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Scenes from a Marriage

Jessica Chastain did such a good job it made me hate her
I can't fault the acting at all and that's kind of the biggest problem with this series because it made me hate Jessica Chastain. She did such a good job as this awful self-involved woman driven by her own ego and desires without any regard for anyone else, that it made me hate the actress behind the character. I'm usually great at separating art from the artist, but she was so great in this, I can't see past it. So, well done Jess? I honestly hate her character so much, to just cheat, lie, break hearts, ruin lives, go through all these things that most other people would grow and learn something from, and not develop a shred of empathy for anybody besides herself, it boils my blood. Mira is a user, she uses the men in her life to get what she wants, she doesn't know another way, she plays it off like she's so independent, a career driven woman, but she depends on Johnathan, she depends on Poli, she depends on her boss to get everything she wants. She openly admits that she used to be able to manipulate her boss into getting what she wants, a thinly veiled admission of how she treated Johnathan. I wouldn't hate her so much if she had just made a clean break and let Johnathan move on and build a better life for himself. But she hangs on and on and on, she just can't handle the fact that her choice to leave him might end up better for him than her. Other reviewers see Johnathan as just as bad as Mira but he doesn't come close. He is hopelessly in love with Mira and all she does is take him for granted, toy with his heart, and continuously lets him down. He was willing to work it out, she didn't want that, so he worked on himself to get to a point where he could let her go. Then she comes back around not because she wants him but because she needs him, and he has to be the one to deny her when he never wanted her to leave to begin with. Mira is helplessly unaware of who she is and what she wants, all she knows is she doesn't want whatever it is she has. And she is happy to keep trying to figure it out at the expense of Johnathan's heart. I could go on but all in all, this series is so ugly and real, written perfectly and acted wonderfully. It's too close to real life and not enjoyable at all to watch, but damn does it make you feel things.


Fun, original, silly in a good way
I can't say enough about filmmakers and writers who dare to be original. Finally, something new to watch that isn't in any way similar to something I've already seen. It has been a long time since I've finished watching a movie and thought 'that was really good' but that was my conclusion with Unfrosted. One critic review said there were too many celebrity cameos, but considering all the parts were played by actors, I would consider it as comedic actors cast in roles, not cameos. We really shouldn't be surprised that a movie starring Jerry Seinfeld is packed with comedians. No one overdid it or tried to hog the spotlight. Melissa McCartney was a great addition. I don't like Amy Schumer at all but she did a good job too, so I think it says a lot about a movie when an actor you dislike is cast in a lead role and it doesn't completely ruin it for you. Very few new movies/shows have me in stitches laughing anymore but the funeral scene gave me a good chuckle. I really appreciate the absurdity of this movie, the humorous predictions of life beyond the 1960s, the portrayal of Walter Cronkite, Jack Lalanne and President Kennedy, the blatant fabrication of the storyline in general. Most of all I really like that this movie didn't waste time, it didn't linger after jokes or try to explain why people should laugh, either you laughed or you didn't. And that's why I appreciate work from Jerry Seinfeld, he doesn't try to cater to every single person, he just does what he thinks is funny. If you like a chuckle, appreciate some silliness, and just want something new and fresh to watch, look no further.

The Card Counter

It's either far too arthouse for my understanding, or it's just a bad film
Is this a card counting movie, or is it a PTSD movie? Someone really said 'why not both?' And the gamble did not pay off.

Oscar Isaac is the only redeemable quality in this film and the fact he is still working since this film is a testament to just how good an actor he is. If an up and coming actor took this role, it would have delayed their progress in getting better roles significantly.

We can partly blame the marketing for this movie, presenting it like it's some fast paced story about the risks and rewards of counting cards. It's not that, in fact I don't even know why counting cards is even a factor. Furthermore, as explained by another reviewer, even though the opening of the movie has Oscar Isaac's character explaining why he's so good at counting cards in blackjack, he spends most of the movie playing poker... Like, what? I'm glad I'm not the only one who was confused by that.

I may be missing something, the nuance may have gone right over my head, but this movie is somehow all over the place and incredibly slow at the same time. I don't know who convinced Oscar Isaac to do this movie, perhaps the script read way better than the end result. When I say he is the only good thing about this movie, he does his very best to save the corny dialogue, and he somewhat succeeds. But barely. But honestly the draw of Oscar Isaac for me when watching his work is knowing there is no one better suited for the role. This role, however, could be played by literally anyone and I think that's one of the issues with this movie; all of the characters are so one dimensional and predictable, there is nothing special about them. Tiffany Haddish is wildly out of place, and damn, Oscar Isaac should get an award for faking chemistry because she was giving him nothing. It looked like she was trying her best, but this style of movie is not her forte.

If you want to look at Oscar Isaac for a while and not pay attention to the storyline, then sure go ahead and watch this movie. If you want to watch a good movie with Oscar Isaac in it, there are plenty of other options. All in all, you can skip this one and live your life knowing you didn't miss anything.

The Invitation

A decent film, gives you a lot to think about
This movie should not be taken at face value, it is clever and thought-provoking. It really only scrapes the surface of it's potential but definitely doesn't miss the mark when making it's point.

Our main character Will is presented as someone somewhat unbalanced and self-alienated. He looks dishevelled, he looks broken, but out of everyone in that house he has done the most work on himself. He has been living in reality, dealing with his pain, as much as it's tortured him and part of him will always be broken, he has done the work to not forget but to move on, even if just a little. This is how he is able to determine something isn't right, his ex wife Eden is not only not acting like herself, but she seems to have moved on from the cause of her pain, she is smiling and bright, and unnervingly positive. But her pain is Will's pain, and he knows her better than this. Who could experience what they have and truly be able to say 'everything is ok'?

Ultimately this is a movie about people in pain, suffering for things out of their control that have consumed their lives. It shines a light on how people in pain are so easily preyed upon by cults and so easily persuaded after the fact. It also demonstrates an unavoidable truth, and thus reveals the appeal of an organisation that promises to absolve you from pain. That truth; pain is normal, it's human, and it cannot be cured. If someone promised you they could take it away, wouldn't you be interested in knowing how? I suppose this is the state of mind Eden and her new husband David were in when they decided to join their cult, because really, who 'decides' to join a cult? Rather, they were accepted by a group of people who understood their pain. Nobody besides the person at the head of it all truly knows they're in a cult.

The ending highlights something we all forget when consumed with our own pain; we are not the only ones feeling this way. It is much more common that we realise, but it is so easy to be consumed in it. But more importantly, at the end of it all, we see Eden is just as broken as Will, for all the promises she was made about being free of her pain, she died with as much pain in her heart as ever.

This movie is absolutely worth watching for the aspect many thriller enthusiasts miss; the humanity.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Pointless and pandering
This movie had potential but ultimately fell short. It could have been a solid movie, however past the initial entertainment of spouses finding out they are both spies, the writing and storyline are flimsy at best. A lot of it doesn't make sense and it relies on the audience ignoring plot holes and believability just because it's a fast paced movie. Jolie's character thinks she's killed Pitt's character on three separate occasions before she decides she's still in love with him... It took her three unsuccessful assassination attempts to realise she doesn't want him dead... Ok, sure.

It borders between silly and serious and can't decide which one to settle on. The acting is solid as you would expect from the likes of Jolie, Pitt, Vaughan and Brody, but their talents are wasted in a movie like this. Still, Brad Pitt is doing the bare minimum to be considered good acting, and Angelina Jolie simply has to master the art of the forlorn gaze as that's the depths her character will allow her to go to. Vince Vaughan's character is completely pointless, offering nothing besides causal sexism. Adam Brody's character is confusing to say the least, he's a spy in custody of the FBI that other spy agencies want dead... What?

The obvious point of this movie was to flaunt two attractive actors on screen, making them do ridiculous things whilst half naked. Nothing in it is really funny, shocking, clever, or good. It certainly wasn't worth the trouble it caused, I'm sure both Pitt and Jolie regret it for many, many reasons.

Agent Elvis

A treat for Elvis fans
Just because it's adult animation doesn't mean it's target audience is people in their 20's, the target is Elvis fans. I'm 35 and have been a fan of Elvis' for 22 years. I'm under 40 and I don't need to reference Wikipedia to know who Dean Martin is, unlike one user review suggested. I was born in '88 and had listened to every available recording of the Martin & Lewis radio show before I was even 20. When I watch Agent Elvis and delight in the references made about the other greats of the time, I feel like the show was made specifically for me. If a show can make a viewer feel seen, then it's a good show in my opinion.

This show pokes fun at everything Col Parker wanted Elvis to be, making light of the failed attempt at a Christmas special, the terrible movies, etc. I feel like Elvis himself would get a kick out of this show, especially with it not being G or PG rated. We all know Parker would have brokered some kind of deal with someone to make it a family friendly production and sucked the joy out of it in the process. Thankfully we have Priscilla at the helm, and considering her involvement in the Naked Gun movies, I don't doubt her judgement or sense of humour.

I don't think this show was made to revolutionise adult animation, I really think it's just a treat for Elvis fans. Everything the Presley family has done since Elvis' death has been to keep his memory alive, and having something new like this, instead of re-watching everything else he's done for the millionth time, is a refreshing way to remember and enjoy Elvis Presley.


Eh, It's A Movie
Not amazing, not terrible - it's a movie.

Enjoyable to watch, and a good pick if you can't find anything else. Margot Robbie's performance is great, even though she is largely used as eye-candy it's not done in a blatant way. Will Smith is the same as in any other movie - you could replace him with any given actor and get the same result. I think this is mostly due to his character being very one dimensional. They were good together but I didn't see the chemistry the story is trying to convince us is there. Robbie's character is so much younger than Smith's, it's a bit off-putting.

Overall an entertaining movie if you want something fun to watch. Sometimes movies are just nice to look at, and this is one of them.


Fresh Eyes & No Expectations
If you want to believe in this movie and enjoy it you will need two things- two things you should have before watching any movie; fresh eyes and no expectations. By fresh eyes I mean not. And by no expectations I mean not expecting too much of an actor and assuming something about them because of a previous role you've seen them in. If you do this then you will be able to form your own opinion.

This film was by no means a Tarentino rip off and does not try to be.

The script is fantastic, I especially loved the banter between Christian Kane's 'Billy Ray' and Rachel Miner's 'Betty' in the opening scene at the diner. This very easily could have been an ill-fated love story, taking queues from Bonnie & Clyde. But there is a bigger picture to consider- karma. At first it seems Billy is having trouble running from the law because he had learnt from his mistakes and didn't want to make any more. We later find out that the story we're seeing is a version of Billy's own Hell, in which he tortures and kills the ones he loves. This only becomes clear at the end of the film- a surprising twist but perhaps more could have been given away to let the audience know that what we were watching was not in fact the truth.

Before this film I had never heard of Rachel Miner or seen her in anything (except for a small stint as a demon in Supernatural- not enough to form any opinion of her acting ability) but I thought she was great in this film. I had no issue with her Southern accent. The thing I loved about her performance was the amount of excitement she gave Betty. Betty was excited about life, it may not be the best life and she's seen a million dirt roads, but that excitement in her voice and on her face never fades.

Christian Kane was brilliant in this film. I've never seen a performance of his I didn't like, but this one in particular really blew me away. He commands attention as Billy, whether he's holding a gun or not you want to know what he's going to do. I personally love unpredictable characters like Billy who is having a normal conversation one minute and shooting up a storm the next.

I really liked Hide, but the one thing I would change is the sudden ending and plot twist. It ends too soon and doesn't give the audience that small amount of time to register what has happened while it's still happening. But apart from that, I found this film to be a great one. If nothing else, watch it for the on-screen dynamic between Miner and Kane.

Love Song

There's Just Something About It....
I first saw Love Song whilst searching You Tube for Christian Kane related videos- I admit it, I'm a fan. But when it comes to film I do look past whether or not I like a certain actor to judge if it is a good film or not. Love Song is a good film, so original and a great story. Monica had copped a lot of criticism for her performance but honestly, I couldn't see anything wrong with it. Christian Kane provided more than just the eye candy, his role was one which he could put a little more of himself into it, given his musical background. I thought all performances were solid and the story line was great. But whenever I ask people their opinion on Love Song I'm always given the same answer; 'It was good but there was just something about it I didn't like'. I feel the same way, and after watching it too many times it's apparent to me that this movies falls down in terms of directing. There were some scenes where the actors could have been coached better, in particular the scene in which Camille and Billy first kiss. The lead up to it came across very awkward, like the scene started too early. But the overall story line is what got me through, these days it's hard to find such an original story, everything is a remake or a comic book adaptation. It's good to know we have something to fall back on when we get sick and tired of another Transformers (that is if you're not sick of it already).

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