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Amazing, irreverent, and much like real life!
I loved this film, I was worried that it was going to be 'Family Guy in real life' but it wasn't - it did verge on it very occasionally, but it kept to its own path.

The premise of the film is simple, the story easy to follow, and that's why it works. The jokes are hilarious, the comedy unbelievably candid, the idea of utilising a children's teddy bear that has 'grown up' (but not grown up) with the main character is a touch of genius.

I laughed, and laughed through this, and it separates out true comedy lovers from the easily offended (just like Family Guy in effect). I can think of no way to improve this film, except replacing Mark's annoying accent (which sounds like a speech impediment at times).

I can't wait to see an uncut or extras version be made available, and this is one of the rare films I will actually bother to purchase.

Top Score (which again is rare from me), well, well done!

The Dark Knight Rises

it was OK
well, I saw batman last night and was rather underwhelmed really. despite having a natural dislike of Bales batman, I had high hopes for Nolans direction. I won't give away any spoilers, the trailers pretty much encapsulate the rather two dimensional plot entirely. Anne Hathaway was good, played her role better than any predecessor. I was hoping for a film with batman (after struggling to 'become' batman in the previous two films) would fulfil a more alpha role. tom hardy was better than expected, but I really did struggle to understand him sometimes. his character is supposed to be a tactical genius, as well as a superb fighter, and this didn't really come across. finally, you end up not caring about most of the cast as they are all 'damaged' and selfish. but most of all, batman seems rather desperate, and seemed to have shut down that big brain of his. not a spoiler - but there is also one scene that emulates perfectly all those YouTube Mick takes too, I actually laughed out loud as it were. the film wallows through its three long hours, I would cut it to two and a half. actually, the more I think about it, I realise there wasn't that much I enjoyed in the film! ah well, it didn't measure up to avengers or Prometheus, but it was better than the second bale batman offering (but not as good as the first - which was 'ok').

The Amazing Spider-Man

A film made by someone who might have 'heard' of spiderman...
OK, now this is a 'reboot' that hasn't had the same success as the Hulk reboot (different companies I know). I lacks any kind of 'vim' or 'vigour' and is annoyingly heavy on the teen angst seen in recent movies. There are none of the witty Parker jokes, insults or sarcasm. In fact There is nothing of Peter Parker in the character portrayed in this film. The casting choices were awful, Aunt May was all wrong, Uncle Ben was (lets face it) a bit doddery and poor on the advice. Rhys Iffans was wasted, truly wasted in this pieced - and the Voldemort 'I've got your nose' Lizard was visually hilarious - not scary.

I saw the film about 10 minutes ago, in 3D (Why in3D I don't know there was virtually NO 3D in it at all). I'm completely underwhelmed, he swings wrong, he talks wrong, he's also pretty poor in a fight really.

Overall (oddly) the only thing I liked in the entire film was Gwen - the role was played very well, good acting and characterisation.

So less spider man - and more 'Static' if you've ever heard of the character. It's not as 'good' as the Toby Maguire version (and thats not fantastic). I hope it improves in the next one, and that Osbournes Green Goblin is well played.... I don't hold out much hope.

If this film does well, then I know it will have hit its target audience - teenagers. Its true, Spiderman is the only superhero you have to leave behind - he's like peter pan, and never grows up. Only in this case - he thrives on films like Twilight.


Pleasantly surprised...
Well, I came to this film with rather low expectations, those of a horror/gore-fest masquerading as science fiction. I was wrong.

This film is wonderfully tinged with sadness, promise, hope and irony. Its nothing like Alien, but akin to this original work.

It succeeds in 2 areas in particular - suspense/build up, mild surprise, but also a 'realistic plot in a an unrealistic setting' which so few films manage today. Capitalism still drives the day, but not in the way you expect, synthetic life has its own nascent desires, and love - unfortunately, doesn't conquer all.

But, there are acts of nobility in the cold black of space, on distant planets.

If you would like to see a true science fiction film, that does not try to be overly intelligent, or self righteous in its themes, with the odd scare and gribbly bit. Then this is the film for you.

I feel as though quite a bit has been cut out that might explain bits of the early plot in more detail, and the Charlize Therone does NOTHING in this film that an unknown could not have achieved. Those however, are minor dislikes. Cracking film.


Gods, Fighting, Villains!
First off, I'm a big fan of the classic mythologies.

But this film isn't about that.

Its a slow burner to start, but once the action starts, boy does it ramp up! The cast, I must admit is so-so (except for Rourke as Hyperion - really bad ass). However, if you want a film with fighting, minimal passion, bad deeds and high fantasy... well its hard to find a more suitable candidate.

I recommend you go see this, not with the cliché'd open mind, but with a mind closed into a fist that your going to pummel wrong doers everywhere with! Go forth... and Fight!

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

Good action, predictable plot.
Same vein as the previous mission impossible films, Ethan Hunt is Tom Cruise is Ethan Hunt so nothing new there, stunts are cool though. Simon pegg is tolerable for the first time in a non-comedy role, which is an achievement in and of itself.

Jeremy Renner absolutely steals the show, this guy would have made a far more convincing bond than Daniel Craig, much more repressed emotion, an impressive performance that overshadowed Cruises step for step, he even steals the lime light at the end.

Paula Patton is... forgettable? as unimportant as her French female assassin adversary.

Michael Nyqvist puts in a rather reasonable villainous performance, proving Cruises match in a horrendously drawn out car showroom fight scene, and unfortunately, uttering no dying angry words :( The scene where the Kremlin is blown up is rather impressive, as is Cruises seeming ability to run faster than Usain Bolt and then forget that he can run fast at all....

Two things that really stuck out as just plain silly, were the 'goggles left on head, then in pocket, then oooh that was lucky for the sandstorm! run. And, 'Mission Accomplished' - that wasn't just a corny nod, it was damnably awful scripting, I died a little inside at that.

Final notes would be - stunts, action, fight scenes, prison scene at the beginning, Kremlin explosion, scaling the sky scraper of doom... all awesome. However, poor choice of actors, acting, scripting, lousy transparent plot etc. - not a stretch for the brain, not even a tiny one.

Hopefully.... thats an end to it, but it won't be...

Arthur Christmas

A different kind of Christmas...
I want to give this a 7, but its originality boosts it to an 8.

The story is predictable, but fun, but the tri-planar nature (Father-Father-Son) of the piece with off shoots of wife, mother, brother and friend, mean this is truly a film about a family Christmas.

Nothing unexpected happens, but I found myself laughing and egging Arthur on all the way! A film that succeeds in entertaining children and, in making the older viewers feel the onset of rosy and sometimes, emotional family nostalgia.

A more original plot may have blunted the message, but would also have engaged my brain.

Regardless, well done! A good Christmas film to add to the ranks.

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

Too much. Too obvious.
I went to this film with high expectations, I don't necessarily agree with the Tony Stark-Holmes, but enjoyed the first film regardless.

Holmes - is the thinker and the fighter; Watson - the apprentice and conscience; Mycroft - comedy relief after a promising first scene; Gypsy girl/Gypsies - irrelevant; Politicking - non-existent/superfluous; Moriarty - promising, strong performance, but killed off in one film?

This may all seem a little derisory. I did enjoy the action, the big guns, the scenery etc. Though that slow mo stuff/pre-planning actions thought process had a very short shelf life and is now distinctly whiffy.

Essentially, this needed to be 2 films, not one, to allow character and plot to develop to an appreciable degree.

poor show really.

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