
IMDb member since April 2003
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    IMDb Member
    21 years



Totally agree with harisdd on this
When I picked up this movie from the video store I thought it would be similar to one of my favorite movies of all time, Shooter starring Mark Wahlberg, I was wrong. This film never got interesting. It was like a bad porn movie without all the sex and nudity. The whole storyline was awful. The sound was horrible; I was forever turning the volume up because I couldn't hear it then turning it down because it got too loud. I was tempted to turn it off many times during the movie but decided to watch to see if it got any better, which it didn't. I would not recommend watching this; there are far better movies out there. I was generous in giving this movie 2 out of 10.

No Contest II

In one scene, the good guys all turn into "MacGyvers" when hiding in a room from the bad guys, the manage to create a smoke bomb out of a tin can as well as make a poisonous dart from a darts playing dart and blowing it through a pipe they happen to find. 2/10

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