
IMDb member since June 2010
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Ticking Clock

Awesome story...lacked a little in the acting category
Well I saw this movie about 3 months ago and as I am a big fan of Neal NcDonough, looked forward to it a lot. I must say first of all that I thoroughly enjoyed the film, although Cuba Gooding Jnr was not the best actor for the main role, the story was great and the twist was enjoyable. I think the last film i saw Cuba in was hardwired and I wasn't very impressed by his role but once again i did enjoy the story.

I do believe that a big name actor in the main role would have made this a lot better along with some other recasting, but all in all very watchable, not B-grade by any means and definitely an enjoyable watch. Im surprised this went straight to DVD as I think it would of done well with some good marketing at the cinemas, but none the less I hope lot's of people go out and hire or buy this one and hopefully enjoy it as much as I did. Maybe if it had received a bigger budget it would have rated higher among most viewers, I give it a 7, which whilst fairly high, is fair I believe. it definitely had potential but even though it never reached it, it was still a very noble attempt with a great storyline.

The Hunted

Boring, predictable, mediocre
Well, where to start? it sounded good, it rated average, but to be honest it was boring extremely predictable and downright un-enjoyable. I found myself 3/4 of the way through saying c'mon just get it over, I didn't want to turn it off as I don't like watching 3/4 of a movie, but I already knew what was going to happen in the end. I think Benicio Del Toro looked like he just stepped out of a b-grade movie and forgot to adjust, and Tommy Lee Jones was downright boring. From the first moment the movie started looking like a b-grade war movie and after 10 minutes left me wondering if something was actually going to happen other than the pointless slaying of Albanians. Then soldier wakes up in the middle of the night and decides to go out into the woods and start ruthlessly killing people for no apparent reason whatsoever!! At times I felt that they were trying to almost re-create TLJ's role in the fugitive. I kept expecting to hear, " What I want from each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in that area " My advice, watch it if you have absolutely nothing better to watch or do otherwise, steer clear

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