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Four Christmases

Sends The Wrong Message
The movie starts with a couple that is happy with what they have in the non traditional lifestyle. They don't need or want marriage or kids. Their friends and family judge them for this even though they are happy. By the end they are peer pressured despite all the evidence proving their stance to be correct to conform to the norm.

The comedy may not be to everyone's taste though I enjoyed it. Though after the second christmas it felt like they started to speedrun the story with the third christmas being short and the fourth practically nonexistent. I could see how the movie was going to end by the halfway point but it still pissed me off. I have never been so angry at an xmas movie. Luckily it was the end of the night when I watched it, but it still left me angry. Even now I am fuming about that ending a day later.

No One Will Save You

Excelect creatures + Ok Story = Solid Movie
First off the creature designs are perfect. I have no complaints about them and they looked great the entire time they are on screen. I don't know what combination of practical and cgi it was but I couldn't tell one way or the other and nothing looked wrong. The way the moved and acted I absolutely believe these creatures were well thought out and designed.

Story wise I feel it was decent I was on board and along for the ride. Though this is where I have my complaints. The extreme lack of dialogue does not do the movie any favors and feels like a gimmick instead of having a story reason. The writers also made a weird decision with the main character near the end that made me and my girlfriend like her less. We are not sure if that was intentional or just mishandled again not done any favors by the lack of dialogue. Though right at the end they do stick the landing to recover from their misstep but it did cost them a star. While watching the movie I was like this is a 9/10 then they got weird and i'm like oh I guess 7/10 then they stuck the landing and i'm like ok 8/10.

Overall a solid movie good action and sci fi elements. If you like action or horror it's a recommend from me.

Blue Beetle

A fun superhero movie.
If you go in expecting a fun light hearted superhero movie that is what you are going to get. Only complaints are the tonal shifts. His transformation feels like a horror movie transformation and the hero of course doesn't kill people (rolls eyes) but that rule doesn't apply to all the other good guys. They violently kill and make jokes about it. One of its biggest issues is how it is supposed to connect to the DC universe going forward. It doesn't do anything to answer any of those questions. Then there is the racial undertones that seem unnecessary and hurt the movie and again push the us vs them issue instead of trying to unite people. At least it was sort of subtle and could be missed.

The Lost City

Pretty fun comedy
I enjoyed it based on the trailer I could tell exactly what was going to happen but it was still fun. The pair work together and the supporting cast were solid. Only complaint was Daniel Radcliff could have done more and maybe some more with Brad Pitt. Otherwise it was a enjoyable movie.

It reminds me of old school comedies from the 90s in multiple ways. It has a duo trying to achieve something a minor villain trying to stop them and a couple of big name cameos that pop up. By the end the duo has grown and become better the villain has been dealt with and the supporting cast get something too.

Throw it on and enjoy.

That '90s Show

Way better than it had any right to be.
First the returning cast is still great. Other than red and kitty they are all just minor cameos but they are used well. Most of the new cast is great. We loved the bromance between nate and jay. Ozzy was the only weak link of the new cast. Clearly they are trying to make him the new fez but he doesn't feel natural and the character comes off as forced. Also I do feel this cast just looks younger than the original cast did when it started and looking it up they are on average younger.

I wasn't going to write a review until I saw everyone review bombing this. Me and the girlfriend loved it and hope it gets another season. This show was way better than it had any right to be.

Velma: The Candy (Wo)man
Episode 2, Season 1

Slightly better than the first episode
They try to redeem Daphne but Velma continues to be terrible, Shaggy is pointless, and they seem to straight up hate Fred. I just don't get why they bothered using Scooby Doo characters, it adds nothing to the show and actually hurts it by ruining beloved characters. If this show wasn't using an existing IP then I would probably rate it just a little higher but even then 95% of the jokes don't land and it feels like a chore to watch this. When I finished this episode I turned the Cats movie on because I felt I had been too hard on it at least it tried unlike this.

Like last episodes review I stand by my bet that this will be 1 season then canceled.

Velma: Velma
Episode 1, Season 1

1 good joke at the beginning of the episode
They have 1 good joke at the beginning about pilot episodes after that this episode was unfunny. It feels like the people who made this hate scooby doo and somehow got the rights to use its characters. Other than characters sort of looking like Mystery Inc no one acts like they should not even as a parody of the character. I couldn't tell if the Daphne they introduced was supposed to actually be Daphne or was meant to mislead us. As a pilot episode I don't see how this series got made.

They made every character unlikable and unfunny. I will watch more to give it a shot but after the initial episode I would bet money this thing gets canceled after 1 season.

No Exit

An ok movie
The trailer and synopsis makes the movie look better than it is. Watched it on halloween because we wanted a horror movie so was a little disappointed in it for not delivering there. We wanted more of the who is the kidnapper plot but it gets revealed early and isn't a surprise so the rest of the movie is just the unlikable main character trying to rescue an unlikable child. Which was a weird choice because we were not rooting for anyone but the person who dies first. So we lost all investment in the story after that.

Overall it was just ok. It had potential but didn't do anything new or amazing and actually fell into quite a few pitfalls we were hoping it would avoid.

Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities

A great horror anthology.
I hope this gets another season and soon it was great!

The presentation wrapper before each episode is ok doesn't really add or do anything. This being an anthology I will rate each episode in order they came out.

Lot 36: 8/10 An not meant to be liked main character buys a storage unit at an auction with some sinister secrets. It takes a little to get going but the payoff is worth it.

Graveyard Rats: 9/10 Graverobber deals with rats. This one gets going fairly fast and is a wild ride the entire way. Would like to explore some of the stuff that comes up in it but maybe a later episode.

The Autopsy: 10/10 Something strange happens and an autopsy needs done on a bunch of men. This one is my favorite. I was worried it was wasting time on the lead up but everything pays off and is amazing executed.

The Outside: 6/10 A awkward women becomes obsessed with a beauty product. I like the main actress in this but the story was weird and slow. It feels like a swing and a miss but at least they tried.

Pickman's Model: 8/10 An artist meets a artist that makes art of a dark subject matter and it haunts him. I enjoyed it the theme was nice and heavy throughout. I think the ending could have been a little better but the girlfriend loved it.

Dreams in the Witch House: 7/10 A man obsessed with his dead sister and seeing her again ends up in a witches house. This one does a lot of stuff and feels like is leaves a lot of threads hanging. It was good and had a fun ending.

The Viewing: 7/10 A group of experts are gathered together to view a strange object. This one is set in the 80s and has a very 80s feel throughout. The theme is well executed and the story had us curious where it was going. The ending pays off but it may have been a little too long and a little too weird.

The Murmuring: 1/10 A couple of bird watching scientist with relationship issues stay in a haunted house. The main character is dreadful and the story is boring and not well executed. We hoped for a better ending and instead got the one we expected. Andrew lincoln gives a good performance but this was torture to watch. Unfortunately the season ends with its worst episode.

Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: The Murmuring
Episode 8, Season 1

Ending on your worst story
This one was torture to get through. I already don't care for ghost stories and this one was an example of why. I got bored halfway through and looked up the info on this episode and found out it was by the person who made The Babadook which I also despised and then realized the main character of this was also the actress from that movie. She is great at playing terrible characters in boring stories. Andrew Lincoln doesn't get to do much in the episode but he carries what little there is but is overall wasted in this story.

TLDR: Boring story, unlikable main character, predictable ending. Skip this one.

Halloween Ends

When does the real finale come out?
I don't know what this movie was but I am still waiting on the real final movie in the trilogy to be released. This was just a bad joke right? I kept watching hoping that it would get better and it just didn't I had heard the final act was good and I was lied to. Then I am not sure what message they were trying to send with their wacky symbolism they do but it went over my head. When it was over me and the girlfriend just felt crushed that it was such a bad movie. 2018 was great and kills was ok but this makes me angry and sad at how disappointing it was.

This wasn't a Halloween movie. It takes place on halloween and Michael and Laurie cameo in it but that's it. Every time I look at the rating I am giving it I lower the score because I feel I am being too generous.

Resident Evil

Would have been better to not be tied to Resident Evil
If this had just been a generic zombie series it would have been at least slightly better. The main character is terrible in the past and the present. She shows that she has not grown from who she was over a decade ago and we were hoping the show would do the right thing and kill her. Instead they add her daughter to the future scenes later in the session and she is just as bad as her mother. Nothing in the flashback scenes are interesting it's just teen drama that if they were real people at all wouldn't have happened.

Lance Reddick plays an interesting generic character that they for some reason decided was Wesker. They do some stuff with that to try and explain it but overall it's just bad writing. One character comes out of nowhere and gets real cool and we were hoping they would steal the spotlight and just as we had hope the terrible main character gets them killed. It was at that moment we lost all hope for the show.

Don't really want a season 2 but if they make it I will probably watch to see if they can't put this dumpster fire out.

Venom: Let There Be Carnage

A great sequel
This movie was great even better than I expected. We laughed the whole way through. The action was great. Overall the only people I see having an issue with this movie are those who expecting anything else than a comic book action buddy comedy. It goes above and beyond and left us quoting the movie as we left the theater.


Interesting killer unlikeable hero
The killer was interesting and provided a at least fun take on a murderer. The first half of the movie was ok the writing could have been better. The second half introduced a lot of unlikeable characters you want to see murdered and are mostly disappointed. The Heroin of the movie me and the girlfriend hated the most of all the characters and kept hoping she would die. A tip to the writers if you make a comedian character have them at least tell a joke at some point if they are supposed to be funny and likeable. No one goes to a comedy show to be lectured.

American Horror Stories: Drive In
Episode 3, Season 1

Just ok
I liked the premise they set up I was expecting something along the lines of The Crazies which is what they sort of delivered. Hate how quickly they moved on from that into the boring ending. Saw the end coming which could have been shorted to a minute or two instead of the final act. Overall just an ok episode at least it is one episode unlike the first one being a two parter.

Harley Quinn

Great show ruined by main character
The show has a ton of great characters, stories, and jokes just none of them come from the main character Harley Quinn. If they removed Harley and followed any of the side characters it would be a hit. Harley is unlikeable and unrealistic for her own world, things just work out for her. They make a harsh joke using some trolls at the start of one of the episodes but they make some pretty valid points about the shows shortcomings.

Willy's Wonderland

Mute Nick Cage Fist Fighting Animatronics at Chuck E Cheese
My title says it all. Its a must watch it delivers on every front if I could have reviewed it higher I would have. Me and the girlfriend want a sequel now. Just mute Nick Cage fist fighting monsters.

The Babysitter: Killer Queen

Another amazing movie
I loved the original movie and this one is just as good. May have leaned into the comedy a little harder but that was not a bad thing. There were a lot of characters so not everyone got their time to shine but I think they knew who we wanted to see and they carried the show. If the series ends here its on a great high note otherwise I would jump at the chance to see a sequel this is a great series.

The Sub

I enjoyed it
For the quality and story it had to tell the timing seemed about right. Though its humor was a little dry and its horror was what I would expect from a goosebumps. Actually after writing that this feels like a goosebumps episode except it follows a "adult" mainly.

Straight Edge Kegger

Bad pacing and poor music along with weak writing
Just sat through this and for the first half of the movie I contemplated walking out. The opening is just torture as you are forced to listen to incomprehensible music for about 4 songs. Then you suffer through what feels like an hour of "story" that should have been and easily could have been condensed way down. Heck they introduce a ton of characters that other than the main 4 I couldn't tell you who they were or anything about them. There is a person playing Edward 40 hands that they kept showing that I am not 100% sure the fate of because of the awkward cuts and pacing. The movie gets bearable once it turns into a murder fest. Though even that is weak as it goes from 0 to 100 on violence and doesn't show a lot of it or gets real close when it does. Then right at the end the tone shifts from omg there is violence and death everywhere to jokes and that was crazy but oh well. More of the second half none of the first next time.

The Darlings

Looks cool but plot isn't strong
Just caught this at Sin City Horror Fest and really liked the look but I guessed the twist very early which took away any suspense. Not sure why the characters were worried about anything knowing what they did.

Unholy Blood

Great short not sure the rules of the monster though
Just caught this at Sin City Horror Fest and I loved this short. My only issue is I don't understand the rules of the monster. It has a weakness uses a tool to overcome weakness in 5 seconds discards the tool but is still immune. Then that ending oh man when the credits rolled I was like no show me more.

The Devil's Passenger

Interesting short that left me wanting more.
Just caught this at Sin City Horror Fest and it was a good short that I would like to see more of. The director answered a few questions and said it was left vague intentionally to leave it open to be flushed out in a later entry.


Great short would be interested in seeing more
Just caught this at Sin City Horror Fest and was one of the strongest shorts of the day. A little predictable but i'm fine with that since it delivered everything I wanted but better than predicted.

In Her Shoes

Boring and stars a child so negative to me
Luckily it was short. I don't tend to like anything staring children so that was a hit on the score from me and it didn't really do anything new or interesting.

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