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Solar Impact

Absolute rubbish
I caught this terrible picture in 2019 and prime recently listed it as 2021 release so I was lured in again. I watched thinking this was very familiar but didn't think it was the same until I ran into the first horrible continuity error where the director uses a Ford car, with a cut scene to a Renault wheel when they have the flat and a Mitsubishi interior shot as she's pulling over. It was then that I remembered. It's crap like this that demonstrates what a bad film this really is... Don't waste any time on this one.

The Walking Dead: World Beyond

a pacifists guide to the zombie apocalypse
That's it - I'm done with "the Walking Dead: World Beyond" I've seen two episodes, and its enough to know: 1) The Walking Dead franchise is officially over 2) This show will not make it a full season without getting cancelled and 3)I need not waste any more of my time on this drivel As if "Fear" the walking dead wasn't bad enough, with it's self-absorbed, pretentious cast of idiots meandering through a zombie apocalypse. Now we're expected to believe that there exists a group of college students that have been sheltered in a north eastern college campus and attending class through the zombie apocalypse. They are oblivious to what has gone down for 10 years and decide to band together, led by the class president and the nerdiest nerd in zombie town, to go "experience" what's outside the gates. Pursued by a security guard and his girlfriend, the band of teens manages to passively travel through zombie town, tagging them with graffiti, hitting them bowling balls, pushing them down and anything else you can do to a zombie, without killing it.. No sir - this is not the walking dead I'm familiar with. They might have borrowed some makeup from the walking dead - but the story telling is Nick at Night.

The Humanity Bureau

Proof that all you need to make a movie is a couple of $500 cars and a bad script..
Once you see the terrible shot of Nick driving the El Camino, you will know everything you need to know about the quality of this movie.

I keep watching these movies with Nick Cage in them, because I'm a fan of his previous works. Unfortunately, this one is not going to be memorable or worthy of a second viewing (if you can make it through the first time). This movie is not as bad as "mandy" but close.

Aside from a few one liners delivered by Hugh Dillon, I'd have to say this moving has no redeeming qualities.

Alone We Fight

Should have been entitled - Together we talk..
Spoilers ahead - though, I'm not revealing anything other than this is a terrible movie.. I should have stopped watching after the first 15 minutes, but Instead I chose to endure it so I could write this review..

First the title - it's all wrong. This should have been called "together we talk" instead of alone we fight. The first 30 minutes of the movie, there is 0 indications of a war that's supposedly going on other than a static set with 3 women 2 tents, a jeep (serial 20371949) and a tank. While at the aid station (I can't call it much more than this) almost all of the dialogue is delivered by the most timid - mousy sounding woman they could have possibly found..

When the action starts, the "mortar" fire that starts raining down to finally break up the terrible - non-relevant dialogue amounts to not much more than a firecracker or 2 going off followed by someone throwing shovels of dirt onto the cast. Mikey and his Sgt Falcone (our hero) that never stops talking, decide to jump into action and run exactly the right direction to find the mortar team, who they take out with a (1) grenade. Despite the low intensity explosion of the grenade, we cut to a scene next where there is an inexplicable amount of carnage with severed limbs.

Enter Corbin Bernson, who arrives at the camp in the very same jeep ( 20371949 ). So we know that it at least runs and I suppose we are to believe that someone left the camp to get him, and bring him back. Apparently he's been holed up somewhere without water or access to a razor for 2-3 weeks because he's got a full beard. He goes on to explain to the 8 people in the camp, the reason that we've not seen any "War" in the area because the "88's" are a couple miles away "splitting shermans like walnuts.." (you never get to see anything close to this) He advises that they all oughta head back before the battle makes it their way (but that's not a retreat). The entire war hinges on the presence of this sole petrol station about 1000 yards through the forest. Against all odds, our 3 rangers decide that they want to make a difference and take out that fuel depot.

We are now 45 minutes in and "we're back to more dialogue with the mousy sounding nurse delivering her lines almost inaudibly. At one point - even the soldier she's talking to even says "what's that?" likely because he didn't hear her either.. The next brilliant scene is one where the 3 soldiers are sitting around an ammo cache and loading rounds into the magazines. You can barely hear the dialogue over the sound of the rounds being inserted into the magazines. It's a good thing they are loading them at the safety of the camp, because the sound loading a magazine in the field would certainly tip off all enemy within a 1 square mile area of your location.

As our team of rangers finally decide to leave the camp, there's a convenient sign with the word "enemy" and an arrow pointing out of the camp. I guess when there's no gun fire within 50 miles of your location, you need some visual aids to point you towards the war.. 300 yards into their 1000 yard journey to the petrol station, the sergeant has to stop and read a map and have refreshments because they are clearly parched by the arduous journey thus far. By his assessment, they have 700 yards remaining and it will take about 2 and a half hours. Really? They are walking and not being shot at. Even belly crawling through mud, while being shot at would not require 2.5 hours of time to traverse 700 yards. After their rest, they stand back up and about 10 feet further there is the enemy sniper predicted by their sergeant. - One of the team is hit and killed and the other two decide to build a memorial out of the fallen soldiers helmet, gun and bayonette - but in slow motion..

500 yards into the journey, they encounter a couple of germans that all appear to be having equipment challenges, only shooting 5-10 bullets before they need to reload and then struggling with that.. They take the first 2 out and then immediately there's a machine gun crew that decides to join the fight. They aren't very effective though because despite the ammo cans laying about, they only load a belt of ammunition that has about 30-40 rounds on it. They also manage to miss everything they are shooting at, except for the steel tank trap.

700 yards into the journey, it's getting dark and our squad of 2 rangers decide to camp for a couple of hours because, well they wouldn't want to step on a bouncing betty.. The next morning, they apparently travel another 300 yards undetected, because they arrive at the "petrol station" where some germans are supposedly pushing 50 gallon barrels of petrol up a hillside. Maybe petrol weighs much less than gasoline, but I doubt anyone is pushing 300 pound barrels of liquid up a hillside. Meanwhile our two rangers are concocting their plan to blow up the entire encampment with a grenade and a satchel charge. Before they can spring into action a singular light armored vehicle arrives and a small skirmish ensues. In the chaos, one of the barrels tips over and drains down the hill and conveniently to the rear of the light armored vehicle. The grenade and satchel charge are both thrown, doing no damage (because the explosions are still not much more than a couple of firecrackers). Fortunately, one of the rangers has a zippo which he lights and sacrifices to the fire gods to ignite the petrol on the ground. Even though there's nothing left in the barrel, everything goes up in flames in the only REALLY spectacular explosion in the movie, resulting in the destruction of the depot.

Under fire, the 2 rangers retreat, returning fire and announcing loudly each time one of their weapons "jams". A couple more fire cracker grenades are thrown, with the rangers acting like the explosions are going to be epic, with shrapnel flying.. Yet, when the germans start throwing their firecracker grenades into the path where the rangers are making their 1000 yard sprint back to safety - they never flinch or take shrapnel - or even seem to notice. Apparently grenades are not all that powerful after all.. Half way back, our 2 "rangers", looking like they've just ran 22 miles, are trudging along and not 1 but BOTH of them fall into a machine gun pit. It's not clear if this is the same pit they cleared the first time through, but this time it's occupied by more germans. It's also no more than 2 feet deep. They would have seen it coming and the germans must have been napping because they didn't seem to notice these 2 lumbering fools until literally, they fell right on top of them.

A couple of knife wounds and a gun shot later, Mikey is down for the count and he declares that he's out of ammo. Sgt Falcone says he is also.. Our hero tries to drag him the last 300 yards of the journey back to the line. They don't get far, before a random singular enemy catch up to them and finishes Mikey off. Sergeant Falcon is also wounded, falling onto his back leaving his ammo belt with all of his presumably empty magazines behind. He continues to crawl - determined to complete the last 200 yards of the journey back. For some reason, he decides to crawl on the road, which allows the germans to locate him in the light armored vehicle that they should have taken or blown up at the depot. Fortunately, before they can actually land a round on his location the prop tank from the first scene has been mobilized, complete with a tank commander who's torso protrudes from the top of the tank by 4 feet.

Sgt Falcone is rescued and driven the last 200 yards in the back of an ambulance to the same camp, a quote from Hemingway is displayed and then the credits roll.

*** No vintage ww2 vehicles were harmed in the making of this movie. ***

There you have it - a complete waste of 1 hour and 31 minutes.


I should have known...
Once I watched the first 2 minutes of the movie and it was nothing but about 12 different production companies, I knew I was in for a terrible movie. I'm guess they all kicked in $10,000 each. As others have stated, there are huge issues with physics of the aircraft, and the acting is a notch below B movie. The script was highly predictable and fairly boring. Don't waste your time.

La battaglia dell'ultimo panzer

One of the strangest movies I've seen..
I almost turned this movie off during the first 10 minutes. I decided to continue watching it to see if there really was a plot buried amidst all of the other shortcomings of the film. There are several things that you should know that are bound to annoy the typical war movie viewer. 1. Stupid music. Some of the worst I have ever heard. It reminds me of the old spaghetti westerns. 2. It's a dubbed movie. I'm not a fan of movies that are dubbed, i'd rather watch them in the language they were shot in and read captions. In this case, it's worse because the Americans and the Germans are both dubbed and have no accents what-so-ever. In some really dark scenes, you don't know if you are watching the Germans or the Americans. 3. Authenticity. There are so many inconsistencies with weaponry, uniforms etc that it's hard to tell who is who and who they are shooting at. Even the Germans shoot at the other Germans who are hiding behind a tank early in the movie yet, Later, in pitch black one of the men can identify the Lieutenant from 1/4 of a mile away as he walks down a hillside. 4. Dialogue. War movies are about war. Guns, explosions and people fighting. There are some really odd cut scenes. There is one with a prostitute where a soldier trying to teach her about humanities indecency - she's not interested, she just wants the $64 dollars. Most of the dialog reminds me of watching Japanese Anime.

If you watched it this far, you might as well know that it doesn't get any better. All of the actors have perfected rolling down hills as they die. Apparently gravity always pulls you towards a camera man, never away.

All in all, a complete waste of time. Unless you are just looking for a movie with cheesy dialog, there's ALWAYS something better than this to watch.


Can the plots from 3 other box office hits make a 4th??
That's what I was left asking myself after watching this movie. Like in Armageddon, they've got to drill and place nukes using the crack team assembled by our fearless leader Ryan Beckett - Played by Mark Dacasco's. Due to budgetary constraints, instead of flying into space we'll just drill in LA and blow up a nuke to somehow affect the Earths plates and prevent the lava from coming out like what happened in VOLCANO. Meanwhile, the typical movie daughter who typically hates her typical self engrossed movie father is involved in a tunnel explosion ripped right out of the movie DAYLIGHT. Sylvester Stallone should take some lessons on escaping a fiery tunnel collapse from this girl, because she made it out in record time and without even messing up her clothes.

My favorite part of the movie is when the 'Convoy' is stopped by a couple of midsize cars parked cross-ways in the street. It baffles my why they would take the time to stop and check the laundry that was scattered all over the cars and street. Did a Salvation Army truck blow up? Then there's the sniper on the top of the building. 1 guy with an automatic weapon holds off 5 military trained men with automatic weapons? It appears that bullets have no effect, but you can take a detonator and attach it to a 2 pound package of un-sliced bologna and blow someone up with it. (You'll just have to watch the movie to understand)

My last rant must involve the blatant plug for the "Blackberry" device used by Beckets daughter. OK... She lost her's and conveniently gets knocked out and dragged into a wireless store where she can get another one? Let's not mention the fact that she is somehow able to use it to talk to her dad without paying the $39.95 activation fee and subscribing to a usage package. Apparently the call centers supporting these devices has been contracted off-shore to India where they don't think the end is near and can help her get it set up somehow.

Aside from my above rants, it's not the worst movie I have ever seen. It's not the best either.

Color of Night

Die Hard it ain't
This movie falls into a category I like to call.. "If Only" I found this movie while searching for Bruce Willis movies and could not remember ever seeing it.. and with good reason. After watching about 2/3rds of the movie, I recalled having seen it before and remembered why it was "forgettable" If only I had remembered that before I started watching it, I would have chosen something else, but having started the movie I chose to finish it. Somewhere, buried amidst the pornographic scenes (where Bruce really doesn't measure up) is a semi-decent plot that has an interesting twist at the end. The twist hardly makes the movie as a whole worth enduring and never truly ends up feeling like the typical Bruce Willis movie. It doesn't have the endearing qualities of other movies such as Hudson Hawk or the Action of the Die Hard trilogy. Unless you are just dieing to see Bruce Willis in a porno, rent something else or catch it on TNT and save about 20 minutes of movie in cut scenes.

In the Year 2889

We only have food for 3 people. So you are going to have to leave.
Best watched with the volume off. Add your own cheesy dialogue and have a party. This movie brings some questions to mind: 1> Do the laws of man and God change in post nuclear life? 2> Does being irradiated cause you to get cranky, smear white paint on the side of your face and demand raw meat? 3> Where do irradiated mutant cannibalistic humanoids shop for business suits? 4> How many times can a made up word be used in a single movie? (Remshens?) I am sure they are referencing REMS r(oentgen) e(quivalent in) m(an)

All in all it's a worth a watch at least once, just for the humor factor of it all.

The Deer Hunter

My big fat Greek Deer hunting trip
I just sat down to attempt to watch this movie again for the first time since 1978. Here are some observations I have made: The first hour of this movie must be what inspired the latest movie "my big fat greek wedding" although the later being laced with comedy rather than druken humor. If you are going to shoot a deer... You should do it with one shot. I NEVER want to work in a steel mill. One should not ever on any occasion attempt to watch this movie on a channel like AMC where there is a commercial every 15 minutes making the play time 3 hours and 50 minutes.

It is a good movie. But much slower than I remember.

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