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Last Sentinel

Pacing very slow
I've given this film a 5* rating because of the pacing that director instilled into the film. There needed to be more characterisation for the viewer to get behind each person. Other things that viewers needed the film to tell us A) What happened to the Earth/Continents/Countries prior to the war they are now fighting? B) Which Countries/Continents still exist? C) Which Countries/Continents are at war? D) For which side they are fighting? E) Are there any Countries/Continents not at war? Its a very bare boned film and my personal feeling is that maybe the Director was the wrong person to direct this!!

Not Safe for Work

Sooo Slow, Sooo Boring and Solo Unfunny
It's billed as a Comedy Drama and as I always do with new programmes, I watched the first episode. The pace of the episode was so slow that I felt it actually stopped a few times. It was billed as a comedy but the writers forgot to put any funny lines into the script. With gratuitous drug taking, stealing and drinking its just like any new programmes from first time Writers, Producers etc who think they know what the people want but miss by a country mile. There's no real back story so we don't care who the characters are and why they're being moved to the Northampton branch of the business and their attempts to get back to the Head Office in London. There is constant use of F**k and a few times C**t is used by both male and female characters. I thinks the Writers are going for the shock factor with all the swearing, as they believe that it's what younger people want to hear but even they don't like the over use of the F word and most people, both young or old, actually hate the C word. I'll consider watching episode 2 too see if it improves but I don't hold out much hope.


50/50 is all this film rates
Knowing that this films main theme was to be cancer, I went to see it with an open mind, this is because I was diagnosed with cancer. Any film that has a theme of an illness finds itself having to make sure they don't upset a long list of people and organisations, these include: The people who suffer with the illness Relatives of the sufferer Medical Professionals Charities And the normal film goers I found that they did show how a person, who is diagnosed with cancer, can be effected by the news and not breakdown and follow the apparent 5 stages of grief. The film started off OK but after the first 10 minutes or so I felt that the film slowed down and for the next half an hour it was just about Kyle using Adams cancer to have as much sex as possible. I felt there was an unequal balance of Comedy and Sympathy and after the first hour and a quarter I, my daughter and others in the cinema were getting bored. The last twenty are good as they follow the operation but then the film ending with a patient having a relationship with their doctor was VERY WRONG AND VERY ILLEGAL.

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