
IMDb member since December 2009
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    14 years



Not your typical serial killer flick
A surprisingly subtle look at the often used serial killer storyline. You won't guess the next move even if you try. My hats off to the film makers for not following the by the numbers approach that has been worn into the ground about 500 films ago.

Great acting by the unknown young part of the cast is highlighted by the performances of the veteran actors. Photography is first rate and the locations further lend credibility to this unpolished gem.

This is not your run of the mill suspense thriller. The suspense lies in not knowing the next move and yet expecting the worst. Even the "big surprise" plot twists don't come off as the usual loud and explosive Hollywood style moments.

The pacing of this film will certainly put your average teen to sleep due to the lack of gratuitous violence and gore. The rest of us are left with a haunting glimpse of tortured souls produced by talented artists, both in front and behind the camera.

Nice work people!

Zone of the Dead

Sad Day in Zombieland
If you just have to get your zombie fix this flick will do for the die-hard fans. Great makeup effects and gore are completely undone by the shakiest camera-work I've ever seen. (P.S. camera tripods are 20 bucks at Wal-Mart people).

When I wasn't getting motion sickness from the all the unnecessary zooms and fast pans I really enjoyed the bad dialog and third-rate acting this film had to offer. As for plot let's just say dead people come back to life and really want to chow down on the living. I know this sounds like a ground breaking new direction for a film but don't be fooled. This is rehash trash.

It's a shame because it appears they had a decent budget. Too bad they blew it on European locations instead hiring real actors, a writer and a director of photography.

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