
IMDb member since June 2010
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Great film about the 70s neofascism in Chile
This is a great film that was overlooked firstly because of the social eruption in Chile (despite the clearly relation between its story and the facts that lead to the Chilean revolts) - and finally by the pandemic.

I only had the chance to watch it now in 2022. Gladly.

Our latin american cinema usually depicted for the last decades only the left efforts to resist the dictatorships - and their hideous acts - that took over basically every country here due to coups induced by the US in the context of the cold war.

This movie, on the other hand, shows the period from other perspective: the youth that took arms to enforce those coups against popular governments.

Going back and forth in time, from the 70s to the actual times, it depicts a group of three people that were part of a neofascist group - their actions in the past and how they ended up.

With a great and pretty stylish directing, fantastic acting (specially by Mercedes Moran and Maria Valverde) and such an interesting plot, it works so well to show how those wounds from the past are still pretty open in our actual contexts - as lots of people that took part in the conflicts, despite their crimes, are still in the meanders of the elite and power.

In Latin America, we usually prefer to forget what broght us til here, but as this film - and the chilean people have been doing since the period it was released -, shows: that's not the way to evolve and develop really fair societies as we wish. We got to face the past to understand the present and build a better future.


Pure entertainment without moralism
What a gem.

The series addresses several themes, from the housing problem, passing through the youth's lack of perspective on life, to the chronic violence that comes from the brutal inequality typical of Latin American societies.

Without ever falling into moralism, far from trying to teach the public hypocritical lessons, it manages to amuse and entertain with a compelling story that have moments of comedy, action, suspense and a bit of drama.

With the remastering and release by netflix in 2021, I was finally able to watch the 11 episodes of this magnificent series, being able to understand the status it conserved through the years.

Watch it!


Wasted potential
Unfortunately, huge potential wasted.

With emotional and memorable moments, some outstanding footage on the consequences of the pandemic on the lives of ordinary people and doctors, the director doesn't succeed on the montage and to give the film a satisfying entirity. It's a shame, because the potential of making an eternal film with those recordings exactly in the city where everything started, during a lockdown, was wasted.

Anyway, if you are looking for interesting footage of varied situations in Wuhan during the lockdown it's worth it. There's a nice part with an elder lady and her son talking a little bit about the politics of China as well.

If you're looking for a good film, it's not the case.

Mientras dure la guerra

An Essential Movie
This is a very good movie, well-acted, well directed and with a nice photography, but the most important is its message and the reflection it causes.

The movie is about Spain in the 30s, but I see its importance in the actual context I'm living right now in my country as a brazilian.

The people who supports or simply doesn't stand up against fascism are not necessarily fascists as we can see in the main character. The brutality, fanatism and absurd could be right in front of your eyes and you still are not able to see and comprehend it, specially if the context you are living is confusing and complex.

Spain paid a very high price because of this and suffered for 40 years in the hands of a fascist - an upholder for the "good spaniards".

That's a movie that should be shown to people like Miguel de Unamuno before it's too late, like it was for him.

Puerta 7

I'm a huge fan of argentinian cinema, but what a disappointment this series is.

Terrible acting, terrible story, full of clichés and plot holes.

The director, Israel Adrian Caetano, is a very good one, as he already proved in "Oso Rojo" - one of my favorite action films - and "Pizza, birra, faso", an argentinian classic. The problems here are with the script and acting.

It's a shame that such a rich and full of possibilities theme as the argentinian football and its barra bravas was so wasted like this.


Beatiful, intense and remarkable
This movie is Aristarain's best in my humble opinion, what a beatiful picture.

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