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All the Light We Cannot See

I can't understand how Americans continue making series in English when the characters are native speakers of other languages.

German soldiers talking to each other in English (? Or French speaking in English. This takes credibility away from the narration and the script. It bothers me too much.

There are several things in the script that don't completely close my mind either but they can be let go. With the language Appropriately, this series would have a minimum of 7 stars from me.

Do this test at home, when two Germans are talking to each other, change the language to German, it is much more realistic.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: The Great Wave
Episode 4, Season 1

Expensive orcs soap opera
This one is the worst episode so far. The dialogue are so bad and romantic all time, the characters are missing strong. I hope this change soon, I don't think soo. Maybe next season they hire new writers, we need something darker, more blood and adults dialogue. The first episodes are really good, but this one was bad from the beginning to the end. They show you a lot of characters but they don't go deep, we want to know more about them. I think the writing in this serie is one of the things to improve on next season. I hope they take the people feedback and something to them. I don't loss hope.

El Fotografo y el Cartero: El Crimen de Cabezas

Documentary for Argentinians
It's difficult to understand if you are from other country. Some political characters, locations, and historical situations are not easy to understand if you don't know all the background.

I'm from Pinamar the central city in this story, I really enjoyed this documentary because I didn't know a lot of things about this crime. I'm from 1993 so I was a children when this happened. Now I can understand the situation better, the documentary is really objective with the information.

I'll recommend it.

Ozark: A Hard Way to Go
Episode 14, Season 4

This not a properly ending
Finale season maybe? Or they are thinking about a future movie IDK. The doors aren't close.

I always thought this story was going to end badly for the Byrds. I would have preferred that. Imagine If the narcos had killed the parents and the children escaping with Ruth, it would have been a much more epic ending.

A shame that it ended this way.

The Walking Dead: A Certain Doom
Episode 16, Season 10

Thank you IMDB for the spoiler picture.
I can't understand who have the amazing idea to put Maggie picture in this episode. MEGA SPOILER!!! Please change it now!!! Don't have any sense. I can't believe it.

The Batman

Good start, bad final
The first half of the movie was WOW this new universe is amazing. But unnecessary scenes like the romance scenes between Batman and Catwoman make me feel bad, they rest a few points here. Will se what's going on in the next movie. I didn't lose expections.

The Lost Daughter

Where is the story? Where is the final?
One of the most boring movies from 2021. Why the academy nominated this movie is a mystery, we have to call Sherlock Holmes and maybe we can do something with this basophy.


1000 times better than Star Wars
This is amazing, I need to see the rest. It's like Game of Thrones in a galactic universe. You have to see this movie now if you didn't. Spectacular!!!

This Is Pop: When Country Goes Pop
Episode 5, Season 1

What about Kacey Musgraves?
I don't understand why they didn't mention Kacey Musgraves in this episode. She's the number one country pop singer at the moment. She won multiple awards.

Black Summer

Underated for the specialist survivor zombies apocalypses
Apparently all the critics survived an apocalyps zombies in other life. This is the most realistic zombies Serie or movie I ever see. They show you the other side of the people in this circumstance, the emotional.

They are not Rambos killing zombies easy, they are civilian fighting for survive they have to take difficult decisions for live one day more.

I like it, more than TWD.

Ted Lasso

I saw it in one day
Was an amazing experience, funny and beautiful. The characters are really good, I want to see this adventure to the final and I want to see Richmond winning the Premiere League most than my own and real team haha.


Quality or quantity?
I'm a little scare about Pixar productions they are making a lot of movies and that never end good. I remember a few years ago when a Pixar movie was a special event now it's normal, they are making movies because they have the money to do it and don't have to make a big filter in the projects. I hope they change this soon and start to select a project imagining they have no budget.

About this movie: I don't feel any connection with the characters. The town was beautiful and the italian culture well done. The girl don't look Italian. The story was ok but nothing special.

Will see in a few months the next Pixar movie...


Best villain Disney movie at the moment
I really enjoyed this movie. Amazing characters and direction, the screenplay it's soo good and have amazings plots. They made a great movie! This is the way Disney.

The Woman in the Window

I was expecting more
The movie is very predictable, if you are a movies fan you can see right the way two things, the boy is the bad guy and the movie will end on the terrace. I love Amy but she couldn't save the movie this time.

Army of the Dead

A zombies movie
What do you expect? It's a zombies movie guys, don't think to much about the decision of the characters, or about why this happened in this way. Just sit, relax and enjoy explosions, dead and violence. If you want to see a majestic screenplay watch a Nolan movie, Scorsese or Tarantino movie.

Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

Just an Anti-Trump movie
They did this movie only for the elections. They attack Trump all time. The first one was different because they did a critique in different sectors. It's clear this is a anti Trum political movie.

La casa de papel

This is a disaster!
The last season destroyed this Serie. All long and romantic dialogues with out sense. It gradually became a soap opera. This happens when you pressure writers to do something that was already ending.

The Handmaid's Tale

Based on real events
If you travel to Middle East you can see The Republic of Gilead in person.

The Two Popes

Not tell all history
The actors and cinematography are really good. I'm Argentinian and know the real history about the civil war in 1976 this movie only show you the military like a killers without cause. But they fought with a strong terrorist army inside the country, the name of this organisation was Montoneros and they put a lot of bombs, kidnapped people and attacked military headquarters. This movie not show you this becouse the writer only read one side of the history.

The Witcher

Please guys...
Seriously? Better than GOT? This is the soap opera version of GOT. Some good fights and photography but the motivation of the characters and the acting it's really bad. Sometimes new characters appears like magic and you have to guess who they are. Super overated.

The Mandalorian

I like but...
I like all episodes but I feel are similar. At the moment I can't see a continuing story, are different fights with different bad guys in different places. I hope the story grows because the entire series the Mandalorian protecting the child and escaping the empire would become boring.

Prank Encounters

More false than climate change
I can't understand why people believe this. Please Netflix!

The I-Land

If the trailer it's bad...
I can't imagine the all serie. Seriously??? Netflix finance that class of things??? I'm remember when a original serie from Netflix was a good thing but now it's a funny prank.

Avengers: Endgame

Perfect final for Marvel
10, 10, 10, 10!!!

The best movie of Marvel. Incredible and emotional.

Don't Watch This

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Es tan mala que ya nos están advirtiendo, no veas esto!

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