
IMDb member since July 2010
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The Last of Us: Left Behind
Episode 7, Season 1

Just a filler
I didn't like this episode at all and had to skip through it.

Yes, we've heard she was bitten in a mall and it would have been completely fine to leave it at that. There was not need at all to make a whole episode about it. I was looking for a cool plot this week getting us closer to the goal, but no. It was just a filler where literally nothing interesting happened.

The plot didn't advance and there was little artsiness about it, which was different for the gay episode, where we saw an aspect of the apocalypse that hadn't been portrayed elsewhere yet and what man men would encounter.

I'm happy with artsy fillers shining a light of interesting aspects of the whole premise of the show once per season, but twice is a lot and then one of them being a filler filler is just not good.

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

Brutal, noire, but also wild.
As a fan of Cyberpunk worlds, this show showed me that a Cyberpunk world is not one you want to live in.

There's no hope, no friends, you can't trust anyone, there's only capitalism.

It was a bit disappointing that characters also have low intelligence and little depth and they all think they're "special" without having any long-term goals. They just live gig by gig.

The show shows the hopelessness of Cyberpunk. There's no humanity, it's all just transactional and no one cares about anything than making money.

However, I was hoping that the show shows a bit more than just that and brings more nuance into what Cyberpunk could be.

Fire Force

Premise has a lot of potential, but stays below it significantly
The premise is cool, similar to Avatar, however, you can directly see how it misses depth.

It also relies on overused story plots and has no really interesting twists.

It has some cool fights, visually, but not so much intelligently like with Dragonball, Avatar, Hero Academia, AOT, where you really have to figure out how to beat someone.

The God of High School

Nothing to see here
The characters are likeable and relatable, but this show brings no new concepts or insights at all. It's just all the same, nothing interesting.

It's all been done before 10 times over.

The Matrix Resurrections

The same plot as Matrix 1, nothing new to see here
It was just the same plot a Matrix 1, just that the interactions and fights were more annoying.

Money grab. Same mistake as Star wars did, this is so stupid.

Freaks and Geeks

A lot of nostalgia, but not much apart from that.
I laughed 3 times throughout the show. The rest was pretty average.

I get that you all the big stars before they became big, but besides that it's not really interesting.

I guess it has the Stranger Things vibe from the 80s, 90s that people miss so much, but hey you need more than nostalgia to be a good show somehow.

Death Parade

No twists, no surprises, very predictable
There is nothing interesting about the series, everything is revealed in Episode, after that it's all rinse and repeat of the same dynamics.

Was hoping for an in-depth exploration of judging and life after death, but it didn't even scratch the surface.

Kami no Tou

Bland HunterXHunter copy
Forgettable characters, boring plot, no surprises, no twists, pretty much zero world-building, animation is also not really good, looks like it is from the 90s.

Houseki no Kuni

Terrible in every way
This is an anime with no plot, strange characters that the viewer doesn't really care about, with no explanation why their world is like that, no deeper meaning.

The visuals are eerie, but there was some effort put into it, that's why it's not 1 star.

The Mandalorian: Chapter 13: The Jedi
Episode 5, Season 2

OMG, this was the best TV episode ever!

Ashoka Thano, the Mandalorian, General Thrawn, baby Yoda all big names in the episode. It feels like the Star Wars franchise is being saved single handedly by the Mandalorian.

The fighting was a little bit unspectular, but sometimes less is more probably. Can't wait for the next episode.


As a Top 5 rated movie from 2016, it really underdelievred
I would rate the movie as follows

1. Characters 5 - all characters are pretty clichée, don't have much depth and are not really interesting. Girls who become wrestlers and confident, a father who is positively surprised by his daughters having wrestling talent and a concerned mother, that's all that is interesting and that is not much

2. Acting 4 - the acting is also pretty flat and the fights are pretend fighting and are super boring

3. Plot 4 - the plot is very boring and has zero twists

4. Cinematography 8 - the cinematography is nice, but also nothing overwhelming

Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts

Could have been better
I liked the world-building, which led me to watch all 3 seasons. However, at the end of 3 seasons I must say, it's nothing special.

The world building is fun and the message behind the series is good, but we've already seen this many times now. The plot is quite basic and there are no twists or surprises. Character development is also not really there. One character went from evil to good, but it wasn't really that convincing to be honest.

Overall, it could have been far better than it was.

Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts: Age of the Wonderbeasts
Episode 10, Season 3

It was ok
It was ok, but nothing really interesting happened.

Rick and Morty: Meeseeks and Destroy
Episode 5, Season 1

Probably the best episode
This feels like GroundHog day, but with a completely new concept.

This episode is defining for Rick and Morty and probably the best episode of all for that reason. A completely new, intricate, complex, fun concept that no one else ever has thought about. That's why art is!

Rick and Morty: The Ricks Must Be Crazy
Episode 6, Season 2

Inception all over again
This episode would have been amazing before Inception. But now it's just a cheap copy of inception. It's a pretty cool episode, but Rick and Morty should come up with new concepts, not borrowed ones.

Rick and Morty: The Vat of Acid Episode
Episode 8, Season 4

Same concept all over again.
Make some kind of device that let's you live your life and then at the end lose it all? It's an interesting concept, but it's now already been done multiple times, first with the game machine, where you have to play through your life and where Morty has a wife and then finishes the game.

At the end only to prove that the acid trick is good, which it isn't, because you have to use the phaser gun when somebody tests the acid. Pretty unreliable.

In the end, lazy writing I feel. It's still a fun episode, but this is Rick and Morty, they should hold themselves to a higher standard.

Over the Garden Wall

Well done, but not for most people
It's a nice animation, but it's more about the art and the music than the plot.


I tried and watched 4 episodes, but the story is rushed, there is no character development, you don't really care about the characters and it all doesn't feel authentic, just made up to make money.

This is definitely not an 8 show.

Dave Chappelle: Sticks & Stones

Only halfway
I love Dave Chappelle, he is part of my growing up. However, Sticks and Stones did not live up to his earlier potential.

There was a funny part from minute 10-16, where he was joking about all the different traits of the LGBT letters, but apart from that it was more a funny political speech, but less funny than Trump. (I'm not a Trump fan)

Compared to his previous skits, there was no drastic exaggeration anymore that made it so funny. It was all kind of lukewarm.

Also, his comment on Trans people missed the mark and were not really funny, but actually a bit transphobic. When you make fun of someone, you always gotta redeem yourself by uplifting and strengthening the group you made fun of on the way out. He made fun of them, but missed the redemption part.

Same for making fun of Chinese people, there was no redemption part.

But you can't expect him to hit the ground running after 15 years of absence. For the first special after his comeback it was okay and I hope we can see him adjusting and reinventing himself in the next special!

Forrest Gump

There are not many movies like Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan are

1. Characters 11

2. Acting 11

3. Plot 11

4. Cinematography 11

5. World building 10

I've rated no film higher than Forrest Gump. It really sucks you in and remains in your mind for decades. It defines the 90s and whenever you think of the 90s you think of Forrest Gump. Only Schindler's list, Saving Private Ryan, Matrix, Terminator, Django Unchained and LOTR can do the same thing.

Pulp Fiction

Everything that Once upon a time in Hollywood wasn't.
Pulp Fiction is pretty much Once upon a time in Hollywood, but better in every regard.

Pulp Fiction encapsulated and defined the 90s, that's what this movie was. A piece of art, not a movie.

This movie is all about the characters and the actors, not any plot. That's why I would rate the movie as follows

1. Characters 11

2. Acting 10

3. Plot 7

4. Cinematography 10

5. World building 10

We have stellar characters and acting. Cinematography is also amazing, it really sucks you in and the world building really makes you fell like you are in the 90s.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Possibly best movie of all
Everyone knows LOTS. I would rate the film as follows

1. Characters 10

2. Acting 10

3. Plot 10

4. Cinematography 11

5. World building 11

This is the highest rating I have given so far.

Schindler's List

I would rate the film as follows

1. Characters 10 2. Acting 10 3. Plot 10 4. Cinematography 11 5. World building 10

This movie is so great that you think it's real. That's why the Cinematography gets 11 points.

The world building is perfect, you really feel like Nazi Germany, everything is believable. You think it's all real.

Knives Out

Annoying, Annoying
You will feel stressed after this movie and you didn't learn anything from it, you just wish it'll be over soon and that you can recover from it.

They bought expensive actors, but didn't give them any characters with depth. It's all so one-dimensional.

I would rate the film as follows

1. Characters 6 2. Acting 7 3. Plot 1 4. Cinematography 2 5. World building 2

That's an overall 4.5 = 5.

Avengers: Endgame

Amazing, but not 10/10
Everyone knows Endgame. I would rate the film as follows

1. Characters 10 2. Acting 10 3. Plot 9 4. Cinematography 10 5. World building 9

We have stellar characters and acting that you could rate 11 with Tony Stark, Spiderman, Thor, Ant man, Captain America, Black Panther but we also have other characters that are more an 8-9 with Rody, Hawkeye, Vision, Scarlet Witch, but overall that's a 10 I have to admit.

However, the plot could be a tiny bit better and the film feels a bit too long, so plot only gets a 9.

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