
IMDb member since January 2010
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The scariest part is i cant get back 90 minutes of my life
Where do I even start? The movie is plagued by an awful script, terrible direction, and subpar acting. The movie has zero direction, youll spend the majority of the movie asking yourself what the hell an I watching. Too many characters for you to keep up with or care about. At the one hour mark i still had no clue this wasnt a spoof film. I like a few of the actors in this but jeez read the script before accepting the role. I got to watch it for free and i still overpaid. It is so bad i spent the last ten minutes of this movie wrining this review. Please for the love of god dont watch this movie.


Its like "The Ring" and "It Follows" had a love child. Generic overused jump scare formula and a plot that youve seen before done better. Sre the jump scares good? Meh. Is the plot good? Meh. Is the acting good? Meh.... you get my point. Everything in this movie has been done before and better. I will give them props for 1 specific jump scare, that was unique and done exceptionally well. Other than that and the creepy smiles nothing else stands out or is particularly memorable. If you compare this movie to any of the other ghost/curse movies it falls dead in the middle of them all. So worth a watch if theres nothing else on, but you wont be overwhelmed.

Saved by the Bell

The people giving 1 star just don't get it.
This show isn't meant to be the same as the original. It's more satirical and introspective. It makes fun of how ridiculous the plot and storylines were while laughing at itself for even exists.


Solid movie
Good acting, well written and will keep you guessing.


Had a glimmer of promise and they rode that glimmer straight into the toilet. Don't waste tour time

Into the Dark: Pilgrim
Episode 2, Season 2

This movie is awesome!! The movie doesn't take it self so seriously that it ruins it. Great panic moments paired with a few laughs. Loved it!

Jacob's Ladder

Stop hating on it
I've never seen the original, do I'm completely unbiased. I'm not a fan of anyone in the movie so I had low expectations going in, that being said it was exceptional. Great acting, great story, great effects. All of the bad reviews are because people compare it to the original.


Different is one way to put it.
Pretty good, movie had some great special effects and a sinister ambiance. The only thing I felt was lacking was character development. This is probably why it's 90 minutes long, by adding 15 minutes you could do a little more with the characters.


Literally Unwatchable
I wanted to love this show, but sadly it didn't love itself. I like Lil' Rel and I like Sinbad, but the writing and comedic timing are so bad it makes the show cringeworthy

Father of the Year

Way better than I expected
I'm a sucker for a slapstick comedy. David Spade is the funniest I've seen him in years. At one point I almost threw up from laughing too hard. Definitely worth the watch.

The Endless

Masterfully executed
I have seen a lot of horror movies, a lot of sci-fi movies, and a lot of thrillers. This movie is by far the best blending of the three genres. It's a nice slow burn, that culminates into a well executed ending. Wonderful movie

Awaken the Shadowman

It had potential
Not the worst film I've ever seen. It fell prey to the curse of Hollywood horror. You know.... no ending. Movies have a setting, a cast, and a plot. The plot needs a begging, middle and and end. It was missing the ending. It also leaves you with more questions than answers. It could've been decent.

How It Ends

Cinematic equivalent of blue balls
This movie was great from beginning to well 5 minutes before the ending. It's almost like they said "screw it let's just end it here to piss everyone off". I'm still waiting to find out "How it ends"

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