
IMDb member since October 2010
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    IMDb Member
    13 years


Odd Brodsky

Wonderful Movie
I found Odd Brodsky to be heart-warming and charming. You can feel the fun they had making the film through the screen. Tegan Ashton Cohan and Matthew Kevin Anderson give delightfully fun performances, and Cindy Baer does tremendous work as both actor and director on this production.

It's rare to find a film that captures such a fun feeling. In a cinematic world full of explosions, fancy costuming and special effects, Odd Brodsky shows us all that what you need is a good script, good actors, and a desire to make a good film. Smoothly paced, tender at the core, and just a dash of quirkiness makes Odd Brodsky the type of film you feel good watching, with lead characters you can't help but to root for.

I can't wait to see what Cindy comes up with next.

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