
IMDb member since April 2010
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    14 years


Easy Virtue

Complete waste of time
I have just gone through the tedium of registering on IMDb so that I can tell the world how awful this movie is and what an astounding waste of talent it represents. Jessica Biel is miscast, with no clue how to make her character interesting. The English actors speak their lines well and deserve their paychecks. The setting, a stately home in Nottingham, is handsome. The screenplay is a disaster, with no narrative drive and a dead dog gag that is neither funny nor relevant. The soundtrack: relentless. Bottom line: you know you are in trouble when the music constantly intrudes to drown out the dialogue and tell you that, despite the sinking feeling in your stomach, you really are having fun. The only real way to have fun with this movie is to mute the sound, throw a bunch of cushions on the floor, and make love to a beautiful woman by the light from the video screen.

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