
IMDb member since January 2010
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    IMDb Member
    14 years


The Mechanics of Love

The band...
...is really good! This movie definitely has better music than you've come to expect from these kinds of movies.

Apart from that, the movie seemed a little phoned-in. Not bad, but not good either. I watch a lot of these, so I knew what to expect! Wouldn't re-watch.


Interesting Characters - a family drama with a Sci Fi twist!
A very diverse group of actors have come together to make a very interesting cast that have amazing chemistry on screen and make you care about them and care about what happens to them - and that is what makes you keep coming back for more. Even a high school science student would have to suspend his/her disbelief at the fantasy they try to pass off as science, but it has enough truth in it to make that not too difficult. Each actor has been chosen perfectly to play that specific role. The best thing, however, is not the action or the suspense - but the small things. Little moments in the show that set it apart from the rest - that make you go, hmmm, that was unexpected. Give it a shot - it really sucks you in by the 3rd or 4th episode - after that, you are hooked!

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