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World War Z

The is the scariest movie I have seen in a long time
This movie worked and moved in a class all on its own. It brings the concept of zombie movies up to a serious point, the way Dark Knight elevated comic book movies into a serious realm. I want to start of responding to some points made by others.

To start with, trying to compare this with other zombie movies borders on a bad idea. This may indeed be yet another zombie movie, but it takes the idea of zombie apocalypse to a whole new level. And also offers something all the more precarious that none of the others have really ever put forward, hope. I have noticed people trying to compare it to 28 Days Later. This is an immense mistake for one major reason. 28 Days Later is not a zombie movie. It seems like one but in reality none of the infected are dead. Not zombies.

As far as Brad Pitt being in this, to be quite honest I was skeptical. I couldn't picture Brad Pitt fighting zombies and taking him seriously. He surprised me. He did an amazing job in this movie. Far better than people have given him credit for.

Despite what many others have said, the zombies are actually quite realistic. Though when moving in mass (you will see in Jerusalem) you can tell there is CG involved it doesn't take away from it. Especially when seeing them up close. The make-up easily rivals Walking Dead. As far as the athleticism of the zombies, that can be easily explained. They are not limited by pain. Nearly every human body is capable of great speed, strength, agility, and dexterity. What stops us from doing all of those things, is pain, and our own sense of exhaustion. Take away the ability to feel pain, to get tired, to need air and food, and you have an unstoppable machine. Give it a single minded determination and you have a World War Z zombie. In an interview someone said that the zombies in this movie are treated as if they were, "a force of nature." They succeeded.

The misfortunes you see that occur through out the movie, are so realistic and possible you can almost feel the doom to yourself proceeding each event. This not only leads showing great acts of selflessness and courage but also deplorable acts of cowardice and stupidity.

I loved that this didn't rely on super amounts of gore. Modern horror movies no longer rely on suspense, surprise, and that adrenaline rush that leaves you nearly hyperventilating for the hero. Nope, just blood, and guts, and the biggest shock value possible. This movie doesn't leave you feeling like your popcorn is going to make a repeat performance. It gives you an adrenaline rush. One thing people also always talk about is the fact that zombie apocalypse couldn't happen. But the reality is that it could. All it takes is a virus, a single virus, and everything is possible. That sounds crazy, but new virus' are found all the time, develop and evolve all the time. Someone points out that zombies are such an improbable possibility, that unless some is saying, "what if it it possible?" then there is no hope for survival.

Though I do not get where anybody would get the ludicrous concept that this movie is even remotely sexist, I guess everybody has to find a PC controversy to make themselves feel better.

The need for Brad Pitt's character to emotionally develop throughout this movie is almost cliché. His character didn't need to emotionally develop, he needed to intellectually develop, which he did. To say that everything was felt and only impacted skin deep, completely misses the fact that zombie apocalypse isn't the place for emotional growth, and wasn't paying attention to how things played out between Gerry and many of the other characters.

Now after this bit by bit response to other complaints, let me say this. This movie kept me on the edge of my seat (and many others in the theater as well, the only reason I noticed was because the guy behind my husband came close to falling off his seat and into my husbands lap.) I never hide my face during horror movies, but I did through this. It scared the heck out of me, and yet it left me contemplating. This is, without a doubt, the best zombie movie I have ever seen.


A Brand New Alice That Rocks
This is by far the best Alice I have yet to see, and I have seen many versions. Though referencing Lewis Carroll's works it is a new type of story. Alice is a martial arts instructor who's father left when she was 10 and her boyfriend sends her into a panic by giving her a ring. When she chases after him to give it back she sees him being abducted and follows the, "white rabbit," through the looking glass and into the rabbits hole. There she is marked with a tattoo as being an oyster, so called because of the pearls of emotion that are drained out of those kidnapped from our world and brought into theirs. Alice is soon introduced to The Hatter (eat your heart out Johnny Depp)who is a very clever quick witted man who runs the tea shop (remember those pearls of emotion) He talks about her being the, "Alice of Legend" who brought the house down 150 years ago. (Referencing that the last girl to come into wonderland named Alice was indeed Lewis Carroll's Alice) From there she must face the Queen of Hearts, and her suits, as well as her son, and Alice's boyfriend. Fortunately through out it all she has the Hatter and the last White Knight in Wonderland. The entire event refers characters from the original books but gives them all a sense of reality, many characters are referenced in a name rather than their appearance. It is an amazing story with even more amazing characters and actors

Resident Evil: Extinction

That's right… beautiful! As always the fighting for Alice is well choreographed and her character continues to have more depth. It isn't one of those movies where you sit there and think, "Okay only 20 minutes left." By the time it got to the point I had been waiting for I was surprised at how much time I had left. I expected to have an additional hour and a half, instead just 20 minutes. I love that in a¬¬¬ movie. Here's my spoiler though. I cried when Carlos died. From the trailers I expected there to be more romance between Carlos and Alice. I cried! That is a darn good horror movie, if it can make you cry too. To think... she could have saved him. I also liked the ending. It leaves it open for another movie, but can also be a closer. You want to see the battle, and see Alice end it but at the same time you already know how it is going to go. Either way I will be satisfied. So I hope y'all enjoy it, I certainly did. In truth there is no full synopsis and list of all the reasons that I love it that will give you a reason to see it or even do it justice. It speaks for itself, and in so you either like it or you don't. Just depends on if you prefer to actually think at a movie.

The Crow: Wicked Prayer

A great movie if you take the time
This a great movie if you take the time to actually watch it. It is not like the first one, nor should it be. It was a newer version taken off from a good idea and deserves credit in its own respect. Now if you want to go into it with the plan or even hopes that it will be like the first Crow, than of course you'll be disappointed. The original is a classic and is impossible to duplicate. The original used the concepts of explosives and the appearance of graphic assistance. This was good for that movie, but for Wicked Prayer it requires a whole new ball game. It is meant to have supernatural tones beyond simply the fact that a guy has just risen from the dead and is killing the people who murdered him and the love of his life. It also chooses a good setting for all of this to take place. Instead of in a city where spirituality is few and far between it goes into a world where this stuff can be believable. As far as the acting goes they did just fine. No, they certainly aren't going to get an Academy Award for it but it was not the worst I have ever seen. So if you want something like the first Crow, then watch that one. If you like the concept and want to see it portrayed in a new and significantly touching story, I'd recommend Wicked Prayer. Its worth the few hours of your time.

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