
IMDb member since November 2010
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    13 years


Eleventh Hour

Don't miss it!
This is simply a great show.

It's intelligent, it's funny, it's well written and it's catching. (Rufus and Marley will reel you in as if you were a fish on a hook.) It's also a great mystery and shame that it was canceled. When you hitchhike trough the TV-landscape it is exceedingly difficult to find shows that's not stupid. Once upon a time there was a great hope that television would better peoples life. Make us better and better advised. There was also great fear that this media would stupify people and make them numb. I always found both arguments naive. Of course that was before shows like "Real housewives" and "It only hurts when I laugh". And so on. Today I'm not so sure. It's therefore a relief when you find a show that entertain without stupifying.

Why was it canceled? No matter how hard I try I can't figure out how these TV-executives think. If they do at all. I suspect sometimes that they are merely instinctive beings.

But experts and executives aside, don't be stupid, don't miss out on the Eleventh Hour.

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