
IMDb member since November 2009
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    14 years



I watched the first four episodes on TV anticipating that it would become the next series to follow every Friday.

Now here's the thing. Every time a new episode started I felt like "maybe this time things get going". Not so much. As I watched I could just feel the hours drag on by like syrup. I didn't feel the least interested in the characters or events. Now there is good in this series too. The visuals are great, and the story seems to have weight although nothing really happens in it.

Don't take me wrong. I like a wide variety of series, fast-paced or slow-paced, positively or negatively reviewed, but this takes the cake for one of the most boring and uninteresting Sci-fi series I've seen.

The Ricky Gervais Show

Comedy at it's finest. I read the other reviews and found two which had a directly downward score. Then I looked at who loved it. I could say its four times more that has eight stars and if you looked a bit more into the other movies made with Ricky, Stephen and Karl you would know they just don't fake it.

Now to the actual review. This show is animated comedy at it's best and I recommend it to anyone who don't think they fake it (like some reviewers). The animations fit perfectly to the show and could not have been better! I really hope there will be a third season (and also a fourth one) as the quality still remains on top. Haters be gone.. there's a new episode of "Heroes of the Humorless"!

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