
IMDb member since November 2010
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    13 years


The Souvenir

The Most Boring 2 Hours Of Cinema
I live in Taiwan which is a member of several European Film Festivals during the year. The most viewed ones usually go into a general release.How this one passed is beyond my understanding.The story was trite,the acting was lifeless, including one of my favorite actors Tilda Swinton. Add to this that art cinemas in Taiwan do not have popcorn or any other snacks and I felt like an addict going cold turkey.The 1 star rating is for it finally ending.

It Chapter Two

I was filled with anticipation about a sequel never forgetting the original. Despite the running time I was hoping for a great afternoon of cinema but by the end I couldn't wait to leave.What started out as "hey this will be a great follow up about the kids lives "turned into a schlock horror scifi with grade D CGI and an ending I still don't understand.Will not delve into all the reasons as they will be a spoiler.

Juo ren mi mi

A Waste Of 102 Minutes Of Film And My Time
The movie was one of the worst pieces of trash I have ever watched in the history of Taiwanese cinema. Not only was it degrading for women in the audience but as a man, I was embarrassed for my friends that I invited to watch it with me. I was ready to walk out of the cinema but my friends asked me to stay. I apologized to them many times over and insisted on treating them to lunch and dinner.


Being a longtime fan of EJ I was filled with anticipation to see this film.The actors who played different characters in EJ's life were good with the lead being exceptional.The production was dated and reminded me of the retro musical films of the 70's and 80's where background actors would break into a song and dance like a Greek Chorus confirming what the lead actor was singing about.


I am a longtime fan of Nichole Kidman and always enjoy the fact that she takes chances on films either mainstream or independent playing a cross section of diverse characters.After 30 minutes into this film I felt dirty and by the ending needed a shower.All the male characters looked the same with grungy beards and staches that I couldn't tell who was who while the female characters with the exception of Kidman were just sleazy window dressing.Wished they would all die of an overdose so I could have left sooner than the painful 2+hours.

Blue Night

Death & The City
90 minutes of my life wasted watching SJP walk around NYC in her Louboutins and Manolos.I was hoping her character would die so I could of watched a real movie.

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