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Salade grecque

A mixed bag...
As a fan of Klapisch's trilogy (Spanish Apartment, Russian Dolls and Chinese Puzzle), I went to this with high expectations. And for the moment - everything looked just as it supposed to look - a good, witty writing, slightly offbeat humour, relatable characters played by competent actors and overall wonderfully quirky vibe that subtly pokes fun at literally everything. And, then most of it falls apart. Enter the nonsensical effort to cram up everything that seems important at this ridiculous times. From migrant crisis (that is handled with a heavy hand), to the international relationships among European youth, violent Greek macho-boyfriend (very stereotypical and unnecessary) and nonsensical inclusivity worthy of a crappy DIsney productions, that includes romance of a straight female protagonist with a trans person without any particular reason other than checking that box. All of that didn't manage to completely ruin the show, but it derailed it considerably and I'm curious was it the Klapisch's vision, or was it maybe ordered by the show's main producers and distributors, Amazon Prime? Nevertheless, a show is worth seeing, especially for the fans of the vastly superior original trilogy.


Overhyped and overrated
There is really nothing much to say about it. A pretentious director, paired with an actress with mediocre talent at best, and both of them really convinced that they're doing something seriously scary and good... Unfortunately, it can't be further from the truth. The screenplay isn't neither scary nor inventive, the direction is pedestrian at best, and the acting is borderline amateurish, with the leading actress whose accent sounds as fake as she is in some lousy high-school play.... There is literally not ONE truly scary or suspenseful moment in the movie, and, although I didn't love Ti West's previous overrated but competent movie X, this one is a serious step in the wrong direction when it comes to possible franchise-building out of this non-inventive, pretentious crap. Two stars is a generous grade for this dreck, IMHO.

Ray Donovan: The Movie

Great way to ruin the beloved series
Awful writing, lousy directing, pointless movie...this is as far as it can get when it comes to destroying the beloved characters and totally ruining one of the best tv shows in recent years. I feel sorry for some wonderful actors who were used, abused and in the end totally wasted in this deadly serious piece of dreck that painfully tries to pass for a legitimate dramatic movie. Jon Voight is, of course, great in this, but also underused as a sort of Mcguffin to move the script from one point to the next, all along with tragically miscalculated and pretentious finale. They even managed to make great Liev Schreiber look bad in this, and that is an achievement! If I could, I would rate this ZERO stars, mostly for betraying fans of the show, but also for betraying them with one lousy movie filled with stilted performances and abysmall writing. Ray Donovan deserved a better send off!

Povratak lopova

The Holy Graal of bad movies!
First:I'm not crazy! Second:I'm not director,producer,screenwriter...of this movie! Third:I DON'T really like this movie! But,let's confess: there are some pleasures in life called "guilty" ones, and this movie is one of them! Here's why: It's so bad that it hurts!Literally! It's not funny(and it suppose to be)! It's so damn boring that you actually start consider yourself for psychiatric evaluation for wasting your time on such a garbage! And there's a beauty in it:you start to enjoy this film for what it is:perhaps the worst movie ever! Storyline:ridiculous,I mean there's almost no storyline at all! Humor:ARE YOU KIDDING ME?Those jokes weren't funny during the World War One! I could go on and on... But,let me tell you this:if you ask for a bad movie to make fun of,search no more,my friend!This is it! The Holy Graal of bad movies!

Gajba od 500 Weiferta

Really,really good movie,with lots of action,humor and unchained machoism.Check out vukota brajovic as "the Stranger",the homage caracter to "Snake Pliskeen" from John Carpenter`s "Escape from New York".In one simple word:brilliant!

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