
IMDb member since April 2003
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    IMDb Member
    21 years


Lust in the Dust

Treasures lost and found...
Perhaps Divine's greatest acting captured on film. This is not a film for all tastes. Perhaps it is a little over the top in some aspects and might leave some viewers wondering what they have just watched, in some scenes it evokes true emotion and humanity.

Life, love, and even death are depicted as they sometimes seem to be... senseless, unintentionally funny, and heartbreakingly sad.

Lainie Kazan plays like the proverbial "whore" with a heart of gold and also a heart of pure stone. Divine somehow comes off as a happy loser, but one you want to root for.

"Lust In The Dust" plays like farce, suspends belief, but ultimately laughs at itself knowingly.

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