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The Forgiven

So and so..
The sad thing is that the world mostly consists of these shallow, little people who are buried in their own pettiness and cruelty and think that they hold the world inside their small feasts and despite their prestigious schooling and affluence, they remain small minded and uneducated.

Ralf Feines is the best thing that happened to this film, great support also by Ismael Kanater and Matt Smith. I can't say the same though about the flat Jessica Chastain and Christopher Abbott. Very good cinematography, amateuristic direction. All in all, this had the prospects of being really good but lacked in the details.


1883 and 1923 were solid a 8 if not more! They were westerns with a capital W! This one is a soap opera of the west and if it weren't for the actors and the cinematography, it would go straight in the trash bin! I am sorry to be so harsh with other people's work but as a viewer, I am entitled to my opinion! If this is how state of affairs is really down there, then I thank the Lord I am where I am. Anyway, I hope it gets better in the final seasons because there isn't much really worth watching. I am looking forward to 1923 second season and I really hope they keep up the great work with that one at least!!

The Night Agent

Same old, same old!! This had nothing different to offer than the hundreds of action films and series of its kind! It is characterised by many as a great espionage thriller series but I have to disagree. There are few plot holes here and there and the acting is just..decent, nothing special. Believe me, there aren't any surprises and no thrilling moments. I guess, it's an OK watch if you our out of any other options.

If you are really looking for a remarkable series of this kind and still haven't watched it, search for " The Americans ". Real suspense and superb acting. You will not be disappointed!

Single's Inferno

Super Ficial
Well, I watched this to practice my Korean but I am sad to say that people are superficial everywhere in this world!

Well, here is hoping for a better one..

Hotel Portofino

This was really good!
I am looking forward to a second season in 2023!! Even if the plot wasn't that intricate, the cinematography and the people surrounding this series make it exciting and fun to watch. It surely needed a couple more episodes to make it more well rounded but I hope a next season will make up for it!!

Can't wait for more adventure!


I am not a mother and I don't know if I'll ever be one but if any parents out there are reading this please support and love your children no matter what!! When a person is happy and loved does it really matter who they love?? And PLEASE teach your children that too. This era of hatred of anyone and anything different must end and who better to do it if not us? Hatred is not hereditary but unfortunately it can be passed on from generation to generation! And by the way, even if I don't like labeling myself I am going to make an exception this time and say that I am straight,only doing so not because I belong to LBGTQ community, I don't, but because I am a teacher. And love can be taught too.

In from the Cold

It was nice!
This of course was not "The Americans " which in my opinion is at the top of the series of its type but it was nice. Some plot holes of course and a bit lighter on the acting but it gets you through a rainy weekend in a good way..


Watch it!!!
For review and recommendation see the title above..

Luna Park

It was nice!!
I loved the era, the ambiance, the cinematography, the actors and I would love a second season!!

Outer Banks

For laughs!!
I know this series is supposed to be watched by teens but come on!!!

Give them some credit!! The script is for laughs!! I won't comment on the acting because it's influenced by a lot of factors, the most important being the director and the you can guess where I am going with this.. If season 1 was at best mediocre, season 2 is for the waste basket..

Sexy Beasts

It was a good concept but the contestants were shallower than a tea spoon full of water.. They chose good looking people, well most of the times anyway, but did you really pay attention to their personalities when interviewing them??? Booooooring!


Emmas unite!!
Two of my favorite actresses in once again extraordinary performances!!

This is a must watch, especially for the fans of the classic novel or the previous films! I hope there is a sequel to connect us to the character we truly love to hate and hate to love, that is Cruella De Vil.

The One

The concept was really great!! I loved the idea BUT the delivery and the script is a huge no!! They made it seem a bit soap-opery!! Not my cup of tea anyway!!

On the positive side, fashionwise, everything Hannah Ware is wearing on this show, I want to have! One of the best dressed leading ladies in a series!! Kudos to the costume designer..😊

Miss Scarlet & the Duke

I really loved this series!! I am looking forward to the second season! Come on guys, chop chop.. 😊

Tell Me a Story

And as this year ends, I know we still have 18 more days to go, I came upon this series which I thought interesting reading a little bit about the plot. But I have to say, that it was the worst series I've seen this year. So many holes in the plot/script I could use this as a strainer for my pasta!! Don't waste your time..

All Creatures Great & Small

Season two!
This series surprised me in a good way so I would definitely like to watch a second season!! I am looking forward to it!

Enola Holmes

A series maybe??
I won't say anything more than that I enjoyed this very much, I found it old but fresh at the same time and I want more of it really soon!!!

Malory Towers

This was great!!I am hoping for a come back next year or in this case next term!!

Love Wedding Repeat

Wanna laugh?
I don't know why the ratings are so low...I am not a comedy fan and to tell you the truth I find most of the recent comedies a sham!! Something has to be really funny for me to enjoy but this is subjective as people have different kinds of humor.. Anyway, in my opinion this is definitely worth watching and it will put you in a good mood since we all desperately need that due to current events! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did..

The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

We want a sequel!
This film deserves a sequel!! It was slowly recognized that is why they decided to leave it at that but I think that the people saw it for what it is eventually!! So get on it people!! We need, nay, we demand a sequel!!


Fourth season!
We absolutely need a fourth season or TV film!!! You can't leave it at that people!!! Overall, this was lovely and I recommend it to all the period drama lovers!!!


If this was labelled as a parody, I would be lenient.. This was absolutely ridiculous! Some of the actors try to lift it up but the main ones..what a laugh! And I was looking so forward to a good adaptation of this story!! Don't waste your time!! Watch something else!

Vienna Blood

I started watching this show with no expectations, I don't know why! But after the first episode I caught myself searching for the possible announcement of a second season! Having completed all three episodes, I really hope there will be more!


If this was labelled as a parody, I would be lenient.. This was absolutely ridiculous! Some of the actors try to lift it up but the main ones..what a laugh! And I was looking so forward to a good adaptation of this story!! Don't waste your time!! Watch something else!

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