
IMDb member since March 2010
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    14 years


Harlan Coben's Shelter

This should have been a one-episode series - it's baaaad
The first 2 episodes were magical - Harlan Coben style. But the middle deflated like a bad cake! Plot holes bigger than potholes on Mars!

How can measly little teenagers take on full assassins and win -- everytime?

Why did they murder the sports teacher cold blood, then they pretend to be the good guys?

Octo-face survived two direct shootings but walked around like nothing happened two minutes after that?

The lesbian stories and all other relationship stories absolutely had no bearing to the plot. Ver useless subplots.

Why are we in the basketball game? Why do we need the Phantom of the Opera auditions??

The whole house was on fire, and Mickey walked out with a slight cough. This was after a burning boulder fell on them!!!!! Seriously!!!!

Whe you think about it, this story winded round and round for nothing. Why didn't the Bat lady tell Mickey everything? Why didn't Ashley? Why didn't Octo face?

Ojing-eo geim

It will keep you guessing
An absolute thriller! The comedy gets you off guard even in the midst of a nail biting story! Enjoyed it.


It's all clickbait
As the name suggests, I fell for it. I couldn't get through the first episode. The acting is not convincing, we don't sense danger at all because there are no emotional connections with the characters. The main character is straight up annoying. Don't click on this one.

Without Remorse

Good entertainment
It seems the qualms and the low rating is that the movie didn't go with the book. Nevertheless, a great movie that seems will match up to Jack Ryan in the near future.

Work It

This movie rocks! No cussing, no man-bashing, no politics. More of these please. And Keiynan!! Fire!!


It gets 5 stars for Season 2
To be honest, season 2 is a burst. Nothing like season one. This has become a teenage drama about girls discovering their sexuality and not about a covert spy girl. I really do hope it improves.

The Old Guard

I always like my villains bad as hell. The adversary here was not terrifying, at all. With that said, this movie was entertaining. Maybe Charlize Theron makes up for the downsides. She is awesome.

The Last Days of American Crime

The premise is great. Execution, terrible. They take too long for a simple story line. Just replay Extraction again.

Blood & Water

The mystery of the story is still intriguing even though we know where it is going. This is a satisfactory series and brings out the Cape Town/SA's culture. It is worth watching.

Into the Night

A fun ride
A short series interesting enough. And it's not Hollywood.

Queen Sono

Are we for real? It's a hot mess.
It's international illegal to compare this to the Black Widow! I couldn't get past episode 3! The main character is good looking has fight moves but that's just it. No conviction of why she is doing what she is doing. The storylines are all over the place. I don't fear the bad guys, I don't worry over the protagonist. We need to do better in African storytelling.

The Stranger

The low key myster, turned into a mind numbing finale! Great series


Out of touch with history
Don't get me wrong, the movie is gripping, but seems the director/writer did not want to get into the muddy motivation of the bad guys. The hostage takers always cut short to state their experience with colonial "powers". We see the horror of children as hostages, but never shown the horrors of Djibouti children under occupation - which is the motive behind the saga. Welcome to 2019!


Don't bother
Is this a horror flick or a romantic movie? On both fronts, it sucks.

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