then convinced people to put up good money, or bad money, either one works here.

There's no need to include spoilers, this whole movie is a a spoiler. So movie goers, if you don't waste nearly two hours of your time, you'd be better off doing laundry, or washing your ride, cause if you are watching this, then there is something wrong with you. Enjoy!

Black Adam

Can't speak for anyone else who will leave an opinion (review) here, for me, this movie is everything SHAZAM should have been, and so much more, I am not a huge Dwayne Johnson fan, but he played an excellent role in Black Adam. I gave it ten stars for its entertainment value, it is action packed from start to finish. The co-stars in the supporting roles was spot on. This movie could have been called SHAZAM 2 the sequel. The special effects were superb. I see all this genius film makers are busy as ever nitpicking the movie apart, as if they could have done better, then lets see a movie of their making, movies are made for the entertainment value. In my opinion, and mine is the only one I sound on, this movie is entertaining as it was produced to be. Spent the two hours, sit back and just enjoy the movie for what it is. An Action Adventure with a little Sci-Fi, and Superhero thrown in.

Shin Ultraman

Shin Ultraman or Sham Movie
In watching Shin Ultraman, oh how I long for the days when the Japanese made really bad Godzilla movies, this movie Shin Ultraman makes all those old Godzilla movies look like Oscar winnings.

This movie is so bad even the actors are looking for quick exits. After watching this, I hope the Japanese film makers stick to what they are great at, and that, making great Anime and Animation movies and Television shows, whoever made this movie should voluntarily fall on a sword, or off a building, roll under a movie truck or lay down on a high speed train track, the least they can is give up the pen and paper and stop embarrassing Japan like this, but of course, this is just my opinion, we all one at least one.

The School for Good and Evil

The School for Good and Evil - It's Hard To Tell The Difference
Well, ... This is two and half hours I won't get back, for me this entire movie is stupid, the concept sucks, it's been done to death, it's as if the writers went around to other movie studios begging for old worn out scripts, they slapped a little paint and polish on this pig, but at the end of the day, it's still a pig. The movie killed off what was probably the best thing about this movie, the GOOD! I'll let you see if you can figure it out, it was to me a senseless killing. This is not a spoiler, just an observation.

Don't know how many times I can say this movie to me is really stupid, and brings to mind, why Netflix is losing so many subscribers, if they keep making movies like this one, everybody will soon be gone, just because you throw together what is considered "A" Actors, doesn't make it a good movie, even they couldn't help this script. Save yourself some time and watch something else, unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a lot of good movies being made. Good Luck with this one.

My 4 Star rating is deceptive, the opening sequence was decent, and the one character who would have made this an interesting movie, was removed midway thru the first hour. To bad Hollywood have no imagination.

Missing: Geudeuli Itseodda

I watched all 12 episodes on Netflix today, this is typical Korean TV or Movie Drama, where everyone cries throughout the series, the Men cry, the women cry, the children cry, everything and everybody cries but the dog, or maybe it was crying to, it's in almost every scene, after a while all that crying gets to be down right annoying, there's not that much drama in world. Aside from the tears and the bellyaching over any and everything, the series was worth watching, the plot was sound, the special effects they used on the ghost sequences was interesting. The acting for the most part was believable. Don't see why they would want to make a second season, all the fine points of this one was solved, there was nothing left. Please don't go back and rehash old plot lines. Let it stay missing, on the other side. If you are wondering if you should watch it, I say ... yeah, give it a try, if you'll not hooked by the third episode, then this series isn't for you, don't worry about bringing tissues, just mute the sound when all the crying start, it does tend to get on your nerves.

Mr. Harrigan's Phone

Mr. Harrigan's Phone should have been muted
I watched this with great expectations, man-o-man was I wrong. I figured since it was produced by Stephen King, it would be a better than average adaptation of his story. You would think the author of the story produced the movie it would be better. I'm inclined to believe that not anyone, not even Stephen King can do his stories justice on the big screen. There haven't be a decent Stephen King movie since "The Dark Half" watching Mr. Harrigan's Phone make you wanna grab a good book and read instead, there was nothing there. The central character (Craig) at least gave it a little life. There could have and should have been so much more. There was no horror, very little suspense. If I were you, I'd pass on this one. I wouldn't say its a waste of time, oh wait I just said it, it is a waste of time. I think this movie was made just to massage Stephen King's ego. He writes great stories, come up with great books, when it comes to translating them into movie scripts, its like he leave the best parts on the floor. Good luck if you watch this movie. I bet Stephen King didn't even watch the finished product.

Bullet Train

Well, this 2 hours and 7 minutes I'll never get back, it's nice to see a movie of A-List actors, suddenly become D-List actors. There was nothing funny about this film, it was and is a total disaster sorts like Hurricane Ian currently hitting the West Coast of Florida. This movie was lets throw something on the screen and make a few bucks. It has no rhyme or reason, it's not funny, it's rather stupid on all fronts. What saves this train wreck from total disaster is the ending credits, and even they were slow. If this is the best Brad Pitt can do, maybe he needs to stop doing it cause it sucks.

Thor: Love and Thunder

THOR: Love and Thunder it'd a Frizzle
Thanks to having Disney+ I painfully sat and watched this bomb blow up in my face, yep! It was painful, it seems I was sitting on PINS and NEEDLES. Knew I should have put them away.

The question I have is this, what in hell is going on over at Marvel Studios, Their MCU Phase 4, I believe they call this version of Thor. The story writers had no vision, the script writers had a story without a vision, the Director, really had no direction for this train wreck to go. This movie is so boring, you can actually take a power nap, wake and still be bored.

I thought Raggie Rock was bad, this movie is so bad it makes Ragnarok look like a masterpiece, Nah, just kidding. This movie was neither funny, or adventurous.

This is one of those movies, Marvel makes to pad their already bulging bank accounts. Please stop making bad movies, but then to, I could use another power nap. Hey, if you are reading this before watching the movie, I would tell you to save your time, then to, why should I be the only one bored, and disappointed in Marvel Studios, yet again.


NOPE should be No More Please
The residents of a lonely gulch in inland California bear witness to an uncanny and chilling discovery. It was neither uncanny or chilling, in fact it was REALLY BORING from start to finish. No HORROR, No MYSTERY, very little believable Sci-Fi. Not even entertaining that much, I had some time to kill. This movie really makes you wanna kill time, literally.

Please someone, anymore make a horror film so scary, it'll make you wanna turn on all the lights in your house, then get up, and go over to your neighbors, and turn their lights on also, now that would be a movie.

As for NOPE, it's Nope, no more please. The last original scary movie was The Exorcist, everything else pales in comparison. Just my opinion, we all have one, this is mine for the world to see.


SAMARITAN: There are good and bad, which on will you be?
As for me, I gave it ten stars on its entertainment value, I enjoyed watching it, and probably more than likely watch is again and again as time pass. It wasn't overly stated, it did teach a kid that he has a choice of being good or being bad, in the end the kid made the choice that best suited him. I enjoyed the special effects, and the revelation and twist near the end was smart and caught me by surprise, Stallone did a good job, it was an action film, where the main character was saying look at me. If you want to spend an hour forty-six minutes being entertainment, then pop the corn, sit back and watch the movie for being a good movie, never said great, but, good yes. This would even make a good TV series. Enjoy the movie, don't sit and analyze it, accept it for what it is, an action, adventure, fantasy movie. At least it's one of Bruce Willis' boring movies from his movie of the month club.


PREY --- It's That good!!!
Remember as you read this, this is only my opinion, like everyone, we all have at least one. This movie is most entertaining, It was designed for that purpose, not meant to teach you about life, or have any social redeeming values, it was pure entertainment, this is a movie you can sit back and enjoy. Then to these are those who watch a movie just to tear it a part with stupid criticism. Take it for what it is, and enjoy it. A movie made with a cast of Native Americans in lead and supporting roles. One of the first movies in the modern era not dominated by the white man, playing the roles as native Americans. This movie is worth watching, maybe even more than once.

The Gray Man

The Gray Man OH WOW! What a waste
Let me tell you how exciting I thought The Gray Man was, I watched it on Netflix, midway through the first half, I turned on a second television in my house and watched a Korean movie, and I don't even speak the language, it was a much better movie, with better acting and better action scenes. You have Chris Evans fans and Ryan Gosling fans going Ga-Ga over this train wreck. In most of the indoor scenes, what the producers or the studios couldn't afford lights, I for one hate trying to peer through the dark to make out a scene, my gawd, it was like, hey, we can $20 if we turn 90% of the lights off, There was one good action scene in the movie, in involved a street train and a few cars, that is why I gave it ONE STAR . Sorry folks for me, this is a movie I would recommend to a bunch or a gaggle of Zombies. Good Luck watching this turkey bake.

Jurassic World Dominion

Jurassic World Dominion
Dominion: The Control or exercise of Control, as defined by the dictionary, this movie had no control and they damn sure didn't exercise control, the Dinosaurs were running wild, people were running, some being eaten and some just taking up space.

This movie had no rhyme or reason, the only thing it accomplished was a huge money haul at the box office, and even though they announced this as the last movie in this franchise, something tells me, there will be others, they left to many questions unanswered.

The Producers brought back everybody they could find available or who needed a pay check, for the final movie, except Nick Robinson and that Ty kid, who's no kid anymore, surely they would have brought back fan favorites, Two Hours and Twenty-Seven Minutes of sheer unadulterated boredom.

You won't find any social redeeming values in this movie, the studio should have paid for people to watch this time killer. If you haven't watched it yet, it's really not worth it.

This movie was made on name recognition only. I'm sure movie goers are wishing they had gone to watch something else, any thing else. Well, good luck with this one.


Sipderhead has no minimum
This movies should have been made inside a Spider's head, it might have made more sense. This movie, including the soundtrack not the recorded tracks they used in various spots were so boring you could have taken an hour's nap and still not miss this turkey. Don't know what Chris Hemsworth was aiming for, but if it was the big green dumpster in the alleyway he hit is dead center. Don't waste your time on this movie, just because it's using Chris Hemsworth's name power to draw an audience, that audience should demand their money back, for me I watched it on Netflix, and I was hoping like so many others, that the next scene or the next set of scenes would be better than the other. The most important part of this movie was the credits and even that was all tha exciting. Watcher By Aware!!!

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore

First I would have given this a minus 10 stars. Somebody please tell J. K. Rawlings to give it up, this actually sucked and even if Johnny Depp had appeared in this trash, it couldn't be saved. This movie pushed my boredom level way past dull. It was dull, and dimwitted. This was purely about padding the bank account, it has no redeeming value at all, Dumbledore even forget his secrets, guess he was waiting for Harry Potter to pop in at some point, sadly it didn't happen, that would have been a huge secret. If you wanna be bored beyond death for 2:22 minutes by all means have a sit, you'd get more enjoyment by watching the grass grow in your front yard. I know IMDb does want us to give spoiler in these reviews, so accept the fact that this entire movie is spoiled. There was one moment of excitement, no not the ending credits. I'll let you determine what that might be. For me things were blowing up, falling down, swirling around, it lasted all of three minutes, like they ran out of money for special effects. Anyway, save two hours of your life, go out and have ice cream, it'll be more fun.

Corrective Measures

Corrective Measures Number 19 in Bruce Willis Movie of The Month Club
Just when you think you've seen the last of the Bruce Willis movies another POP UP, he must have made a boatload of these Class D movies before he decided to retire. This movie was or is a real freak show filled with Meta-Human Rejects from the Metaverse. This is one of those movies you have to see to believe, then you wish you had done laundry instead, or wash the car. But hay, Bruce keeps trying to find one that takes back to his Die Heart Days.

This is another one of those movies, you sit and watch a rainy afternoon, when you are looking for a distraction from the weather, or you want something, any thing to make noise in an otherwise quiet house. Good Luck with this puppy. It's outta step and outta time.

Eraser: Reborn

The movie is a total rip-off of Eraser starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Vanessa Williams. The script writers and director is so stupid, they took every scene from Eraser and tried to remake it. This movie as trashy and a poor excuse for a movie as it is , this is proof positive, you should never try and remake a movie by scene stealing and altering them to suit your needs, when you have no idea what your needs are. This is one of those film you put on as background noise while you do something else. If you wanna watch this movie as it was meant to be, watch ERASER! It's a much better movie, even if it were produced in 1996.


Morbius The Real Batman or Is He????
Giving this trash a 6 star rating is me being kind ... It really SUCK in script, content, and the action, sci-fi part. It did however have some pretty awesome special effects, beyond that, it had no plot to speak of. To say this is entertaining would be a stretch. The ending sucked beyond being sucked. Yet they have plans to make more of this dribble. Why don't IMDb send these reviews to the morons who made this waste of time, maybe by reading these, they'll learn how to make a better movie. What Columbia Pictures and Marvel should do is sell the serum to DC Comics to improve their Batboy, or is Batman, it's hard to keep up there haven't been a Batman since Michael Keaton. If you are reading this before you watch this movie, save yourself some time and read a comic instead.

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