
IMDb member since February 2003
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    21 years


From Justin to Kelly

Crap Masterpiece
Since this was a musical, how was the music? Well, I noticed that most songs had the music drowning out the singing of either Justin or Kelly, then the chorus would come in even louder. Nearly impossible to hear or decipher the words, not that it really matters. Also, their "singing" was very unnatural due to some sort of overprocessing in the studio. Lip synching was a joke. The choreography was neither good nor bad. Did notice that people were not always in synch with each other.

Now on to the acting. Have to give Kelly the award for WORST actor in this crap fest. I burst out laughing at her crying scene (no red eyes and obviously someone applied water for the fake tears). There is another part where her blonde "friend" is telling her about how bad Justin is and Kelly replies with one word: "WOW." Emotionless and expressionless is a huge understatement.

Minor spoiler (not that there's anything to give away here)

The hovercraft scene where Kelly tells Justin he doesn't have to play this game. I thought they were going to play chicken but instead they throw nerf balls or something resembling them into baskets on the opponents hovercraft. WTH? Fortunately, the scene ends quickly enough with an accident where anyone with any sense would PRAY that it was Justin, but no he survives and hovers to some other beach to contemplate life or something.

Days and nights drag on into a timeless hell. Are they there days, months, years? Who knows and who cares? The mindless goes on and on with a cop falling for the troublemaker she keeps ticketing (saw that coming). The one girl getting her boyfriend of 24 hours fired by bitching at his boss about how unfair he was (where did she get all that information)?

Plenty of Grease rip-offs with Kelly attempting (horribly enough) a bad girl scene. I was waiting for Summer Nights to kick in.

I do have to laugh at the people that haven't seen this reviewing it. Go rent it to have something to base your opinion on. Of course, you will hate it!



Disaster, appropriately named
Oh this is bad. I knew within a couple minutes this was going to be awful. The cruise ship scene with the flames was a riot. It only got worse from there.

Some spoilers with questions:

When the attack on the casino happened, what was up with the guys coming down from the rafters on ropes? This place obviously had no security so they could have walked right in, automatic weapons and all. Also, when one of the swat guys gets blown backwards, you can see the rope pulling him backwards, twice. Oh yeah, since when does the SWAT team use a school bus (painted white).

The sports car (a Miata) on the casino floor. Keys just happened to be in it and to give the illusion that one of the bad guys was going fast while driving it, they showed close ups of his face and the background as a blur. When he was shown from 20-30 feet away, he was going all of 15-20 mph (if that).

Why are they always blowing up slot machines with grey painted tap lights?

Numerous stock footage of police cars, ambulances, etc. Rather obvious since the film color didn't match. Also, when the bridge blows up, there is one car that goes over that makes more of an explosion that the Shell tanker that went over first!

What happened to the scaffolding that Maxwell was on when they showed him at the bottom of the dam?

Too many other things to list. Wonder what the budget was for this...

My Big Fat Greek Wedding

This was funny?
Like others, I had high expectations for this movie. In fact, my father offered to reimburse my movie tickets or video expense if my wife and I did not like it. I'll be submitting a request.

I kept looking at the timing tracker on my dvd thinking when will this get funny? Fifteen, thirty, forty-five minutes goes by and really nothing!

There were only 2 things we laughed at (spoiler follows):

1. When the father compares his future son-in-law's parents to toast.

2. The first Greek word breakdown.

The stereotyping really irritated me. Very disappointing. 2/10.

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