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The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz

Aaron Swartz had no problem with CP.
Stop lionizing this guy. He was such a libertarian tech bro that he thought child pornography was a victimless crime.

Look up his ".notabug" entries to see how he felt about CP in the decade leading up to his suicide.

Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

Few Comic Moments are it's Saving Grace
Let me start by saying that I love the first film. "Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle" is enjoyable on so many different levels, mainly because of the complete and utter lack of thought behind it; that being said, the filmmakers managed to distract me from the fact that everything that was happening was absurd by the simple act of comedic timing.

I was neither surprised nor shocked to find out that a sequel was in the works and had little doubt that it would probably be a terrible film. Not only because it is so hard to recapture an almost nostalgic feeling from a preceding film, yet also because it is so hard to try again the second time.

"Escape from Guantanamo Bay" seemed like and hour and half of trying way too hard to be funny. What was so great about the first film, at least to me, was that the filmmakers knew they weren't making an Oscar worthy flick, nor a film that would be widely accepted: they were making a movie that they found funny, pot jokes and toilet humor included.

And while the sequel included all of these immature things, it also came with a sense of being forced, all these cliché jokes which have been overused so many times by countless up-and-coming comedians that anyone could see them coming a mile away.

I will give credit where it is due, however. There were a few times (very few, however) where I could not help but laugh incredibly hard. Somehow, and I'm not exactly sure exactly how, they managed to recapture what was so funny about the first film. Mainly, they were the scenes involving Neil Patrick Harris and the guy playing President Bush. Those scenes were so very different than I was expecting that the comedy that happened in them seemed liked gold, even if what was happening was the same stuff I have seen in countless other films.

I usually try to leave the brain at the door when I am seeing these kind of movies...and that usually works. But it was almost too hard to even do that as I watched "Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay." Even the thoughtless stoner comedy had me going..."Um, this is stupid." I'm not saying it's not funny...nor am I saying it isn't enjoyable. However, if you are looking to enjoy it as much as the first film, you'll probably be disappointed.


You'll Either Love it or Hate It - I Loved It

I just got back from the midnight screening and I have to tell you how awesome I thought Cloverfield was. It is not surprising to see how many people are already bashing this movie. What is surprising though is why they are. People keep on complaining about the camera work and the way the movie ends. Let me ask those people this: What did you expect? It was pretty clear since the beginning that this movie was being filmed on a Handy-cam. So why expect still shots and Academy Award winning cinematography? I think the reason why people are giving this so much crap is because they were annoyed by all the buzz and just decided to lash out against the movie itself. I'm not saying that's the case with all of you guys, but I know there are those people out there that are like that.

If you haven't seen the movie yet, let me just give you some tips before you do. Don't go in expecting a typical monster movie with a beginning, middle, and end. Abrams and Reeves set out to redefine the monster movie genre and that is exactly what they do. They made this movie very unique, managing to stay away from a lot of the pitfalls and clichés that always manage to sneak into the other monster flicks.

I may just be the only person who enjoyed the camera work. Seeing it from the point of view of the people who went through it made it even more incredible and realistic. I hardly get scarred or jump in a movie, but this one definitely will cause a few jumps! However, if the whole shaky camera thing is not your cup of tea, then you have been warned (although you don't really need a warning). I did not find it distracting or nauseating like some people will say (overreacting of course), but I can understand how there are those of you out there who will not like it.

Secondly, be prepared to find that there is actually a human element involved in this film. The characters are so realistic it's hard to remember that they are just actors; they do such a great job of keeping the film going when they aren't running for their lives. Basically, the main character Rob is trying to find the girl he loves throughout this entire attack, going against the common sense of getting the hell out of there! And lastly, do not expect to have all your questions answered. I'm gonna try and not spoil anything here so I'll just say this: whatever the hell that monster is or where it came from is up in the air at this point.

Some of you may not like the ending. I found it fitting and strangely satisfying. Although, why people think there will be a sequel is beyond me.

Cloverfield is a very entertaining movie that manages to keep you on the edge of your seat most of the time and has a surprising amount of humor from cameraman Hud. The graphics are very well done, the monsters are refreshingly new and original, and overall the film kept me entertained. IT IS NOT FOR EVERYONE, but if this sounds like something you will like then see it! 8/10


Much Better than I Would Have Thought!
I don't know if ezikeal was just kidding or just trying to annoy people, but this movie was incredible. Not only was the acting amazing, but Danny Boyle's direction was top notch. He took what was so great about previous sci-fi films and turned it up a notch.

I could not help but think of Alien or other great films that took place in space and that had the same kind of premise. Everything about this movie worked and once again Cillian Murphy has proved that his acting is so underrated! Honestly, that man needs to be nominated sometime soon, because his acting ability is amazing.

If you have any inhibitions about seeing this movie, just let them go. It is incredible and surprisingly emotional!


Even Better than Expected
Robert Graysmith (Gyllenhaal) was just a cartoonist. Paul Avery (Downey, Jr.) was just a reporter. David Toschi (Mark Ruffalo) was just a police inspector. They did their jobs, their day-to-day lives without many problems. They all lived in their own worlds, their secure worlds, and did not have much to object about. Avery enjoyed drinks at the bar with his bosses and coworkers while sometimes covering the news (or throwing his own spin on it). Toschi solved the crimes of San Fransisco and enjoyed his insatiable craving for animal crackers. Graysmith went about invisible at the San Fransisco Chronicle, ignored by the "real" employees because of his status as just a cartoonist. All that began to change, however, in the Summer of 1969 when two young lovers were brutally shot in Vallejo by a man who would soon coin himself as the 'Zodiac.' The obsession of catching the murderer, or the disgust caused by his crimes, would drive the cop, the simple reporter, and the invisible cartoonist down a path that few would want to travel for nearly 22 years.

David Fincher, of Fight Club and Se7en fame, always manages to land the perfect story to use as his next great thriller. Alongside of that, he gets the opportunity to work with some of the finest actors in our generation, many of whom have either won an Oscar, or have been nominated. Zodiac is no different. Fincher starts the story right off the bat with the murder and attempted murder of the Zodiac's first two victims, David Arthur Faraday, 17, and Betty Lou Jensen, 16. For the next 2 and a half hours, it is a spiraling ride down into the world of murder, obsession, and the ugly side of the world that people seem to shy away from.

Fincher is in fine form, as usual, mixing his unique ability to capture the smallest of emotions of his actors, to choreographing some of the coolest shots using both CGI and real life images. Much like the great opening scene in Fight Club, Fincher blends the use of his camera and the power of a computer to make some very compelling and awesome shots, for example the quick ten second shot of the entire construction of the Transamerica Tower. But do not think that this is the only high point of Zodiac.

Gyllenhaal, Downey, Jr, and Ruffalo (or "The Three" as I will refer to them) jumped so deep into their roles that it was hard to separate the actors from the people they were portraying, most notably Mark Ruffalo. A local reviewer here in Arizona called him a chameleon, being able to literally become the character, while most actors simply portray the character. This is the best way to describe Ruffalo, who has played so many different characters in the past 4 years it is hard to believe he can do such a great job. For instance, he played the quirky yet nerdy Stan in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the bad ass yet incredibly Hispanic looking Detective Fanning in Collateral (who I did not realize was in fact Ruffalo until I saw the end credits), and a few typical male characters in romantic comedies. That is what is so great about Ruffalo. He is the character he is portraying.

Robert Downey, Jr., is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors. It seems to me that after he got over his drug problems and started taking on more interesting roles, his career became hotter than ever before. Downey has been in some of my favorite movies in the past seven years (Wonder Boys, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Good Night, and Good Luck, and A Scanner Darkly). His style is very subtle and dry, yet he is such an engaging presence on the screen and his wit is so sharp that I honestly would watch any movie with Robert Downey, Jr., in it and probably enjoy it. His portrayal of the drug/alcohol addicted Paul Avery would have been funny if you did not feel so bad for the guy after he looses his job.

And we cannot forget Jake Gyllenhaal! Gyllenhaal has a different style completely different than the others. Jake has this natural innocence that caught my attention when I first saw him in October Sky and has used that innocence to make the audience feel more connected with whatever character he was playing, even the infamous Donnie Darko. With his boyish face and good looks, he can pull of playing just about any type of character and it was really refreshing to see him change so much over the course of the film. In the beginning, he was the quiet book worm who kept to himself. By the end of the film, he was so obsessed with the idea of just finding out who Zodiac was (not necessarily catching him, just solving the ultimate puzzle) that he had neglected everything and everyone in his life to find all the answers to write his book.

All-in-all, Zodiac is a fantastic film. So far, it is one of the best so far of this year, and I think it will be hard pressed to be forgotten. In what could have easily been a boring adaptation turned into an incredibly tense yet sometimes funny biography of all the people who were so affected by this madman, and had never even met him. We all know the ending basically. The Zodiac Killer was never caught. Some might look at this and wonder what the point of seeing the movie is then, but you have to realize that the purpose behind Zodiac is not purely a detective story where we find out who the killer is and how he did it (like C.S.I. or Law & Order), but it also a very engaging character study about how, like the tag line says, 'there's more than one way to lose your life to a killer.'


Quite Possibly the Best Television Series of the Past Decade
I still remember watching the pilot episode 5 years ago when the show first aired. Back then, I really was not too into television shows, and I remember not thinking much of "Scrubs." Fast forward 5 years, and as the show started airing on our local CW station and WGN, I started getting sucked into it. Now, I own the first 3 seasons on DVD and I cannot get enough of it.

Series creator Bill Lawrence stated that he wanted to make this show a live action "Simpsons," but he did so much more than yet. In all honesty, it reminds me of a live action "Family Guy" what with the quirky characters and hilarious cut scenes. However, he also made it believable with the help of the brilliant cast, like Zach Braff and John C. McGinley. I cannot help but smile every time McGinley comes onto the screen because he alone can steal the entire scene with just a quick word or hilarious monologue.

If you have not yet sat down to watch "Scrubs," I highly recommend it, because "Scrubs" has to be one of the most underrated television comedies in a long time and one of the best of this decade.


Filmmakers Did a Great Job...
...of making this a tense football film. It was not what I had expected from a based-on-a-true-story-inspirational-football-Disney flick. First of all, Mark Wahlberg carried portrayed the role of Papale very well, not making him your typical "I can do it, all I have to do is put my mind to it" type of character. He made the audience feel just as apprehensive as he was.

Secodnly, the last thirty minutes was fantastic. Really tense, really dramatic, and all around enjoyable.

"Invincible" is a great movie to take the whole family to see, and I rarely see family films as it is. I recommend it.

(PS: Any movie that has "Baba O'Riley" by the Who in the trailer is something worth saying).

Fantastic Four

"It's already over?"
There are two reasons why I would ever ask that question: a.) The film was so great that I did not realize that the time had already past, IE: Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.

b.) The film had so many different plot holes and so much cliché writing, that when the end credits pop up, I can't help but feel that my eyes had just been raped for an hour and a half, and that my wallet got charged for it.

"Fantastic Four," unfortunately, falls under the category of b. I was not surprised that would happen however. I could tell just by the trailers alone that this movie was going to be driven by three things: Action, Bad One-Liners, and Jessica Alba's incredible, INCREDIBLE sex appeal. The film delivered all three...and on a side note, I wasn't paying too much attention to the film when Alba was on screen. That woman is one of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood.

Anyway, back to the main point. "Fantastic Four" fell under the common curse of being made by people who just could've cared less about the characters, script, and mythology behind it all. I never read comic books as a kid, but I have an appreciation for the whole mythology of them. Spider-Man, Batman Begins, and the first X-Men delivered successfully when it came to the audience not only caring about the characters, but eagerly anticipating the sequels to come.

There will be sequels for the "Fantastic Four," which saddens me. Not because the evil Dr. Doom makes a bad come back at the end, but because this film made money, and unfortunately, I added to that. Everyone who knows anything about Hollywood understands that in that town, if the film makes more than it cost to produce, then it was a success.

It's just too bad that F4 did, cause I'm sure producers would scrap the sequels.

I give it a 5/10. The directing from "Taxi" director Tim Story was just flat. It seemed no real effort was put into it. The writing was typical of a comic book based film. The acting was somewhat cheesy, but I can't blame the actors; I blame the writing.

See it if you want some mindless entertainment and to see some semi-great action scenes, or just wait for it to come out on DVD and spend $3.50 to rent it, rather than $10.00 to watch it in theaters.

War of the Worlds

Great Beginning, Great Middle, Weak Ending
My entire comment will be about the ending of the film, so if you haven't seen it and don't want to know what happens, stop now.

Let me start off by saying that my mouth was open the entire time. The effects and action in "War of the Worlds" were so amazing, that I found it hard to believe that it wasn't really happening. Seeing the Tripods from a distance gave me the chills, it was amazing.

But thats about where the amazement stops.

Like any movie of this genre, it revolves around your typical protagonist, usually a male who has a bad relationship with his children and/or wife, then when the world starts coming to an end, he realizes what they mean to him, blah, blah, blah...unfortunately, War of the Worlds falls under this category. It wasn't as bad as most other films, in fact, some of the moments between Dakota Fanning and Tom Cruise were hilarious, like when the lightning storms first arrive and the two of them hide together under the table.

However, my biggest beef with this film (and that is something I regret to say, because I have been looking forward to this for a long time), but my problem with this film is the ending.

The Narrator (done by Morgon Freeman) tells us that the aliens, who have been planning this attack for 1,000,000 years, died because of bacteria, the most abundant life form on Earth. Over the course of 1,000,000 years, these creatures learn to adapt to our oxygen, learn our traits, and yet they cannot figure out that the most abundant life-form on Earth will kill them. It's like the problem with "Signs," where the aliens one weakness was water, yet they come to invade a planet made of 2/3 water.

Fahrenheit 9/11

Moore the Filmmaker; Moore the Politician
I can only say what I feel in just a few words.

Michael Moore as a Politician: - I want to beat the tar out of the man.

Michael Moore as a Filmmaker: - Surprisingly, I have a lot of repsect for his abilities as a filmmaker. When I was buying the ticket for this film, I had a feeling that it was just going to make me hate him even more, but I went in knowing that it was going to be biased and one-sided, which it was. But he has a dry sense of humor and sarcasm that matches mine and I couldn't help but enjoy myself.

DISCLAIMER: If you are a registered American voter, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT let this film affect how you vote. Any schmuck can go out with a camera and film a person in his daily life and edit the film to make him look like a fool. This film is so biased it is scary. DO NOT BASE YOUR VOTE ON THIS.


The Basketball Diaries

DeCaprio Was Brilliant
It pisses me off when people say that 'Basketball Diaries' is a rip-off of 'Requiem for a Dream.' The stupidity of the uneducated. It was interesting though seeing the similarities to both films, but that is besides the point.

I was one of those people who thought that Leonardo DeCaprio was just a washed up 'Teen Beat' cover boy. All of that because of 'Titanic.' I really hate to admit that now that I have seen the majority of his work. The first time I really began changing my mind was in 2002 when he starred in both 'Gangs of New York' and 'Catch Me if You Can.' What got me thinking is that both Scorsese and Spielberg aren't the type of directors to hire an actor just because they have a teenage fanbase and also, DeCaprio's performances in both were excellent.

But, it wasn't until recently that I changed my mind completely and realized just how much of an under-appreciated actor he is. He has done films like 'The Beach,' 'Basketball Diaries,' and more, all of which received high acclaim, but because of 'Titanic,' people won't give him a seconds glance. And he was great in 'Titanic.'

Honestly, I doubt that there is any other actor out there who could've done a better job as Jim Carrol. Hell, even Mark Whalberg did a great job. He is another under-appreciated actor.

If you are one of the many people who say that they won't see 'Basketball Diaries' because of Leo, don't be so judgmental. He made the movie so wonderful. It is an excellent film and he is an excellent actor.



Typical Christmas Movie
This movie had all of the usual formulas of a Christmas movie; all the redeeming qualities. However, unless you have to take the kids to see a movie, don't see this. It isn't worth it.

The movie is well casted, however, and Will Ferrel made it. He was the only reason why I liked it at all: "You're sitting on a throne of lies!" And James Caan is always a great choice, but being that it is a typical Christmas movie, if you want to get into the holiday cheer, see something worth while.

And one more question. Why, oh, why did Jon Favreau direct this. He has so much more talent than to go this far and direct a holiday kids movie. Jon, why?


Bad Santa

Hard To Form The Words
I don't know exactly how to tell you what I thought of this movie. It was disgusting, raunchy, pervasive, and nothing about it was redeeming or likeable about Billy Bob's character... and, yet, that was the point. I loved this movie. It was refreshing to have a new spin on the holiday movies. Nowadays, Hollywood tells you that everyone is cheery during the holiday season, but in fact it's not that way, and this movie proves that. As much as I hate to say it, I laughed at everything about this movie. I figured it was just going to be one of those typical gross-out movies, and indeed it was, but it had more substance to it than most of the teen-gross-out movies, and it had a plot, too! I guess that's all I really can say about it. Basically, it's my guilty pleasure of the year, and I give it a 9/10.

The Last Samurai

A True Epic
Nowadays, with these cheap films (and when I say cheap, I mean plot wise, acting wise and so on) coming out, like Bad Boys II, 2 Fast 2 Furious, and so on, it's great to know that there are still filmmakers out there who know how to create a masterpiece of a film.

In the early parts of this year, I was drawn into this film through the teaser trailers and posters they would have at the theaters. I just knew from watching the trailers that this movie was going to be big. And was I right.

Tom Cruise is amazing. Gone are his days of the cocky teenage roles and stereotypical movies. Tom has grown up and realized that since he is a super star, he can do something more than those kinds of movies, and he has in the recent years. For example: Magnolia and Jerry Maguire, both earning him an Oscar nod. I know for sure that this year is Tom's year. After watching Jerry Maguire again after watching the Last Samurai, I know that the Academy will at least give Tom Best Actor.

And Mr. Cruise isn't the only one who's going to be getting some Oscar nods. Ken Watanabe will probably get nominated for best supporting and possibly Ed Zwick as director. However, I doubt that the film will win for Best Picture. Not because it doesn't deserve it, but because it had to be released the same year as Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. It's going to be next to impossible to beat Jackson's film, and I think that that's too bad, because The Last Samurai has Best Picture written all over it.

I was drawn into this film immediately when we saw Col. Algren's past come back to haunt him, and I knew that his mission in this film was going to be to silence his lambs, so to speak. Although it was somewhat Dances With Wolves at parts, I felt this to be original, visually stunning, and heartbreaking at the same time. Tom Cruise and everyone involved in this film have done an amazing job and they deserve all the praise they are receiving.

10/10. Go and see this movie if you have not already. And if you have, see it again. Because they deserve a lot of money since they won't be taking the Best Picture Oscar home.


Seems To Be Going Down The Drain
Much like the rest of the viewers who watched the amazing first season, the only reason I was drawn in was because of the whole real-time aspect of the show. I was thinking before I began watching it that even if the show did suck itself, at least there'd be some sort of twist. But it was far from being terrible. By the end of the first season in the spring of last year, I was hooked. The finale blew me away and I realized just how great of a show it was. Keifer Sutherland is Jack Bauer, without a doubt. He brought that character off of the pages and made it one we could sympathize with, yet chastise when he did something wrong. And the brilliance behind the show is the fact that it can take any unpredictable turn it wants to, and they can make it work. Even with this third season only a month into it, it's hard to figure out where things are going. They get you going on one problem the presidency and CTU has to face, then they throw a completly shocking new one at you.

However, the show seems to be heading down the predictable path now. I'm not going to be solidifying my feelings on this yet, because it can go anywhere, but with the popularity of it growing, and the producers recieving more money, they seem to be dropping creativity for more action and explosions, which is a sin in my eyes. The first season to me seemed like an excellent movie that was original and well done, but this third season seems to be aiming more at promoting Ford (honestly, there's a Ford in every shot. I know they're providing a lot of money, but it bugs me how the producers try to get one in every shot) and getting more money than making it as gritty and original as the first season.

First Season: A+ (10/10) Second Season: B (8/10) Third Season (So Far): C+ (7/10) They're keeping me interested, but not glued to my television set every Tuesday night.

I only watch two shows every week religiously, and "24" is one of them. If they can't keep it up, I just may only watch one a week.

Kill Bill: Vol. 1

One Word: Unbelievable!
Over the past year, I have been forced by my friends to watch all of Tarintino's work. My best friend wouldn't let it go that I hadn't seen Reservoir Dogs, but let me tell you, I am glad he did get me into Tarintino.

Last October, I remember hearing about Kill Bill and I could barely wait for it. Now, a year later, I had the awesome experience to see yet another masterpiece by QT.

Now, Tarintino may be a bit overrated (I don't blame people for thinking that), but he has every right to be... especially now. Kill Bill is the best film that I have seen in 2003. It even beat out Matrix Reloaded for me... and that's saying a lot. All throughout the film, every scene just drenched with Tarintino's imagination and charm. To me, I just saw a little boy growing up in California watching Kung Fu movies and now he gets all these awesome toys to make his own.

Some of the acting was a little corny, but that was his intention. He wanted it as authentic as possible. Quentin Tarintino has done it again, and he knows just the right people to act in his films. Uma Thurman was fantastic (and hot) as usual, and I couldn't help but laugh at all of the awesome acting from the other cast members. I eagerly wait for the next installment from Quentin and the Band Apart gang.


Not Great, But Not THAT Bad
Wow, I was surprised to hear people rip this movie apart like they did Gigli (although it's understandable for Gigli). This movie wasn't all that bad. I thought the cast was pretty good, and I loved Sweet Lou, but he was the Dazed and Confused rip off that someone else said. Granted, I will never buy this movie when it comes out on DVD, but it was worth the few extra bucks for the laugh. If you guys want a good laugh, without a lot of thinking (or plot) then see Grind. 7/10

Good Will Hunting

This movie can only be described in one word: Unbelievable. Following in the footsteps of Damon and Affleck, trying to make my own work instead of trying to find it, it truly amazes me how well and how hard those two worked over the years to put this movie on the screen. I think, that if Titanic hadn't come out in '97, that Good Will Hunting would've won best picture in a heartbeat, because, well it's hard to beat Titanic, anyway...

This movie goes down on my top ten list of greatest movies, and that ain't no easy acheivment. Yeah, my top ten list means nothing to yous guys, but maybe it will someday...

Good Will Hunting is one of the greatest movies I have ever seen. 10/10.

Glengarry Glen Ross

Blew Me Away!
You never know what's going to happen when you put 10 great actors in one setting and give them a great script, but when I saw Glengarry Glen Ross, I was pleasently surprised and it blew me away.

David Mammet has created a masterpiece and not because he used explosions, sex, and violence, but becuase he wrote something that everyone can relate to. It reminded me a lot of Quentin Tarintino's writing. Although Tarintino does use violence, he also uses wonderful dialouge to get his point across, just as Mammet did.

I don't think any other actors could've pulled off such great roles and I believe that these roles were created for Pacino, Lemon, and the others. This movie only takes place in limited settings, yet, due to the wonderful acting, I felt myself drawn into it so much, that I didn't even care that it took place mainly in the Real Estate Office.

My favorite part of the whole movie though, and I don't think I'm alone here, is when Alec Baldwin gives his wonderful monolouge. It was so powerful that I felt myself afraid of this man.

I give Glengarry Glen Ross a 10/10 and I recommend it to all people who love both Film and theater.

Reservoir Dogs

Best Crime Drama. Period.
Yeah, others may say that Res. Dogs wouldn't go down as the best crime drama ever, but to me, it even beats The Godfather.

Over this past year, Quentin Tarinto has become a hero of mine because of his ability at story telling through dialouge. Every critic knows that Tarintino is a God when it comes to wonderful dialouge, and Reservoir Dogs is no exception.

I mean, practically the whole movie takes place in a wharehouse, minus the flashback scenes, so normally, most people would be bored with what little action is taking place. But not when Tarintino steps in.

Not only was the dialouge perfect, but so was the casting. This movie will go down in history for one of the best casted films ever. Steve Buscemi, in a twisted way, was the comic relief for this highly emotionally bound movie.

Roth, Keitel, Penn, and Tierney were the perfect matches for their roles. It was like Tarintino was picturing these actors in his head when writing it. But I would have to say that my favorite actor out of the bunch, and I don't think that I'm alone here, is Michael Madson. He was the only person born to play the role as Blonde. THE ONLY.

Reservoir Dogs gets a 10/10 from me and goes down in my book as the best crime drama ever.

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