
IMDb member since May 2003
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Fever Pitch

It is what it is, a decent romantic comedy
If you enjoy romantic comedies then you will find this tale of two 30 year old singles who fall in love during the American League pennant race satisfying. On the other hand, if you are hanging around waiting for Kill Bill Volume 3 or Sin City 2 then you probably should stay away. The plot contains the obligatory guy meets girl's friends, girl meets guy's friends, and guy meets girl's parents scenes. There is even a guy meets girl's pet dog scene. That's all par for the course in a movie like this. However, what I liked about it was that the plot delved into the decision making process people make as they begin to realize that their romantic interest is not perfect and is in fact a bit quirky. The plot centers around answering the questions; how much quirkiness is too much and how much love does it take to trump those quirks? It is interesting to see the characters work that out because deep down (if we admit it) we all have quirks. Barrymore does a very good job in her role and Fallon sorta surprised me -- he's good as well. I rate it a 7 out of 10 as a romantic comedy. Add one point if you are a baseball fan or romantically involved with one. Add another point if you are a Red Sox fan and subtract two points if you are a Yankees fan.

The Matrix Reloaded

Takes action scenes to a new level!
If I were rating this movie on action alone I would give it a ten out of ten, however, I am going to deduct two stars for gratuitous sex and one star for being just a bit too confusing, resulting in a total rating of seven out of ten.

In my opinion the dance scene in Zion is completely unnecessary. No doubt it justifies an R rating. If I could take that out I would rate it a 9 out of 10.

This is the middle movie in a trilogy and it is designed to be a cliff hanger. It is. I thought that the plot was set up about as well as it could be so that Reloaded could stand on its' own as a story and still be a middle movie. The series of scenes where Morpheus, Neo, and Trinity attempt to rescue the key maker are wonderful and simply amazing. It is quite a challenge these days to actually develop action scenes that have new elements to them. In my opinion Reloaded was able to do so and delivered a ten out of ten for action. The scenes on the highway are an exciting concoction mixed out of the inherent danger of a car chase, evading the agents, and trying to escape from the Twins.

The new characters, such as the Twins, the key maker, and the other programs, were very interesting. As the plot unfolds the writers unwrap information about the Matrix and its inhabitants which add some surprises, similar to the revelations in the first movie.

I would also rate the acting up a notch from the Matrix, especially Carrie-Anne Moss. The supporting cast was very well chosen and did a great job.

Overall, this movie was well worth the wait. Matrix fans will not be disappointed, others can enjoy it just for the action.


This film drives atheists nuts!
Excellent acting, interesting plot, a good amount of suspense, a little bit of humor, and for an added drives atheists nuts! Plenty of people who lack a belief in God have trashed this film because it causes the viewer to consider what they think about faith. I find their reaction to this theme rather sad. I think that the fact that the film makes a statement about faith and asks you to decide where you stand on it is one of its strong points.

The film basically has four main characters, a family which comes under an extreme amount of stress during an alien invasion. The acting and chemistry between them was top notch. I was especially impressed by the children. The supporting cast was also very good. I though that the use of the television news reports to advance the plot made the story seem real and made it very interesting. When you consider all of the reporting that went into covering the military campaign in Iraq you have to wonder how the news media would cover an alien invasion.

Note in defense of the aliens:

You will enjoy this film more if you are capable of remembering it is a film and not a representation of what an alien invasion would be like. You will enjoy it if you accept the aliens the way that they are instead of holding them up to your preconceived notions of what a good invader should be like. They are what they are in order to contribute to the main plot -- no spoiler.

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