
IMDb member since March 2003
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    21 years


The Bed You Sleep In

I was under the assumption it was a serious movie, but then I realized it was a comedy...
For all of you "The Bed You Sleep In" fans...What is wrong with both of you!? LOL! I truly believe that everyone in this movie was on Valium. It has to be the slowest movie I have ever forced myself to watch to the end. I still can't believe I made it through the whole thing without falling asleep. There was one scene in a restaurant where the camera started shooting from the first point, and slowly made it's way around the circumference of the room, showing, plates, bowls, walls, people, doors, a paper bag, tables, chairs, counters, the camera finally made it back to the beginning after taking what seemed like an eternity, then began going around the restaurant again! Everyone in the movie talked in slow motion, pausing after every third word. There were shots of the town, which would seem like forever and for what reason? Like, shots of a side of an old building, shot of a town street, etc. The only way I would recommend this movie to anyone is if they were having trouble sleeping.

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