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Ted Lasso

8/10 for Season 1, 1/10 for Season 2.
This is another show that shot to fame with a good first season, and then tanked in the next. They should have just ended it at the first season. First season was genuine fun with no restriction on any 'themes'. With second season, right from the first episode, it is evident that they had an underlying bias towards so many modern topics, and they introduced such themes. It felt 'forced' - like introducing the therapy thing. It ruined the whole show. I won't be watching any further season of this - they shouldn't make more of it.


Should have been a miniseries with only 1 season.
I loved the first season. Every episode was exceptional, the story-base was stable, characters well developed, spectacular locations and good music. First two episodes into the second season, it feels like a genuine continuation of everything good from the first season. Episode 3 onwards, it's a complete U-turn! The rapid pace of the story stops, and a lot of filler-characters and filler-stories are introduced. At episode 5, I have lost interest in the series already - that's how bad it is. I hope they just end the series with the second season and conclude it. Season 2 of 'See' makes Game of Thrones season 8 look like a masterpiece.

Wrath of Man

It's a JASON STATHAM movie!
It's a straight up action movie. No thriller. No mystery. Just an u complicated good old action movie that doesn't try desperately to trick you. It's the classic Jason shooting & beating people up. Good story. If you expect Sherlock level desperate-mystery, it's your fault. I love complicated story based movies, but I knew what this was gonna be and I just wanted a refreshing plain action movie - and that's what I got.


Everyone's life doesn't need to be turned into a movie.
Bollywood is obsessed with making biopics of everyone - and they don't even get it right! The acting, directing, cinematography, music score; nothing went right with this one.

Stop the trend of making biopics of every sportsperson in India. Not everything needs to be made into a movie.


People who like this show have terrible taste.
It's easier to go through Sayeed's 'knife-through-nail' torture than this series. I have no idea why I went through the first season, but I kept going since it had good ratings and reviews. The season had 25 episodes. If you honestly think about it, it had content to fill only about 5 episodes, if it weren't for all the useless flashbacks and unnecessary storylines. The desperate attempt to mislead the viewers by the 'Frenchwoman' Roussou by addressing some people as 'The Others' and nobody asks her who they are? Second season was worse. I got through 8 episodes in second season and called it quits. They brought in a whole different storyline of more survivors from the plane. Barely anybody on the show can act, besides 'John Locke'. To make it worse, they added Michelle Williams who still plays her role as though she's still playing 'Letty" from Fast & the Furious. The story goes nowhere. After 30+ episodes, it's still the same mysterious show which falsely makes you believe there's some big mystery about to unfold. I've sat through several bad shows, but the best thing is that they end with a few episodes. This show has 20+ episodes in a season. It's torture! How can people like this? I'll wait for all those 10 star raters to downvote my review now, thanks!

Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl

Storywriting supersedes the truth; terrible acting by the lead.
I was looking forward to this movie, but I was left extremely disappointed in the end. The story writers have replaced the truth with dramatic incidents. What's more disheartening was the terrible acting by Janhvi Kapoor. I would never recommend anyone to watch this movie.

Mr. Robot

360 degree story - Goes in all directions.
This show does not know where to go. Each episode was chaos; totally different annoying storyline. Even the irrelevant storylines get followed into a whole episode. I tried so hard to keep going due to the high ratings. But, alas, this is not a show for sensible people.

Stranger Things

Watch Season 1; S2 is a repeat.
The first season was very good. Season 2 lacked a good story, and it was almost the same as the first season, with a few character developments who were in S1, and a few new characters. Not much to watch in S2.

X-Men: Dark Phoenix

They killed the essence
I used to love the series. But, whoa, did they take a terrible turn. Both at storywriting and casting. My gosh, it's unbelievable how badly they messed it all up.

Escape Room

Saw+Cube+Fermat's Room
If you've seen the three movies mentioned in the title of my review, you can be sure that this movie is a cheaper version of a blend of all those.

Black Mirror: Bandersnatch

Waste of time
1. Average story. And they take too long to introduce the concept into the movie. Even after introduction, they don't develop it properly.

2. Average acting by the lead actor, and subpar acting by everyone else.

3. Terrible choice of music throughout. There's a sense of 'hurry' induced by the music even when not necessary.

4. Cinematography is average.

Overall, this is a subpar movie and I have no idea how people are rating this anything more than 3 stars.


U-Turn after Season 1.
The first season of this show is one of the BEST Sci-Fi TV series. It has a great story, skilled actors, exceptional music and beautiful cinematography. This 'was' one of my favourite TV shows. My wait for the second season was long, and after watching it, I was supremely disappointed. While all other factors remain unchanged, or, in some cases have become better, the story has taken a U-Turn. The second season no longer made sense. The grippy-story that the first season commanded cannot be compared with the second. Too many new characters were introduced, and too many stories intertwined, all leading to a chaotic mix of stories. Even upto the seventh episode, new stories are brought in, which, at that point, the viewer realises that the ending is going to be rushed or concluded badly. This has been one of the biggest disappointments in TV shows. However, I would still recommend people to watch the first season (only) of this show, and just let it go after that. That's how good the first season was.

These violent delights have violent ends. ~William Shakespeare

House of Cards

The series ended with Spacey's departure
This is one of the best shows; excellent story, good script, exceptional acting by everyone, and good cinematography. The fifth season was a bit slow, but, what's disappointing is Spacey's departure (removal, rather) from the show. No matter how good the others were, Spacey is what made this show perfect. Without him, there is no way the show can survive. The series has ended for me.

Stranger Things

Watch Season 1; S2 is a repeat.
The first season was very good. Season 2 lacked a good story, and it was almost the same as the first season, with a few character developments who were in S1, and a few new characters. Not much to watch in S2.

Game Night

Wasted cast and empty plot
A full review isn't even worth it for this movie. Skip it.

A Cure for Wellness

Terrible movie - besides cinematography
I just finished watching this movie. I'm too frustrated to review this completely. In one word: Skip! Don't watch this movie. How is this a thriller, when, 85% of the movie, the story never moves, and the last 15% of the story, something totally unpredictable happens? A good thriller builds up the story slowly and makes you keep guessing throughout. This movie doesn't do anything like that. You will be shown beautiful places throughout the movie, and in the end, something which you didn't expect happens, and BAM!

The Shining

WORST movie I ever saw!! Do not watch!
This is the MOST overrated movie of all time! How does one call this a 'Horror' movie? There is absolutely nothing scary in this, and the story is SO boring. This is definitely the most boring movie I ever saw. I read the reviews, and the high ratings that had been given and watched this movie with great interest. What a waste of my precious time! Sleeping would've been better than watching this s*itty movie. Advice; this is NOT a 'Horror' movie at all. Don't waste your time watching this boring movie. I'm a fan of Jack Nicholson's great acting, and he does act amazingly in this. But the story is boring, total waste of time. Do NOT watch! I've never written a review on IMDb before. I was so irritated with this movie, so here goes my first review. Save yourself, get away from this movie!

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