
IMDb member since May 2003
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    21 years


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

This is my favorite show. I became hooked shortly after I started to watch it.Dr. Mike is a brave, stubborn woman who knows what she wants (atleast most of the time) & goes after it. She is a great mom to Matthew, Colleen, & Brian and also to Katie. She's also a great doctor. The medical procedures they show on the show are all actual procedures they did back in the time it takes place, too. Sully is also a great guy who reins in Dr. Mike whenever she needs it. He is an excellent friend to all of his friends. The show deals with real issues, too. They dealt with prejudice(when Robert E. buys his house & Dr. Mike the clinic), gambling(Matthew), drinking (Jake), etc.In short it is a wonderful show.

Touched by an Angel

A great show
This has always been one of my favorite shows. Monica and all the rest are friendly people,even though Tess can be a bit bossy and Monica can't sing very well.I just love to watch Touched, because it shows angels helping people and points out that all is not bad in this world, where the news is covered with drugs,violence, etc. It makes you fell good about being alive.

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