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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2

Way better than the rating suggests
This is a review of the Twiligt Saga as a whole body of work.

I'm not really sure as to why the rating for most of the movies in the Twilight Saga are rated so low. Sure, it has it's cheesy moments and some parts seem a bit random.

Such as in Part 1 when Bella goes to Italy to save Edward after he destroyed his phone. I mean there had be other ways of contacting him.

Or in New Moon, where Edward again and again promises to protect Bella then out of knowhere leaves her. It might be better explained in the books, but for me it felt like it came out of knowhere.

For me what made this Saga great is Kristen Stewart's performance. She really nails the lip-biting emo girl to perfection. She never overplays her character but maintains Bellas soul very well. Even in part 2 where we see her more ferocious side, it is still Bella.

I think I've underrated her as an actress. She carries the whole series splendidly.

All in all, I really enjoyed this Saga!

The Last of Us

Well made for sure, but went too hard for emotional points
I have played the game and thought it was wonderful. The series is more drama than the game, which is fine.

My issue is that it felt like the same pattern repeated through the series. Step1: Introduce side characters to Joel and Ellie. Part 2: Make sure by any means possible that the viewer will get really emotionally attached to the side characters and let this process take a looong time. Part 3: Kill them off in the most dramatic way possible.

I mean, it is really well made, but I just felt it went out of it's way to provoke an emotional response from the viewer in a way that felt too contrived.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

Most important content in MCU
Love it! Funny, provoking and intelligent. Arguably, the most important content in MCU so far. They even predicted the backlash in episode 3, which makes it even bolder. It is long overdue for women to be portrayed more honest, where they are as in real life instead of subscribing to male fantasy. We as men should take note. I think we can learn a lot from this.

Tatiana is perfect in the role, intelligent, funny and carries the role in a way where she's handles herself seemlessly whether it is fourth wall content or comedic scenes.

All of this is really refreshing and the fact that this is created in the MCU sphere makes it so much more culturally important.

From the Sky Down

From The Sky Down
Why was this documentary made?

In a concert on the Zoo TV tour (i think), Bono gets asked why he dresses up as the devil. He answers by referring to a notion in a book by Christian writer C.S Lewis.

This is what Bono spends his energy thinking about. Different ways to convey his Christian belief.

In the documentary, they state that "Rattle and Hum" was a way for them to show their naivety. I think this is the goal also for this documentary. I think they wan't to diminish their own part in the creative process and show that the ideas came from the sky down.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Contemporary cinema
Movies like "Kiss kiss bang band", which flirts with other movies and the movie industry, is the cream of the crop of contemporary cinema because it represent a freshness in cinema. The freshness actually springs from the formula that has always been used in cinema and is likely to always be used. All movies that seem fresh is sadly enough almost never completely groundbreaking. There is always a reference to movies made before and the formula is the same as always.

This however presents a dilemma. If, as have been said, the movies of today follows the same formula as been seen for decades. And if the only movies interesting are movies flirting with old movies. Then the question arises: Is it at all possible to break new ground in contemporary cinema? To answer this question we must first establish what defines a groundbreaking movie. In my opinion a groundbreaking movie can't under any circumstances refer to a movie already been made. If, however, a movie does not make this reference then the movie, considering the old formula is being used, probably will be uninteresting. Hence the movie can't follow a old formula or refer to another movies. But how can this be done? In a sense all movies refer to all other movies, being in themselves movies. Therefore we must disregard that aspect of reference. And so the only way for a movie to be completely groundbreaking, is to come up with a formula that can't be traced to movies already made.

Det sjunde inseglet

The Seventh Seal
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Bergman made a movie about himself here, or about someone like him. A man with a very real fear of death who desperately seeks the truth ultimately surrender to the ignorance and sacrifices himself to save others. Although Bergman hasn't surrender himself - or perhaps he has, he obviously has a great fear of death. This stands clear when watching other of his films, 'Saraband' for example. To me it seems that this has been a subject of torture to him.

In the film, Antonius makes us understand that he's been searching everywhere for the truth, but hasn't found it. A bitterness towards Christianity, religion and the society is portrayed. It seems as 'intelligents' are quick to answer as to why Christianity doesn't work, but they never dig into it, they never search for the source. This i found interesting.

My Cousin Vinny

Quite perfect
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This is so even, so funny, there is a feeling in this movie that I haven't felt in any movie before. Really great. It never looses it tempo, in fact there isn't a tempo. It is more of a powerful force that drives this movie. Perfect.

The Young Philadelphians

Simple but true
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This is a simple story about a man that has to choose between his principles and his career. The movie concists of this choises all the way through. This stands clear after 10 minutes of the movie. However it is intresting to follow Paul Newmans progress throughout the movie. He plays the naive youth then the experienced succesful Lawyer with some skelletons in his closet. Pretty much what this film did to his career.

The Pianist

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When i came out from the cinema, i could barely walk because of the energy in the storytelling. I could feel how much Polanski wanted to tell this story and that is enough for me. The film has its problems such as it actually gets rather, not boring, but it feels like there isn't much progress in the story after a while, the same things repeats.

I enjoyed the tinnitus moment, can't remember seeing it done like that before, it probably has though. It was very well done. I also liked the fact that even though the story is about a musician there were moments, key moments even, where there didn't exist music at all. Which contributed to, in my case, getting further transportated into this world.

Donnie Darko

Fun and tense
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This is fun. Very moody movie and dark movie - with a lot of suggestivity - that surely sticks in your mind for some time. And it's so even through the whole movie, never looses it's tension. I didn't understand all of it, but nevertheless had a great time.

Charlotte Gray

This Cate
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The character development here by Cate is great. You get to follow her from a susceptible woman, to a person which personality has changed by various events. The excellent thing here is Cates performance, obviously. You see the original Charlotte all the time as Cate embed different characteristics, based on her experiences, as the movie progresses.

Also notice her being accused, look at the confusion she's portraying. A Cate moment. Indeed.

The Gift

A gift from Cate.
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"The Gift" is mediocre in itself. However it has Cate and this movie is all about her. Interesting how she takes a movie like this, which many actors probably would have difficulties with, and makes it look so effortless. In contrast to Ms Holmes who seems to have some problems with her southern accent.

Notice also how extremely good Cate is at playing scared, it's remarkable really. Especially in one of the last scenes with Hillary. Incredible. Indeed.


Snatch Pitt
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Pitt is competent in this movie. He is the center of every scene his in, which he's supposed to be. People seem to think his Irish accent is great but that's because Pitt does it. If someone else would have done it, the result would have been different. That's because people have foregone conceptions about him. In which they have an image of him as being cool, interesting or whatever. People who aren't familiar with him, probably just thinks he's silly.

Quiz Show

Game of Cards
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Notice the card game scene, it's one of the more exciting. The lightning and the smoke or something makes it intimate. The ulterior conversation which culminate in a concealed accusation. Provoking indeed. Also the card game at two levels. The actual card game and the intellectual game, if you will, between the two of them. Exhilarating moment. Without a doubt.

The Deer Hunter

Individual Changes
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Notice the first war scene. We've seen De Niro play one character earlier in the movie and now the filmmakers display him completely different. He seems colder and doesn't quite recognize his friends, which we've seen him having good relations with. It is doubtlessly a frightening moment. I certainly realized to what extent a war can change individuals. Intimidating to say the least.


Shaws Jaws
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Shaw is the real pearl in this oyster. Or the licence plate in this shark, perhaps. The chemistry between Shaw and Dreyfuss -- or the antichemistry between Quint and Matt if you will -- is brilliant to say the least. Notice Shaws entrance into this movie. That's one of the better, no hesitation there. Scratching his nails against a black board. Excellent work. Indeed.

The Man Who Cried

Cate the Bandit
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Cate steals this movie. Like a bandit if you will. Watch her play the scene at the dinner. She conveys her characters thoughts perfectly with just her eyes. Her Russian accent is endearing and she is visually stunning. You could take her picture in the dark and she would still look beautiful.

Cast Away

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A man alone on a island is a decent idea, obviously. But it doesn't work here. The problem is that it is excessively real and that isn't interesting in this case. We do want to see ourself, and we do that in Tom, but we also want escapism in movies. At least if we happen to be on an deserted island, which i furthermore can't imagine many people have been. Romanticizing is the key, I believe.

King Kong

The exciting Fay?
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Notice Fay Wray on the ship. Where she practice in front of the director. It is an exciting scene, and it works well here. We saw a similar scene more recently with Naomi Watts.

That type of scenes seems to function so well and I don't believe it is because the performer stands out in that particular scene. But it's because the actor is performing a scene in a scene, in the movie. And that makes us focus on the the actors performance rather than the situation. It obviously takes a good actor to make that work. Indeed.

Almost Famous

Zooeys eyes
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Notice, when William meets his sister, how the Airport captures his feelings, with very bright colors and surreal scenery. Great. And watch Zooey Deschanel play the scene only with her eyes. She is the second largest asset to the film. She's beautiful. Truly.

Resident Evil

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The filmmakers creates, maybe inadvertently, a cold, dead scenery. Very much like the mentality and characteristics of Zombies. The actors, probably unintentionally, contribute to this frigidity by their ineptness as performers. Even the embarrassing humor in this movie, matches the absurd inner of the Zombies. This makes the movie work. Actually.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

Shower Scene
Ignoring the fact that this is utterly nonsense, which the Filmmakers obviously did too. I found the shower scenes pretty entertaining. That's the scenes where you think they are going to reveal Ms. Angelina a second time, but they don't. They reveal someone else. There were some self-irony in those scenes that i liked. That was kind of fun. Actually.

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