
IMDb member since February 2010
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Great movie, fits perfectly in a US History course
This was a great movie, and quite fun to watch. At times it was emotional, but accurately portrayed some of the struggles of the early 1900's. Sidhatfield had one of my favorite quotes of all time: "I've met Mr. Felts. I wouldn't pee on him if his heart was on fire." You won't be sorry if you watch this. It is one of the best movies of the 80's and probably more than that. The director did a terrific job, as did the script writer. Enjoy!

My review for the teachers of US History courses: The film Matewan exemplifies the dynamics between the corporate capitalist class of super rich company owners, and the lower class of workers. Matewan quite accurately shows all the different types of characters and groups that played in such conflicts during the late 19th century to early 20th. Such conflicts erupted due to the different (actually, the opposite) interests of the corporate capitalists and the lower classes. While the movie is slightly biased in favor of the mistreated strikers (as is natural), it portrays an accurate picture of the events that occurred in Matewan as well as other mining towns in the early 1900's of West Virginia. The movie does a great job at depicting the suffering and courage on the part of the workers, as well as the brutality of the Baldwin-Felts Pinkertons, and the mine owners.

2012: Doomsday

I registered for IMDb just to warn people about this film
I wish there was a 0 vote. This movie insulted my intelligence. I saw it accidentally as I was trying to watch the new 2012 (which is also probably pretty bad) for the special effects. When this movie was over, it dawned upon me that these were the worst special effects I have ever seen. The acting was just filthy. I cannot understand how anyone can do this. Trust me, people have tried (in order to be funny I guess) but it was never this bad. A woman dies because of a cut from a door on her back. In one seen, there is a hail storm, a guy in a car gets hit, they pull over for a 10 minute dramatic scene (for some reason the hail stopped instantly) where he tells her he will believe in god. Of course, this totally converted me to Christianity *sarcasm. I will admit that after watching this movie, I cried for the first time in a few years. It was so awful, and such a waste of time, that I wish I could meet Dr Who (one of my least favorite television characters) just so that we could go back in time and undo this. This movie also made me laugh after I cried because I realized that whoever directed this made it on purpose to mess with us. He did well. Well, Im off for my lobotomy. Maybe that will make the nightmares (that that movie exists) go away.

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