Reviews (1)

  • This movie is clearly a clever, subtle satire of banking systems. The tag line is the premise of the movie "When You're $100,000 In Debt, It's Your Problem. When You're $1,000,000 In Debt... It's The Bank's." Now, in 2010, we're seeing that if banks owe many billions of dollars, then it is the taxpayer's problem. Rosalie's problem has recently become a problem for all of us. This problem is not only limited to one country or banking system.

    Rosalie is not a heroine, she is the personification of consumerism gone out-of-control, and a banking system that enables it. The movie really provides an underlying warning message. It should be required watching for anyone who wants to understand why things can easily go wrong in any banking system.

    Although I first saw this movie in the early 1990s, I think it will make most sense to people now, in 2010!