
IMDb member since February 2010
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    IMDb Member
    14 years


Cool as Ice

An intelligent expedition in the mind of a delusional cool dude
Overview: It was an entertaining enough movie, exceeding expectations gathered from previous experiences on IMDb. The story began in a night club where he eyed out a female and used his "cool dude" attitude to gather her number. This movie is a captivating experience of love and compassion, choosing cool over caring, lover over friends. It sent me through an emotional roller coaster which has impacted my life ever since. This is an amazing story on all planes of existence. The acting ability of the two old couple was acted with utmost distinction and price projected through their experienced role.

Thoughts I believe people are being a bit harsh and cannot stand a cheesy movie. Personally I did find it pretty good.. enough.

Rating: Acting: ✰✰✰✰✰ Story: ★★★✰✰ Kissing: ★★✰✰✰ Coolness: ★★★★★ Fight scenes: ★✰✰✰✰ (quite fake)

There's not much else to judge this film on. It's worth watching, better then.. French movies without subtitles, worse then everything else.


The show everyone at school used to watch!
WNTV was a show largely popular around secondary schoolers. It aired every day during the school week.

The characters were unique, funny and everybody had their favorites.

My most vivid memory of this program was the "Big Brother" inter-show they had going. There were cameras and each character had their on-going problems and what not we see on reality TV.

They quite often used the sets of other television programs, including What Now!, TV One News set and a castle which was built for a sorcery and magic program.

This will be forever a classic to the genre of kids television.

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