
IMDb member since October 2010
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Apagón: Confrontación
Episode 3, Season 1

Not a very good episode
I think the main reason I disliked this episode so much was that Sofia was so so annoying. Yes, she is a kid, but she acts like a brat the entire episode.

That would be my original review but it needs to be long for some reason.

So I will say how I think this episode would have been better: It should have been longer. That would give us more time to understand the characters and especially Sofia, who seemed braty even though she had her parents, a home and a community, just because she was lonely. Also we would get to see a struggle between bonding with teenagers, her family and the fear of the unknown.

It would also have been better if the teens acted smarter. Like why destroy the vegetables and terrify the animals? You are gonna need them.

Imawa no Kuni no Arisu: Episode 7
Episode 7, Season 2

Ongoing ridiculousness
I usually don't mind suspending my disbelief in shows like this, but this was way too much for me.

Random characters died immediately, but our main characters just kept on living having sustained deadly wounds. This girl gets shot multiple times at her chest and abdomen, it takes her way too long to die. The guy is coughing up blood for days and gets shot in the abdomen? He fine.

Not to mention the King of Spades that had supernatural healing or something and didn't get burned to the crisp by an explosion.

All that being said, this episode will get 10 stats if the explanation for what is going on is that the characters are in a video game (in a black mirror way that it feels too real), but they have paid extra so they are less difficult to kill or something.

Kevin Can F**k Himself: Allison's House
Episode 8, Season 2

The transition between sitcom and real Kevin was chilling, I think the actor did a wonderful job using just his voice to show the difference between the two worlds. It's a wonderful portrayal of a narcissist person too, especially between how they might seem at first (the sitcom part) and what they really are (the drama part). Even though it was heavily implied, we saw at last how emotionally abusive Kevin was and why Alison couldn't just leave.

Finally, I loved how the show ended showing how important and strong friendships can be, we rarely see that on screen (as most media show that romantic love interests are more important).

Resident Evil: Welcome to New Raccoon City
Episode 1, Season 1

Helping animals ends the world (again)
Even though I liked the first episode, it turned out to be like so many other horror movies, full of cliche characters. For example, people freeing animals that releases a virus, the lab being completely insecure, bullies with no other personality than being bullies, over the top villain, wearing mascara when observing the Zeros alone... More original work would have been better, even if it wasn't completely believable. How about moving the experiments to humans and that's how the virus is released? A deeper look on why a company would do this? Other than greed? Perhaps it will, later on, but I doubt it.

I suppose I could give episode 2 a try, but the animal thing really annoyed me.

Snowpiercer: Ouroboros
Episode 7, Season 3

Maybe it's because in general I don't take this show seriously at all, but I did enjoy the episode. Yeah nothing new happened and I usually dislike dream episodes, but this one was fun !

The Tomorrow War

Suspension of disbelief
To be honest, I thought that what they did at the end, they should have done from the beginning,'s what makes sense. But if you just stop thinking logically, this movie is actually fun to watch.

The Forever Purge

Great Purge movie
For me this was a good Purge movie, not best not worst. A lot of things don't make sense, but it's entertaining, so I am very happy to overlook.

For those that complain about politics: have you seen any of the other Purge movies? They always talk about the class divide or racism. They even made a trailer based on Trump's campaign. So what did you expect? Not to mention that there are white men that are good people in this, which seems to be why a certain....demographic is upset, so...chill, my dudes.

Kevin Can F**k Himself

what is it that people don't get?
It's obvious that the sitcom parts are not meant to be funny, they are a parody of sitcoms (hence the colour, the make-up, the laugh track, the over the top acting). That much is clear, I am not sure how some people here don't get it and give low ratings because they don't find it funny, or they don't like the acting.

This show is not meant to be funny (now the 'comedy' thing is misleading, I think), it's a drama, in my opinion.

That being said, so far, the show is a bit slow. Still, I am giving it a chance. It has potential.

The Handmaid's Tale: The Crossing
Episode 3, Season 4

If it wasn't for that scene with Nick...
I loved the episode (even though yes the entire season isn't needed, I loved this one). But since we and now June knows Nick has more power than we initially thought, now that he admitted he used Hannah against her...Why would she kiss him?

Even if it was her last chance of intimacy, would it worth it with Nick of all people? He lied to her, he let them torture her, used her daughter against her, he would have let her go to a breeding colony. Why?

Shameless: Father Frank, Full of Grace
Episode 12, Season 11

Good episode but not for series finale
I enjoyed the episode, as usually, but it really doesn't feel like an ending. It's rather open and I would have loved to see more about the characters' reactions to Frank's death, and even better a flashforward with their lives in the future.

As for Fiona...It's just a shame she wasn't mentioned throughout the season (and precious one). She could have been there for Ian's wedding or Freddie being born, for example but I understand the actress did not want to do that.

Dark Places, Deadly Illusions

That was idiotic
This movie had potential as I thought it was going somewhere interesting. But that "twist"? Nope. We should stop using mental illness as an excuse to make thrillers shocking and a motive for murderers. It's lazy writing in my humble opinion.


Keeps you at the edge of your seat
To those that don't find it believable...chill. It's a disaster movie. They are hardly ever believable. This movie makes you worry about the characters and the acting makes it even better.

That being said, I could have done without the cliches. SPOILERS BELOW. And maybe I would have given it 10 stars if that final fragment missed earth so all of this would be for nothing. It would be a nice twist to the classic disaster movies too.

Safer at Home

Better without covid
Don't get me wrong, this wouldn't be a great thriller even without covid. we really need this right now? A movie that makes our future seem even more bleak? This could have been easily be a movie post covid about friends that still do zoom meetings because they live across the states, or something like that. It wouldn't change anything plot-wise, and it wouldn't have reminded us of how bad things are or told us there is no hope for the future.

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Chapter Thirty-Six: At the Mountains of Madness
Episode 8, Season 4

Quite disappointing
Sabrina didn't have to stay dead. I think it would have been better if the show ended with her coming back, just as her aunties did earlier on the show. Also...was Nick's entire personality that he was in love with Sabrina? That's all he does or talks about and then he kills himself for her.

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