
IMDb member since April 2003
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In My Sleep

Fantastic Thriller
I rarely rave about movies, but without exaggeration it's truly one of the best movies I've seen in a very long time.

The movie is a well-written edge-of-your-seat thriller, interlaced with incredible suspense, Hitchcockian elements, a fantastic plot, great intensity, wonderful musical score, and even humor along the way.

If you like movies like Memento and the Usual Suspects, and appreciate movies with twists and turns that keep you guessing the entire time, you'll love this movie. After I saw this movie, I couldn't stop talking or thinking about it. It's one of those movies that stays in your mind and makes you think through it and ask questions about it for several days. (And one that you'll want to see again once you figure everything out).

The Rising Place

Great Movie!
I've seen this movie 6 times and I love it. The cast is great and the story explores all kinds of different issues. Worth seeing! The music is very good. The story is about issues that are still relevant today. The photography is beautiful. There is one moment where a plane sweeps by the camera that is breathtaking. It was a treat to watch. There were parts of the movie that were slow here and there but the pacing of the movie helped me to relax and enjoy it all the more.

The set and costumes were convincing and I really felt for the characters at the end. I think the movie makes some really good points about relationships and loving others. There were some very poignant moments that I appreciated. I don't want to talk too much about the plot - I myself like to go into a movie knowing as little as possible. But I do think that you'll enjoy this and hope you do.

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