
IMDb member since November 2009
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Dead Inside

Absolute Garbage
Who thinks up this rubbish? Really, you would think that by the time they had to shell out some cash for the film/videotape they might have had second thoughts. It just wasn't worth the effort, it is shallow, the acting is atrocious, the plot is ridiculous and it should never have got off the drawing board.

Surely if there is funding around to make trash like this it could be better spent on a good cause rather than trying to hash up this rubbish.

There is an over abundance of UGLY bad acting Chinese, and an over abundance of bad acting westerners, in fact it is terrible - "I Will Beat You Until Your Mother Rejects You" Such an amazing script!

There is not one redeeming feature about this movie apart from the end credits - Thank God it is over 1 hour and 22 minutes of sheer garbage.


Worth Watching, better than average.
Not your typical vampire movie by any means, it had an interesting plot, but at times the story seemed to get a bit mixed up fleeting back and forth in time.

That aside, the movie seemed to flip between brilliant and complete drivel, there was no sort of happy medium, one point the dialogue and acting was great the next, the script became childish and the acting suddenly changed and became amateurish.

Not really the type of movie I would normally watch, in fact I would normally just switch off, but this has something a bit special, it is worth sitting through as some parts are simply amazing.

The biggest down point of the entire movie and what almost ruined it for me was the lead actor, the one with the long hair that looked like it needed a good shampoo.

The bloke was absolutely terrible, not sure what is wrong with his voice, maybe his dick is stuck in his zipper, but he was absolutely irritating. You can barely understand a word of what he babbles throughout the entire movie, he looks like a wet weekend and acts even worse. Should have cast someone with a bit of skill and a bit of character.

He almost ruins the entire thing.

The Big Wedding

Usual Garbage
Yet another Jew movie written by Jews to ridicule anyone with any Christian beliefs.

I personally hold no specific beliefs, but I find this kind of trash offensive. If someone had made a movie ridiculing the Muslims or the Jews and their religion for that matter, there would be outpourings of "Anti Semitic" from the Jews, a Fatwah would have been issued by the Muslims, but when the Jews ridicule anyone, it is just the usual "oy Vey!" Bundle together a huge list of Semitic has been "A" list race defilers, throw in a load of Jewish filth directed at Goys, call it comedy and voila...another typical stereotype trash movie.

Give it a miss, if it was a book it would not be fit for toilet paper!

Bailout: The Age of Greed

Not Bad.
Normally when I see the name Uwe Boll connected to a movie I do not hold up much hope, however, this was a bit of a pleasant surprise.

It has a reasonable story, some decent actors, a passable script, only some of the editing was a little annoying at times.

It took a little while to get going but once it did it was fun to watch. It could be real, one can only hope that some brave soul is inspired by this movie, it gives you a feelgood factor that there is a bit of street justice for the thieves in suits.

It isn't going to win any major prizes for anything, but it is well worth a look, it keeps you interested and the final twist at the end was pretty smart.

Surprisingly good for Uwe!

Coffin Baby

Was there a story, did I miss it?
Where to start with this one? The story. Well there really doesn't seem to be one, it is just a hotch potch of gore, (The gore is pretty nasty - I'll give it that.

The acting, well 1 out 10 for that too, pretty bad really, none of the actors had any character, probably didn't help that the plot, script etc. was terrible.

The more I watched, the worse it got, it is just a mess really, I cannot imagine why anyone would think that this was worth making into a movie in the first place.

Give it a wide berth, not worth wasting 90 minutes of your life on.

Between the Canals

It started off OK
It actually could have been a half decent movie if it had actually gone with what it started with.

Instead after about 1 hour it turned to the usual ridiculous RUBBISH we see about Ireland.

Who makes this rubbish? are they self bent on portraying the Irish as STUPID violent drunks?

It isn't "Trainspotting" that was done 30 years ago, it lacks originality, it lacks quality, it could have been so much more but the t@at that put it together seemed hell bent on trying to make the Irish look like some sort of trendy Gangster types, in the end he portrayed them as nothing more than drunken retards!

Shame, a possibly good movie ruined by a twonk that wanted to pay some sad sort of "Homage" to better movies from 30 years ago!

Six Bend Trap

What absolute rubbish, a waste of video, wooden acting, wooden everything. I cannot believe someone would actually make this rubbish.

It is one of the worst movies, with the worst acting and the worst storyline you could ever have the misfortune to come across.

The other reviews tried to compare it with some other well known movies, sadly this movie seems like it was put together by a 5 year old, what a terrible script, what terrible acting, what a terrible story, what a terrible waste of video! Even if you have nothing better to do, you will not need to waste your time watching this rubbish.

What surprises me, is how anyone even thinks that this kind of rubbish is going to be popular! Can you imagine paying good money to make this rubbish?

Trade of Innocents

Rather Naive, rather bad acting.
This could have been so much better if they had found some actors that could actually "ACT" Dermot Mulroney and Mira Sorvino could have been replaced by two planks of wood and no one would have noticed the difference.

The Asian villain over acted his heart out! He never gave up, like a cornered rat he put up a fight.

The subject matter was never going to be an easy one to deal with, however, it was over simplified and put together like something from a Christian NGO workshop training video.

One really annoying thing about it other than the two main actors was the jumping between subtitles when the actors were "speaking Khmer" or whatever it was they were speaking and then the same actors talking in English for some reason. They should have just left it one way or the other.

Certainly not the worst movie around, but pretty poor mainly due to the pathetic script and bad acting.

Premium Rush

Call Me A Cynic?
The whole movie was a contrived piece of rubbish - we could have all saved 90 minutes of watching a few good actors running around like headless chickens in order to make themselves a bit of cash.

Why didn't the dumb ass Chinese girl just get in a taxi and take the stupid smiley drawing to Chinatown itself - This was a movie with very little story, no characters, a plot that should have been buried 6 feet under 10 years ago - Nothing happening here folks - Move along, pretty lame waste of 90 minutes!

Apparently, a review needs 10 lines of text. Sadly, I was unable to find 10 lines of text to actually review this nonsense, so as you can probably see, I have padded it out with drivel - a bit like 75 minutes of the movie!

Stealing Summers

Have I Fallen Asleep?
What is there to say about this movie? Not a lot really. At best it is just a complete bore. It takes over an hour to get to the point and in doing so, we are taken on a muddled up journey of complete boredom with shallow characters, a script written on a piece of toilet roll. It stems around three loathsome unlikeable ex pats in Argentina who decide to steal a sum of money from the female ex pats Argentinian boyfriend. They talk about doing it, they go to the market, they talk about it, they go to a bridge, they talk about it, they go to the football ground, they talk about it, in fact that is all that happens for over one hour.

Then they carry out their "cunning plan" - which isn't cunning and isn't a plan - I won't spoil the movie for you (the director did that without my help) But to save yourself some time, watch the first ten minutes and then fast forward to the last 10 minutes and you won't have missed anything.

The Sweeney

Not a Bad Movie!
I liked this, it was fast paced, plenty of action from the word go with mainly realistic (mainly) characters.

The biggest flaws I had with it was the naming of the main leads as Reagan and Carter - it kept reminding me of the original series and in my opinion would have worked better if they had just made up 2 new characters.

One thing that did really put me off was Winstone and Hayley Atwell and the "love scenes" It kind of made my stomach turn watching overweight Winstone, looking somewhat like a Grandfatherly pig in heat - it didn't work and was just gross to watch, better left to the imagination.

The only other niggle really was the choice of Ben Drew as Carter, he looks about 12, tries to act more like Eminem and has such a problem in speaking English that he was barely understandable in many places.

As he shouts out as they leave the office - "Armed wobbewy in pwogwess!"

Other than those minor points an all round decent piece of film making - nothing to tax the brain, good entertainment.

Last Will

Did someone really make this or am I dreaming?
I think "Tonygreenbank" was too polite in his review. This movie is so bad it is compulsive viewing. I started watching it and wanted so badly to simply turn it off but I found I couldn't make myself do it! I knew it was terrible, in fact I knew it was one of the worst pieces of garbage I have had the misfortune to sit through, but I couldn't resist to see just how bad things could actually get. The acting was more wooden than the coffin poor Frank ends up in, the dialogue, check out the scene where the casino girl is questioned about fiddling the signatory..... - She even keeps asking for "lots of money to get far away" to anyone who questions her - has to be a classic bit of script writing there! I was really disappointed at the end of the movie as I truly expected Shaggy and Scoobie and the rest of the Ghost hunters to pop out with Fred and Thelma and Daphne to finally solve the mystery - however, James Brolin smiling like an White Haired Alzheimic cat put it all to rest - This review containers a spoiler - THE ENTIRE MOVIE HAS BEEN SPOILT!


Oh how much better this could have been!
The idea was quite interesting and could have been made into a reasonable and creepy little movie. Sadly, that was not to be. The agoraphobic Tommy was painful to watch, like a scared rabbit caught in the headlights for the entire movie. You really wanted him to get a good kicking, he deserved it. The priest was not bad, a little OTT but likable, unklike Tommy, who became more loathsome as the movie progressed. The whingeing baby was also a bit of a spoiler too, there were quite a few times in the movie that I hoped the "Demon" children would have simply eaten her and been done.

Probably the most realistic and frightening part of the entire movie was the "Demon" children. These were obviously not actors, but real children from the West End of Newcastle, everything about them was authentic Scotswood/Benwell/Cruddas Park. Amazing how the film makers managed to train them to turn up for work each day. Their clothes and behaviour were a perfect example of the youth from the North East of England - fantastic casting! Well done to the make up department too! You managed to almost make them look a little more human than they appear in real life as they scurry through the alleys and back lanes of West Denton.


Pretty Crap
How this crap got a + 7 rating on IMDb is beyond me! It was a jumbled up mixture of bad acting, bad story and pretty much bad everything. The best part of the movie was when it was over.

If you like watching "bodybuilder"Scouse "Twinks" pretending that they are Hardened Gangsters, running around shooting off kids cap guns then this is for you.

No story to speak of, a script that has no content, patheyic acting, pretty poor "violent" scenes - an all round waste of 100 minutes of what was a reasonable day. Do yourself a favour give this dead donkey a wide berth. As one reviewer mentioned Teletubbies already, I'd just like to add that the Teletubbies are probably more interesting than this junk!

Mr. Bean's Holiday

Did I watch the same movie?
Judging by the reviews on IMDb, I must surely have watched a totally different movie to most other people here.

The rave reviews stating that this is the "Best Mr. Bean Ever" etc. had me gobsmacked.

Whilst it is certainly not THE worst movie ever made in the history of film, it is by far the WORST ever Mr. Bean I have ever had to sit through.

Rowan Atkinson should have dropped this piece of trite garbage like a hot potato, and stayed with his original "funny" material.

This movie is simply an embarrassment and both Atkinson and Dafoe seem just have needed to swell their bank balances.

Some recipes are best left in their original state, especially when the original formula works well, this sadly left a rather nasty taste in the mouth!

The Pruitt-Igoe Myth

An Interesting Documentary.
This has to be a valuable insight into how certain people expect everything handed to them on a plate.

The documentary tries to blame the government and various social services for the failure of the project - In my opinion it fails! The blame for the failure lies squarely with the people who lived in the project.

Everyone of them interviewed tries to lay the blame on the government, did the government urinate in the lifts? Did the government burn their refuse in the corridors, did the government break all of the windows and light fittings? No one involved seems to even begin to think that it is themselves to blame for all of this.

Take a look at the project when it first opened, affordable clean housing, people wanted to live there.

Give them a few years and they completely destroyed it.

A very interesting insight into social behaviour.

God Bless America

This will be an all time CLASSIC
Probably one of the best movies ever made. It won't get anywhere though as it is too close to the mark. The acting is great, the script is acid, the characters are so anti hero, Barr is just so brilliant in this movie she deserves an Oscar.

If you enjoy a bit of black humour, do yourself a favour, go and see this movie, it is so refreshing.

Hats off to whoever dared to make this movie, it will stand the test of time, it is a one off! There is really nothing I can fault about this movie, it has a bit of everything.

I loved the "SKEET" shooting of the baby....awesome!

Deliver Us from Evil

Compulsoury viewing for any religion
What a horrendous scandal, this is the very reason everyone needs to question their beliefs in ANY religion. When the power of those supposedly put on some sort of pedestal to assist and guide become evil filthy despots and abuse the power they think they have.

I can understand the priest (to a point - he was obviously sick in the head) involved, he obviously needed some help be it castration or hanging.

What revolts me most about all of this is the complicity that his elders had in covering up his abuse of children.

These peers of the priest should have been peeled alive, given a bit of their own medicine like they did during the Inquisition.

The really sad thing is, more and more and more of these cases of pedophilia and subsequent cover up keep emerging. When will people wake up to this disgusting sham. This is not religion, this is a power trip. Well done to the documentary makers for showing this.

It just goes to show what happens when you stick a rotten apple in a barrel of apples long enough.


Jersey Girl

Is Ben Afleck Mentaly Retarde?
Good God this movie really sucks, Afleck as usual is terrible, with his over-sized head and over-sized nose.

There is very little in this movie to recommend, in fact it is awful.

Ben's acting is his usual wooden plank of wood style, the story is almost as lame as Ben.

It is a pity he didn't invite that other useless pice of trash Adam Sandler to the movie where with a bit of luck they could both have been burned alive.

Afleck should carry a health warning - everything this hook beaked creature makes is TOXIC!

Broken Path

What a pile of absolute rubbish
Sorry, but I cannot for the likes of me understand how this piece of garbage can have a 7.0 rating here! It makes a mockery of the rating system.

Rarely have I ever came across such a terrible piece of rubbish as this so called "Movie" It is 90 minutes of pathetic kicking and bitch slapping, that is all it is - nothing more, so if you like to sit for 1 1/2 hours watching a bunch of ham actors grunting slapping kicking (cuddling a teddy bear) then I feel sorry for you.

I just cannot understand how it got its rating of 7, if it had made 2 it was doing well.

The only redeeming feature about this movie is when it finally ends, and that should have happened after about 2 minutes.

Absolute garbage.

Five Star Day

A reasonable movie ruined by the lead actor.
This had all the makings of a pretty reasonable movie, however, after about 20 minutes into it the lead actor Cam Gigandet becomes so irritating he actually destroys the movie.

The plot is a bit thin, the dialogue is even thinner, but thanks to Cam, he completely ruins it all.

His ridiculous facial expressions and "cool" hand gestures are pathetic - not to mention the fact that everywhere you see him walking around he appears to have a rather large banana stuffed up where the sun doesn't shine.

He seems to think he is something like Brad Pitt, but couldn't pull it off - totally ruined the entire middle of the road movie for me. sorry, but that is my opinion.

American Gun

Another "Oh Dear"
I am beginning to think that any movie that has Forest Whitaker involved with it is going to be just fit for the trash can.

This movie does nothing to dispel that belief.

Who told this guy he can act - he ruins every single movie he is in - he looks like some kind of "Sad Puppy".(As he does in almost every movie he is in) Terrible actor.

His role in this movie as a so called High School principal is outstandingly pathetic.

He spends every single scene moaning about how hard his job as a school principal is, he has no relationship with his kids, he lives like a pig - who on earth thought this drivel up? Donald Sutherland may as well have been played by any 2 bit actor they could have found as his character and contribution to this movie is absolutely zilch.

Wasted opportunity to make what really could have been an interesting movie - Talent like Sutherlands wasted in his role in a gun store polishing guns and fretting about his grand daughter that he barely communicates with - Sorry Another BAD Movie!


Sorry, but no thanks.
Frank, who normally plays slimy little mobsters is totally miscast in this - He just looks like a slimy little mobster, not an ex squaddie.

The acting in most part is pretty banal, almost like a home movie.

The believability of this movie is even worse - I mean come on..... an alcoholic buying 3 miniature bottles of whisky and a kids magazine for 18 pounds 50! Give me a break - This stuff looks like it was made by a 6th form film study group trying to justify some sort of interracial bonding between troubled souls - it just doesn't work - this rubbish will never get any major screenings, it will be lucky if it even gets to DVD! The self defence course in the park.... "Transfer the weight transfer the weight" was frankly embarrassing to watch.

Have film makers simply run out of ideas? Is there nothing original around these days - Better off going and watching a really decent movie like Full Metal Jacket, Bad Santa or any number of movies made 20 years ago with at least a bit of class.

Sorry, this movie does not deserve the 7.4 score on IMDb, it is claptrap.

The Innkeepers

Like watching Paint Dry
I looked at the IMDb rating, thought I would give this movie a go.

What a waste of time! It is like watching paint dry or waiting for grass to grow. A complete waste of 90 or so minutes.

How anyone would dare to compare this pile of junk to Jack Nicholson in the Shining beggars belief.

This movie is not fit to lick the boots of that movie.

The characters are 2 dimensional wooden cutouts, the guy on the hotel reception that looks like Woody Woodpecker for instance.... who thought this garbage up? Do yourselves a favour - go and watch The Shining, this isn't worth a dime, it was actually painful to try and sit through the movie. It certainly isn't horror, and it is barely a movie.

Just Henry

Oh Dear!
Oh dear indeed. What could possibly have been an interesting movie was ruined from the start by the usual portrayal of Northern English.

Over the top accents, over the top acting, sort of embarrassing to watch really, does anyone think people behave like this?

Henry is a complete waste of space, along with the patronizing mother and sheep like stepfather - it just does not hold water - a pretty bad choice if you have paid a tenner to watch this rubbish.

Henry - despite looking to be about 30 is at school - not convincing in the least, who thinks this rubbish up? are they mentally challenged? More to the point who actually finances these movies? They must be even more mentally challenged.

Eee bye gum.... pound of cheddar missus! Give it a miss.

"A letter came for you today" ....."Oh...ave never ad a letta before" Terrible acting, probably a BBC prescription method!

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